16 November 2006 Adelaide AAMI Stadium

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
My 2 eldest daughters and their cousin are staying at The Lakes Resort the night before so they can get over there very early in the morning [6-7:00am]. Did hope to get rooms for the night of the gig as well [will be a bit of a nightmare getting out of there post gig], but they were all booked out weeks ago. My youngest daughter and I have reserved so lining up not an issue for us.

Did ask when we booked the room if their main bar [The 5th. quarter bar] would be staying open longer on the night of the gig...the reply was "they'd would be made not to...so yes they are"

For people getting there very early who may not be familiar with West Lakes [esp. people coming from interstate]:
AAMI Stadium is on one side of the West Lakes Mall Shopping Centre...The Lakes Resort is on the other. The mall has heaps of cafes and the like...some of these cafes have outdoors eating areas as well and several of them are on the same side as the stadium, along with Subway, Cold Rock, Spices [like Wok in a box]. There is also a Macca's right across the road from the stadium and a Hungry Jack's [ otherwise known as Burger King everywhere else in Oz] a bit further around from Macca's.

I want to go to the airport - all depends on work that day - i have a feeling i won't be able to get the monday off, as i'm having the friday-saturday off to go to the melbourne show, then trying to get tuesday off to line up all day too.
I'm not sure about camping out yet - depends on what the weather is like at the time. Also depends on if i can convince hubby to camp out with me.
The idea of spending the night before at the lakes is a good one - i might look into that, otherwise i'll have to be up very early - we live the other side of town.
:dancing: I'm so excited - can't wait:dancing:
uh, ill be lining up at least 2 nights beforehand.... group of 10.

my tip is that if you travel by car, dont park RIGHT NEXT to the stadium, park a bit further away, you may have to walk but you might be able to beat the traffic!
Well as i posted before ^ I am still going to this date, with a group of 6/7 and very much looking forward to it!!! :D :D

Hows the Thursday night turn out for everyone? I think it works better for me, but then I have to hoof it back to MElb for the Melbourne dates!!!

I think we're not going to camp, but just get there early morning 6am or something! :D
Does any Adelaide fans want a informal U2 gathering at Marion Bowland (Marion shopping centre). I usally go there on weekends wearing U2 tee shirt and select U2 vidoe clips on jukebox. This bowl centre has mirror ball, discolights, a bar, huge projected vidoe wall, t.vs, games and bowling. So if you are U2 Adelaide fan come to Marion bowland Friday or Saturday nights wearing something U2.

Also I will be lining up or camping at Football Park in November 2006. Zoo Jack Man ! Zoo T.V Adelaide boy.
camping out in nov.

I will camp out and if any one wants to email me about it email me at jackswalue@hotmail.com I don't know any people who like U2 and willing to camp out in November. I like to make Adelaide U2 fan friends.
were flying out from south africa for adelaide and sydney concerts. Wooohoooooo ( for the second time )
mart from south africa

You my hero Mart for flying from south africa to see U2 in Adelaide.
If you want to meet me please contact me. I be your Adelaide U2 fan friend! from zoo jack man.
I seek Adelaide female U2 friend!

Hi I am Shaun , Adelaide U2 fan aged 32. I seek a female friend who likes U2 and who lives in Adelaide. To just hang out, listen to U2, watch u2 dvds' and talk about u2 over coffee.
Any females out there like a male U2 friend contact me on jackswalue@hotmail.com
hello alll
long time since being in here!! Cass- howdy!! and Bono_Man you are married!! WOW!!

anyways I am going to the brisvegas gig and want to know where everyone is hooking up, I am having the day after the show off from work, so after the gig will be good for me!!

Hi shaun

you sound like just the guy im looking for!!

sad to say though im from melbourne..

all the best in your search, i still havent found what im looking for
u2 night in Rundle Mall

Hi all U2 fans of Adelaide. For the next six Friday nights up to the Adelaide U2 concert all Adelaide U2 fans should wear thier U2 tee shirts down Rundle Mall. Make some Noise and be U2 fans near malls balls and Borders bookshop. Make some banners and signs to create concert excitement. Maybe have U2 pub crawl in Adelaide and build the excitment for VERTIGO TOUR!
who is camping and lining up for Adelaide U2 gig!

Hi adelaide well respected U2 fans,
Who is lining up for General admission area. I can be there day before and start lining up all night? Any one like to line up with me and do U2 things.
Who is lining up for the Adelaide U2 gig

Hi Adelaide U2 fans. I can there a few days before hand to meet other U2 fans in the line up for General admission area. I like to line up all night and try meet the band. So what is happening for U2 in Adelaide? Where are all the Adelaide U2 fans.
Could someone help me with some transport arrangements. I'm doing a whistle stop tour and want to be sure I'm not wasting any time.

I'm getting the train in from Sydney arriving in the early afternoon of the show and will be leaving for KI the very next morning. My hotel is down on the Glenelg Jetty.

What's the best way of getting from Glenelg to the Stadium?

Thanks in advance!
glenelg to stadium

hi mate to get from Glenelg to the stadium is by Bus or by Taxi. The public bus is the cheapest way there or get a lift to the stadium with another U2 fan.

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