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Okay, Fallon discussion thread is up but I am heading to bed. Enjoy, all you lovelies in westward time zones!
new video ?


ooooo :lol:
:wave: to 17 and Dazz.

And Domo down under!

:wave: Hi there , Dazz and Gg i know youre somewhere probably busy with uni and footie.
Just saw the awesone videos from fallon. Loved a couple of things:

Jimmy Fallon seems like a cool host. Did he do a water fight with Larry? :wink:

Drumband was awesone.
OL plus the roots was messy fun!
Yay for Edges backing vocals on that song too.
'D really appreciate it if someone could get me some screenshots of Edge in that Invisible clip.
I'm loving that jacket and wintery scarf+onehand glove.
I will do that. Hopefully getting my mac back today because screenshots on pc are a big PITA. Saw the songs but not the interview this morning. wooooooo. So exciting. I LOVED the OL performance, which I didn't expect. Couch was back, Adam on a big acoustic bass, and hooray for Edge in snug trousers! (Didn't I ask for turnups on the jeans a couple of months ago? Apparently the gods heard me on that one.)
:wink: Nah footy is thursday night again. I was at work today. About to watch the ice skating men's 10km. :lol: The Norse skaters have resigned in advance beccause they know they stand no chance.

Invisible was pretty awesome live, though I clearly heard a backing track it was nice to see Larry play both the electric and acoustic kit! And the extra drummers and glockenspiels were a nice touch too. :D
I was wondering if Edge used a looping pedal becuase it looked a bit like he was playing that first slide part It think it would be easy to do the whole song without backingtracks becuase the drumpads and loopingsystem would easily produce such a simple beat . But then again they only showed Edge and the Ad and Larry for about 3 miliseconds each shot.
Hard to see. Larry looked utterly bored playing the drum pads haha. Just taking in the view at the back. XD. SO HIM . Lovely.

Looking forward seeing those screenies.
Dunno what they where doing but it looks damn intresting to me if it has anything to do with that pic. :shifty: :drool:


Okay , ill shut up now.
Yes, and didn't they get a little patsy with each other in the interview? Yes please.

but that sofa was too darn big.
Weldy, if you click on that link and then open iTunes from the link within, it will take you to the song. :)

Belated thanks :hug:

I was just being a whiny jackass :reject:

In other news (I think)....I know I'm late to the party but I kinda like the acoustic version of Ordinary Love better than the regular verson. It's one of those versions (and/or songs in general) that calms me for some strange reason.

Ok I looked it up. That was the Sonny Bono Visionary Award in Palm Springs, CA. (which Edge was dressed up for. :wink: ) So that explains the fancy dress. Not the sitting on a crate pose though. :hmm:

Ok I looked it up. That was the Sonny Bono Visionary Award in Palm Springs, CA. (which Edge was dressed up for. :wink: ) So that explains the fancy dress. Not the sitting on a crate pose though. :hmm:

And the Bono wrapped around him. :wink: but we can all explain that one I guess...

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