US Politics XXXVII: hiiiii Kevin, I’m your biggest fan!

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McCarthy had a chance to show that republicans are not okay with the racist, antidemocratic behavior of the worst of their caucus.

And without shock to anyone, he caved like the spineless weasel that he always has been. And showed exactly what Republicans actually stand for, which we already knew.
Giving power and praise to those who orchestrated an attack on the capital and democracy exactly two years after it happened

Still waiting on those indictments….
McCarthy had a chance to show that republicans are not okay with the racist, antidemocratic behavior of the worst of their caucus.

And without shock to anyone, he caved like the spineless weasel that he always has been. And showed exactly what Republicans actually stand for, which we already knew.

The irony is that if he hadn't caved to them previously, it wouldn't have taken this long to become speaker.
How long does Kevin last as Speaker ? Does he get thru the year ? January ?

See how it plays out but doesn’t look promising considering the actors involved

The Dems could have avoided the debt ceiling in the lame duck (or any time over the last two years) by setting the limit to some astronomical number

Instead they fear the optics

Yet if the US defaults a large portion of the country will blame them instead of the American Taliban.
No, but the US Justice system slow roll is empowering rest of the world.

When the “greatest” country on earth can’t keep its house clean, what kind of strength does that give other democratic governments?

I’ll be curious if Brazil [emoji1054] has swifter Justice than here.

Update: over 400 people arrested

On Jan 6th most, if not all of those who stormed the capital were allowed to go home

have no doubt that this IS the plan.

when they knew they couldn't win the election - they tried to rig it with voter suppression - fucking up the postal service when they knew large amounts of ballots would be mailed in due to the pandemic.

when they lose anyway, they tried to steal it.

they've been sitting around for 2 years waiting for the biden recession to come - and it hasn't come.

so they're going to take matters into their own hands and wreck the economy - all to please the glorious leader.

and when he's in jail - they'll still do it anyways.
It’s going to come down to the real owners of the country to go scare the shit out of the wackos again. Last time around they “merely” fucked w/our credit rating. Threatening a global economic crash is could bring the hammer down even harder.

have no doubt that this IS the plan.

when they knew they couldn't win the election - they tried to rig it with voter suppression - fucking up the postal service when they knew large amounts of ballots would be mailed in due to the pandemic.

when they lose anyway, they tried to steal it.

they've been sitting around for 2 years waiting for the biden recession to come - and it hasn't come.

so they're going to take matters into their own hands and wreck the economy - all to please the glorious leader.

and when he's in jail - they'll still do it anyways.

This is their only play. They know the Dems will cave, because the GQP absolutely will wreck the economy (USA & World) because it still potentially a win for them in regards to 2024

Considering they’re a death cult, they are perfectly happy with complete chaos as long as libs everywhere are owned and in pain
WASHINGTON — President Biden’s lawyers discovered “a small number” of classified documents in his former office at a Washington think tank last fall, the White House said on Monday, prompting the Justice Department to review the situation to determine how to proceed.

I'm sure the new House will approach this rationally.
No, it won’t be handled rationally. It’s going to be Biden’s “her emails”

For the next two years.

Fox News documentaries

It’s not a fair game. You cannot shame the Republicans anymore. Trump, Freedom Caucus, Santos, etc

Be curious to see if Dems respond to subpoenas from the House investigations
Diamond of Diamond and Silk — two conservative black women that certain FYM posters in the past would point to as proof that they and all other conservatives weren’t ever racist — has died.

You know of what already.

Yes, of course it was COVID.
well, they waited until after the speaker election - but it's something

The amount of dirt that's still to come from his lies has to be pretty substantial for him to resign. The GQP is shameless, but maybe there is a line?

And I agree with the attacks lately on power grids, transportation software, etc. Unknown about the latest one with the Airlines, but it seems we are being attacked domestically and from foreign.
FAA outage: Further delays to US flights expected after technical glitch

Normal air traffic operations are slowly resuming in the US after flights were halted on Wednesday, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said.

The disruption was due to "irregularities" in the system that alerts pilots to potential hazards on flight routes, officials said.

....As of Wednesday afternoon east coast time, more than 8,600 flights in and out of the US had been delayed and more than 1,200 were cancelled.

The technical issues marked the first time in nearly two decades that flights across the US were grounded.
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