Sphere #4 - 7 Oct Setlist Party

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these are pretty interesting to hear I won't lie, but I can only imagine people's complaints about them not playing the "full" versions of these

what comes next? SBS? or is that off limits?
The song that started it all for me... I heard this fucking guitar riff and that voice during a freaking infomerical... and I knew pride and U2... and found Rattle and Hum with it on it and assumed that was the right album... and here we are 30 plus years or more later...
I liked that version of Pride a lot actually. I'm all for them shaking these up - I was one of the few who liked the thematically appropriate SBS on the I&E tour

Angel of Harlem I don't ever get tired of honestly
these are pretty interesting to hear I won't lie, but I can only imagine people's complaints about them not playing the "full" versions of these

what comes next? SBS? or is that off limits?
All I want is you is one of my favorite songs and very meaningful to me . When they started playing it in the SOS style my reaction was... awesome, all I want is you
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Some of their best live work has always been these new takes on their songs... tweaks.. it's why we go to see them live!
okay I loved the MLK at the end there. that was overall a really cool change up

shame that segment was shorter though...could've used one more
Maybe a change coming later at the end of the show... I assume some song asking for Peace in the world... a Walk On...
I love hearing the audience gasp when hearing the first notes of a song. So cruel...falsetto is back.
I do kinda think the encore will change tonight. the night off will have gotten to them

would give anything for electric Desire to come in for Elevation..
What do we think are the chances they chickened out on Bad and then decided to ditch a full 4 TUF set for this (what would have been the 4th song I wonder)?

Either way it's hard to imagine that this was really their plan from the start to do 3 nights of RAH and then night 4 do a hodgepodge.

But exciting to see some changes nevertheless!
What is the song they play after the show is over, almost sounds like Bono...
I asked that yesterday. Even people in the stream chat were asking about the exit song. Someone's got to know.
It was great. Bono sounded amazing. Pride totally worked. I’ve been waiting to hear So Crule since I was 14 years old, which was a long, long time ago.

Would have died had they done Bad.

Really satisfying and the whole thing has huge potential to get better.

Gaga was there supposedly.

It’s the B Side of AB that makes it their best album.
Well it was about time there was a slight change to the turntable set! Glad you enjoyed it Irvine.
Has anyone figured out the mystery song that gets played over the in house sound system after the band ends the show?
Has anyone figured out the mystery song that gets played over the in house sound system after the band ends the show?

Not yet! It sounds like Bono to me doesn't it??? I tried Shazaam and it said Fuck ZZZooo

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