MLB 2020- Coronavirus Version

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Not a good look that Turner is out there hugging teammates and holding the trophy and taking his mask off after a freshly-announced positive Covid test.

I get it, they had been in the locker room and dugout and field with him all day and he's one of the longest tenured Dodgers but just feels wrong to me. And I was cheering for the Dodgers.

It was wrong.

If the rest of the team or his wife don't care? Ok, fine.

There were MLB staffers, Fox Sports employees and other journalists on the field. He put them all at risk of catching COVID.
Like...your team just won the World Series. You just had this wonderful thing happen to you, and you absolutely insist on celebrating it one way, even if it puts everyone else at risk? Pretty lame, Justin.
Congrats on the Red Sox for announcing Alex Cora on a Friday when literally nobody in the world could care.
Watching the Steve Cohen introductory press conference

Having followed the first 9 seasons of Cano's career, it's very disappointing to see him get suspended again for PED's. He did the Mets a 24 million dollar favor, though.
At this point the Padres should probably just sign Realmuto, Bauer, and Hendriks, right? Weird that the best two teams on paper will be in the same division.
Yep. They now have the smallest payroll in baseball. I really hope they suck for a long, long time.
RIP Tommy Lasorda.

93 isn't too bad.
Saw him as guest speaker at a BoSox club function many years ago (my buddy from high school's parents were season tix holders and club members so I got to tag along for a function), guy was a hilarious public speaker. Told a story about going to the race track with Steve Sax that had everyone in stitches.

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