Vulture: All 234 U2 Songs, Ranked From Worst to Best

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I can understand it - it was the song that got her hooked, and it's still one of their best live songs. I think the studio version is only the fourth or fifth best song on Boy, though.

Crazy Tonight is good except for the idiotic lyrics and that deranged singing. Stand Up Comedy is a musical disaster with idiotic lyrics. Or maybe I'm just not soul rockin' enough. American Soul has good music but the dumbest, Bono's turned some decent songs into steaming heaps of shit over the last few albums. Blackout is another good song ruined by words. I wouldn't put it at the bottom with those three, Bree, but it wouldn't be too far away, Clay.
Do we really think we can get the participation of 10+ people

Sure there’s much to interpret re: the rankings, but I was surprised how warm the vast majority of the write-ups are about each song, even if it’s ranked low. These lists are much more fun when written by someone who likes the band and this writer clearly likes U2.
Sure there’s much to interpret re: the rankings, but I was surprised how warm the vast majority of the write-ups are about each song, even if it’s ranked low. These lists are much more fun when written by someone who likes the band and this writer clearly likes U2.

The challenge in this scenario is always if the writer is being objective.

In artistic criticism there’s already a gray area with objectivity. It arguably doesn’t exist. It certainly isn’t there if someone derides or praises how much they do or don’t like something. The nuance is, to me, it should just be a statement about what positive or negative qualities exist. So… without some measure of quality, making a list is inherently biased.

In our U2 catalog survey, our measure of quality was head count opinion. Since there’s no way about avoiding qualitative assessment like that, sure, anyone who makes a list can just use opinion. But how, other than assignment against a quantitative value, can a list ever be anything other than an author’s opinion?

So back to the original point, I think an explanation on each song is a good thing. It’s at least providing the qualitative assessment.
Songs that should be much HIGHER on the list:
The Unforgettable Fire
Ground Beneath her Feet

Songs that should be MUC lower:
The hands that built America
Stand Up Comedy
The Showman

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