The Blacklist

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Yeah I liked Francesca, and it was obvious she was being tested by Red, but who doesn't like a spunky 4'11" Asian girl who suddenly becomes the offspring of Bruce Lee and The Tasmanian Devil.
I'll concede that that part of her character was awesome, you're right there. If we get more of that, so much the better.
That's what I liked about her, prior to that there wasn't anything particularly interesting going on just another possible unanswered question to drag on for months or years with the Alaska thing, but when she snapped it was like "Cool".
We're going to find out James Spader is his character from Less Than Zero and Jami Gertz and Bobby Downey Jr. (playing a ghost) will make guest spots to reprise their roles.

Makes as much sense as anything else they cook up.
I just can't get over the villain of the week plots the last two weeks. I don't think I've ever seen anything more insane on network television.
I hope the first happened while watching the season finale of The Blacklist.

OK, I want to be fair: Obviously, I work in the industry and COVID-19 is making its presence VERY known around town. There's a lot of people I care about out of work and I have been very blessed by the fact that I have retained my job throughout this crisis, and only had to suffer a paycut. I am VERY glad that the people who work on The Blacklist were able to continue to work a while longer by finding a unique way to complete this episode.

The problem is just the aesthetic they chose. I think it ended up being exactly what they wanted, and it's like...I just hate it so much. But forgiving that and congratulating them for pulling it off, this was THE worst episode of The Blacklist, and it would've been live action as well.

What is even happening on this show anymore? Last night I went and looked at the synopsis of each season and I couldn't believe the Cabal/Fulcrum stuff was resolved in SEASON TWO. Like...what have we been doing since then? Wasn't the whole point of this show, back then, about the Fulcrum? And whatever happened, why don't we ever see the wider world in the disarray it should be in, after so many world leaders were ousted as criminal conspirators?

So forgetting all that, OK, fine, so we're trying to figure out what Red has to do with Liz. So now I'm realizing we've been dragging that out for SEVEN full seasons. And even so, at the very least, at the end of each season, the finale has been enough, had enough tantalizing details to get me back for more.


SEVEN years and Liz turns her back on Red for her done-been-known duplicitous spy mother? What is this even? Threatening Dom after he comes out of a coma? WHAT?!

And then there's the music cues they used in this episode. Like, because they didn't have to film they had some budget so they spent it on the two most expensive songs they could think of and they didn't fit the vibe or tone of the show AT ALL. And I mean, my God, "Paint It, Black"? Really?!

And then the episode ends with Liz all like,


My God, it was terrible.
If I heard correctly, this wasn't supposed to be the finale, believe they had one more episode to film after this one, so I assume they shoehorned some of the cartoon stuff in with some different script than was initially intended for this episode, but man, dumpster fire doesn't quite describe it strongly enough.
And then the episode ends with Liz all like,


My God, it was terrible.

Yeah, why was she up on the roof of a building? How stupid was that. Was hoping she would jump off and put us out of our misery.

Dembe is the only character who isn't completely schizophrenic, so let's just have a spin-off with Dembe and Agent Park roaming the globe and beating people up and call it a day on Liz.
Yeah, why was she up on the roof of a building? How stupid was that. Was hoping she would jump off and put us out of our misery.

Dembe is the only character who isn't completely schizophrenic, so let's just have a spin-off with Dembe and Agent Park roaming the globe and beating people up and call it a day on Liz.

Now that they dropped the whole thing with Agent Park trying to be the moral voice, I can handle her. She can keep beating the shit out of people, that's fine.

So Travis was right, this wasn't the finale originally? That makes me feel better about suffering through one more season (please God, let it be only one more).
I love the way this show separates everything into "sides," like an 8 year old wrote it. Liz is either on Red's side or she's not! And they say it over and over, like she's pledging herself to a sorority or something. Like damn, way to wall off your show from any degree of subtlety or moral gradient.
To be fair.......not that the show has earned it.....but she did say...thought...whatever....that she couldn't handle being in the middle anymore and that's why she forced the issue of taking aside.
Howdy :wave:
I didn't follow The Blacklist super closely, but I liked it. Since I haven't had a working TV in ?10 months I've missed all the latest.

I'd like to humbly suggest a fantasticaly written, acted, and filmed show - with a wonderful original score along with great song choices (that has a certain kind of kinship with The Blacklist) called Person of Interest.

It's an techy SF show mostly filmed in NYC at first quietly wrapped up in a crime show, so it's a bit of a slow burn for some. And the crime fighting still happens but now all this other stuff emerges!!
The ensemble acting is awesome with the whole panoply of emotions and interactions.
It stars Jim Caviezal, Michael Emerson, Tareji P Henson, Kevin Chapman, Amy Acker, later Sara Shahi.
It was also precient about Snowden.

So c'mon I'm almost postive a few of you will really enjoy it! :) :up:
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I gotta catch up on the end of last season, but I'm here.....for some reason.
There is something critical from last season's finale you should see,
I've almost been spoiled by YouTube video notifications more times than I can count, to the point I'm starting to have suspicions.
Uh oh. Does the show get bad? I’m about 2 seasons in and love it.

It gets frustrating more than bad.
But once you think "I'm done with this show", they put together a decent stretch and keep you sucked in.
I've resigned myself to seeing it through to the end at this point, just wish they'd stop moving the goal posts.
Yeah, this is NOT the type of show that should've gone on for TEN seasons.

It feels like forever ago now, but if I recall, season 2 was great.
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