PLEBA Misc News and Articles #8

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That's strange. The twitter link on the artist's page doesn't go anywhere and the original twitter link isn't working either. I would like to know if this is really the same person because from what I saw I'd say the guy who posted about meeting Larry was almost definitely someone involved in sports :hmm:
For me, the most interesting part was that he deleted the tweet. I don't know if he received a lot of replies, or if someone told him to delete it.

If it was the second part, I'm starting to get (more) excited about upcoming news...

I research in google too, and I found the same results. This guy is a mystery to me... I don't know if he is a personal trainer, a physical therapist....

Or he does something that Larry would be embarrassed if someone knew about it... Who knows...
It's 100% fake. Already confirmed by the person posting that. In Everything You Know Is Wrong there's a topic for album speculation. Shall we try to keep it to the facts here? :) Don't want to get people all happy when it's all typical pre album unconfirmed bull.
No worries, as long as people realise it's fake it's good. Otherwise they might think it's real and get all happy for nothing.

The next couple of months will likely be filled with jokes like this. :crack:
:wink: I know, I could actually replace the pic with something else completely. :evil:

But really I don't care too much. It's an old account that I've been considering deleting eventually anyway, and it isn't hurting anything by them using it so it's ok.

I was actually originally commenting on the fact that they wanted to use a pretty poorly scanned photo on what seems to be a decent interview. I just would think they would want a better quality photo is all.
:wink: I know, I could actually replace the pic with something else completely. :evil:

But really I don't care too much. It's an old account that I've been considering deleting eventually anyway, and it isn't hurting anything by them using it so it's ok.

I was actually originally commenting on the fact that they wanted to use a pretty poorly scanned photo on what seems to be a decent interview. I just would think they would want a better quality photo is all.

Replace it with the rattler photo! :lol:
U2 frontman Bono and wife Ali Hewson hit French Riviera with band drummer Larry Mullen Jr. and friends | Mail Online

I'm not positive that is really Ali. There's another picture of Ali in orange and this woman is walking behind them.
I'm not positive that is really Ali. There's another picture of Ali in orange and this woman is walking behind them.

Yes you're right! I don't know who that woman in the white dress is but she certainly isn't Ali!? :huh: Ali was wearing a short loose sundress in a similar shade as Bono's long sleeved shirt!
Look over in the Misc. Pictures thread and you'll see Ali. She was there, but that's not her. It looked like they were loading off a jetty onto a boat or something.
That pic is an old one of Cat but that woman with them is definitely not. And of course, not Ali either.

I first thought she must be Iovine's friend, but I remember seeing he's been seen with young hotties since his divorce....but this is an attractive older woman, so who knows...

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