MLB 2024

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the merch for the London Games is, well, something....


@DaveC wanna go halfsies?


...who is that even made for?
Does it even mention anywhere it's for the London game? I can't imagine ever wearing that...the only time I've ever had another team name on any of my shirts is when it's for a playoff series. And on those it's VERY clear why there are two teams on it.
Does it even mention anywhere it's for the London game? I can't imagine ever wearing that...the only time I've ever had another team name on any of my shirts is when it's for a playoff series. And on those it's VERY clear why there are two teams on it.
Looks like it says "London Series" on the tag. Not on the shirt itself. Whoever designed this one may be looking for new employment next week.
the most ridiculous thing about all this is that the mockery on social media is actually going to make that shirt a best-seller. now people want to buy "that viral shirt".
they really had to make a huge wall behind home plate for these games and couldn't put a few seats back there? it looks like veteran's stadium or the skydome in 1993.
Sometimes half the fun is watching the people behind home plate. At Skydome I used to check out the employees making the drinks at their workstation behind home plate. it was very distracting. They got rid of all that with the recent renovations,
squeezing a playable baseball field into a stadium built for soccer is not an easy task. the first year there the scores were in the upper teens, so they had to adjust further.

i'm surprised they haven't tried doing this at a cricket ground, which would have more space.
Yes, I thought they did a pretty decent job. Definitely not easy. The missing seats behind home plate were a small price to pay, so to speak. Lol! I thought it was pretty cool watching MLB played in England.
There's a lot to process with Grimace. I'm sure we haven't seen the last of them. Is Grimace non-binary? When they throw out the next one, if the Mets win, things could get crazy.
The Cubs were momentarily in last. This is great.

(Had to edit my post because I forgot they won today, and the Pirates haven't played yet.)
I'm sure the Rangers can make a comeback here in the bottom of the 8th and ruin everything.
I'm sure the Rangers can make a comeback here in the bottom of the 9th and ruin everything.

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