Porcupine Tree

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Blue Crack Addict
Dec 6, 2004
in the darkness on the edge of town
Since the other thread is mostly outdated, it's time for a new thread to concentrate on the forthcoming Porcupine Tree album.


The album has leaked, but appears to be from multiple sources due to the sound quality varying from some of the tracks. Considering that the disc is out in a few weeks, a direct CD rip should be available anyday now.

Still, the current leak is quite listenable, and while I'll wait to hear the album in all its glory for a formal review, let me just say that this appears to be an incredible piece of work.

I like the title of this album so much that I just might think I'll check it out. :wink:

Really though, I liked In Absentia. This should be interesting.
This album is really bloody brilliant. The first three tracks in particular stand out to me as excellent. Some people are saying the hiss in Anesthetize might actually be deliberate as they don't think it sounds like tape hiss, so that'd be a little disappointing, but I honestly don't notice it that much. Hiss or no hiss, it warrants every second of its 17.5 minute length.
I just listened through the entire album while riding the tram and here's some thoughts:

1. The entire album is stunning. There doesn't seem to be a weak track. Wilson's singing is fantastic as usual and every second of each song is warranted.

2. Sentimental is one of the most beautiful PT tracks ever. Really gorgeous work.

3. Way Out Of Here really sets itself apart with some great guitar. It builds up nicely and you can feel something should be coming, and when it does come, it's even better than you expect. It seems to me to be a nice merger of PT's earlier atmospheric guitar style and the more recent metal influence.

4. My only concern is that it might become a bit lyrically outdated as time goes on. Parts are very reflective of the first decade of the 21st century. That said, I think it's done well enough that instead of seeming dated, it will be a vivid snapshot of a point in time.
A couple more thoughts:

5. DAMN, Gavin Harrison does a really, really nice job on the drums in Anesthetize, especially at the start. Larry Mullen, are you listening and taking notes? :wink:

6. Am I the only person who finds part of Way Out Of Here weird? It seems just a bit odd for someone such as Steven Wilson, who is turning forty this year, to be singing "I don't like the questions: how do you feel, how's it going in school?"
So the album popped up on the torrent sites and I got excited for a moment, until I realized that it was just the same leak that's been out now for a while.

There must not be many advanced promos of the album around, or we'd have seen a CD rip by now. The fact that there are no copies for sale on eBay yet would seem to confirm this.

I want to hear this album the way it's supposed to be.

Still no "proper" leak. Wow. It's only four days until the European release!

I desperately need a hiss-less version of Anesthetize. It has quickly become one of my very favourite PT songs.
I think you meant to post that comment on most of the other threads on this forum.

This is one of the few worthwhile pieces of music being discussed here.
Ding ding ding, we FINALLY have a proper leak!

I hope all of you have oink.me.uk memberships, because I can't help you. Though I'm sure it'll be all over other torrent sites soon enough too.
Yeah, it's on the torrent sites now, too.

As soon as I downloaded it and saw that My Ashes was the proper time, I knew we had a good one finally.

Can't wait to listen to it in the morning...
This new leak is beautiful, and I've listened to it a few times through now.

The album is fantastic all the way through, and the production is top notch. Initial thoughts:

Fear Of A Blank Planet - I love the opening, with the kid starting up the computer and going into the guitar riff. I agree that the lyrics here might become dated at some point - that's what happens when you mention technology by name (see Xbox). But overall, I love the storyline.

My Ashes - Beautiful piece of music with keyboards and acoustic guitar taking more of a role, harkening back to the days of Stupid Dream and Lightbulb Sun. A nice change of pace that nonetheless flows well.

Anesthetize - The crowning achievement of the album. The drum playing during the opening is excellent, slowly building up the momentum to the guitar solo by Alex Lifeson of Rush. Then, at about the 5 minute mark, the fuzzy guitars kick it into overdrive, leading into the main part of the song until it reaches a thunderous crescendo, probably the heaviest bit of music ever done by PT. But then it fades away into an awesome mellow section that sounds like it could have been from The Sky Moves Sideways. This track has pretty much everything you could ever want from a Porcupine Tree album. One of their best moments ever.

Sentimental - Gorgeous ballad that reminds me of Lazarus. A welcome respite from where we just came from. I love how the drums are playing in the background.

Way Out Of Here - Very atmospheric track with interesting vocals.

Sleeping Together - A refreshing change of pace to how PT has closed albums out in the past. I love the keyboard work here - quite unlike anything PT has ever done.

Overall, I am very impressed with this album. Steve Wilson is still running things here, of course, but I'm digging how Richard Barbieri and Gavin Harrison were able to stretch out - their playing on this disc is the strongest to date. The drums and keyboards are incredible.

Time to go back and listen again...

well i have heard 4 out of 6 songs ...with catch up with the other 2 in couple of days :)

Fear of a Blank Planet
Its like what "Blackest Eyes" was to In Absentia and the song "dead wings" was to album "dead wings". It has the metal touch to it. Best time to play - While driving car at 100kmph :)
( in india 100kmph is fast enough :wink: ) Lyrics about pornography - action lame and boring acting :up: - my best part

Way out of here
Start off with the Stupid Dream/ LS kind of ambience and finally ends with heavyish In-Absentia sound

My Ashes
My favorite song out of the four. I have become a hardcore fan of PT because of songs like "Feel so low", "collapse light", "heartattack in a " & this one....... Most beautiful song I have heard since long

You have to be a different kind of person to appreciate this - someone independent..someone who is never committed about anything...someone who has wasted his youth...his intelligence...his opportunities ..who no longer cares about anything... "Sentimental" hits you very hard...and now you no longer care...

I need Anesthetise & Sleeping

Judging by the radio-rips, this seems like a fine piece of work - especially Anesthetize, which may very well be the best track ever made by wilson.

And i just cant get the title track out of my mind, it's so catchy.

Does anyone have a link to the CD-rip? Torrents are blocked for me :(
Just burnt a copy of the album this morning...WOW is all I can say.
Like "In Absentia" and "Deadwing" I'm instantly hooked. These guys should be a supergroup - if this were the 70's they most definatley would be. When the album is finally released I'm buying a copy right away.
Well, it came out today, but the local store didn't have the deluxe version. I had been thinking about getting it even though it costs much more, but not having it made my decision easier.

So I got the basic CD, which has some pics of kids and stuff, but nothing really major. I'm still curious as to the packaging of the deluxe version.

Of course, the best thing is listening to this from disc for the first time. Anesthetize is just so incredible...even more so now.
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