2016 Rumour Dates?

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Yeah, I take everything with a grain of salt. But still, I'm going to hold off a while before making my October vacation plans, just in case. ;)

I'm going out last weekend of September first weekend of October.

So confirmed rumour - U2 will play New York last weekend of September first weekend of October. To be announced week after I buy my plane tickets.
I thank U2 for taking some time off between legs, to enable me to see my other favorites (pretty much all of them are doing at least a few shows this winter/spring/summer), and then picking up again afterwards. ;) Actually find it interesting that they are all coming out for shows, only to mostly retreat again for the fall most probably, wonder if they coordinate. ;)
The Stones have 4 shows left in S.A ends 17th March in Mexico they are bound to add more shows world wide.

Looks like the Stones in Cuba is all go 25th March and they say its FREE...!!!!
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Well the concert may be FREE, but I'm sure the Stones are being well paid by SOMEBODY. Be it the Cuban government, or a group of investor's looking to profit somehow from the concert. A major concert like this brings a lot of money into the local economy, and this will be a big deal since it's essentially the first major rock concert in Cuba. Still, very good news for everybody involved!!

Rumors are that the Stones might tour North America in the 2nd half of the summer. They just tour in small bursts the last few 4 years, rather than embark on a 2 year long tour each time. Good plan for their age, I think.
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Well the concert may be FREE, but I'm sure the Stones are being well paid by SOMEBODY. Be it the Cuban government, or a group of investor's looking to profit somehow from the concert. A major concert like this brings a lot of money into the local economy, and this will be a big deal since it's essentially the first major rock concert in Cuba. Still, very good news for everybody involved!!

Rumors are that the Stones might tour North America in the 2nd half of the summer. They just tour in small bursts the last few 4 years, rather than embark on a 2 year long tour each time. Good plan for their age, I think.

Yes well said & no doubt they will be here in UK for few shows as well
I had the 'pleasure' of a quick chat with Guy Oseary at the Madonna show here in Brisbane a couple of nights back. He said U2 will be in Australia "the same time next year". So March 2017 - which lines up with many earlier predictions.
No idea - he was extremely disinterested in talking to anyone. He was trolling for that night's 'Unapologetic Bitch' to be dragged on stage during the show and I did not fit the mold for that job thankfully.

I heard someone ask him about Kylie coming to the show and he just walked off lol.

I'm guessing the huge outcry at Madonna's 3+ hour tardy start to her show and the fact she had only sold 2/3rds of a 13,000 seat arena were the priority issue at the time :angry:
:lol: I can imagine his frustration, pretty mysterious as to why she keeps going on stage so late. I also had to wait 3 hours a few months ago (both nights), but I thought it was definitely worth the wait.

Hopefully U2 release that album and restart the tour before the end of the year. But knowing them, I wouldn't be surprised if they just delayed it until next year.
The venue staff said she arrived at 7:30 yet didn't go on until 11:20pm.

I'm assuming she is enjoying a few hours of x-boxing prior to performing for the 8,000 paying attendees already inconvenienced by moving the concert days from the weekend to midweek. Priorities and all. It's been 23 years! Start the show at 4am! They are used to waiting! :shifty:

As for U2 - surely they wouldn't give up a summer/autumn touring window if it is at all feasible for them to go on the road. Then again they could do a quick pre-xmas run through Sth Africa/America and then Australia/NZ/Asia (Madonna playing so many Asian dates to great success may help Guy talk U2 into finally popping back to HK etc). Then on to Nth America/Europe?
Wow that's ridiculously late... how do people get home after the show? o_O here shows have to end at 11-11.30pm because otherwise they'll miss their last trains to get back to the outskirts of the country.
The venue staff said she arrived at 7:30 yet didn't go on until 11:20pm.

I'm assuming she is enjoying a few hours of x-boxing prior to performing for the 8,000 paying attendees already inconvenienced by moving the concert days from the weekend to midweek. Priorities and all. It's been 23 years! Start the show at 4am! They are used to waiting! :shifty:

Maybe she has been taking Axl Rose home correspondence classes.
When I saw her at MSG in 2012, she didn't go on until after 11, so her lateness now is nothing new! She does seem to be a bit erratic lately though. A U2 tour in comparison must be a vacation for Guy.
Wow that's ridiculously late... how do people get home after the show? o_O here shows have to end at 11-11.30pm because otherwise they'll miss their last trains to get back to the outskirts of the country.

The last train left the nearby station at 12:17am. Basically you were left to make your own way home. Thus a 45 minute taxi queue, getting home at 3:30am and $65 poorer.
Well done, chatting up Guy O. That's quite the source You have there. And hopeful.
Wow that's ridiculously late... how do people get home after the show? o_O here shows have to end at 11-11.30pm because otherwise they'll miss their last trains to get back to the outskirts of the country.

Some of them slept at the railway station until the first train of the next morning.
Some of them slept at the railway station until the first train of the next morning.

Yep. Some of the venue staff also offered people lifts home as well. As we were waiting for a cab one of the ushers came up to the taxi line and offered his spare car seats to anyone going to Ipswich and another heading South to Underwood... which were tremendously well received gestures. :heart:

Since she is filming the last two shows (tonight and tomorrow) in Sydney she'll probably be on time. Half empty arenas look bad on Bluray.
When I saw her at MSG in 2012, she didn't go on until after 11, so her lateness now is nothing new! She does seem to be a bit erratic lately though. A U2 tour in comparison must be a vacation for Guy.

Seriously, no joke! As far as I know, U2 have always come onstage at roughly the appropriate time. They respect their audience. They don't cancel shows, even if that means Bono has half a voice sometimes (Sarajevo, for example). They really are class acts, and should be looked at as an example of how to behave in that business.

I wonder just how involved Guy O is in U2's business. He seems to be up Madonna's ass all the time, and nowhere near U2. I'm sure she's a much more demanding client, but I feel like U2 would benefit from a more hands on manager. Like, I don't know.... Paul McGuinness!!
Haha, Adele got announced as one of the Glastonbury headliners. And people are throwing mud at her already. (pun intended)

They should be glad as she at least would be on time :giggle:
At the last Madonna tour, it was a given that she didn't come on until 10. Although a lot of people didn't know that, and why would they? I only knew because friends had seen her on the tour, and the local news even said something about it the day of the show.

I mean, it was still total bullshit, but I was glad I knew ahead of time. Sounds like this tour is about the same, but even worse.
Funny thing with Madonna is that she always used to start on time, I saw Confessions Tour mu!tiple times and every night she was bang on time, and prior tours ran to time as well. For reasons unknown over the last couple of tours she's started taking the piss with late starts. One of the reasons I skipped this tour was the late starts. I saw her in Edinburgh on the last tour and she knew when the curfew was and still didn't start on time- her solution was shorten the show

The MDNA tour DVD was filmed in Miami where she started so late half the audience had gone. Interesting that she couldn't sell tickets for some of the Australia showx

Thankfully U2 don't fleece their fanbase with high ticket prices, destroy their hits with pointless remixes and always start on time
Thankfully U2 don't fleece their fanbase with high ticket prices, destroy their hits with pointless remixes and always start on time

(In my opinion, this Madonna tour was better than the last two - she's onstage for 2.5 hours, very talkative and playful with the crowd, didn't "destroy" most of the old songs, and did something similar to U2's e-stage and played different songs every night. It was definitely worth going twice, just wish she started earlier. No reason to be starting a show at 11 PM on weekdays.)
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