LP13 - It all comes down to this...

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Registered Dude

Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Aug 11, 2008
Predicting we'll know whether or not we get an album this year before this thread's through...

Latest news/rumors:
- Band may be working on a video, according to an August 11 tweet from ConceptK.. some sort of production design company
- fansite U2Valencia is cryptically saying stuff about U2 and volcanos
- Mark Romanek (Invisible director) has been in Dublin taking cool U2-ey photos. But maybe he's just on vacation
- Gvox hears ominous rumblings that he can't comment on, but that aren't positive
- Matt McGee at atu2.com contacted a Universal rep, who claims that a U2 album is expected "this year"
- on August 8th, an article in the Independant said:

Meanwhile, U2 fans will be disappointed to hear that the release date of the band's upcoming album is likely to be pushed back after songs were leaked last month.

- but then on August 9 the Irish Times cites an insider source in a new article, claiming

But a music industry source now predicts that there’ll be a “single in September, album September-October, tour announced December, first date April next year.
“The album has been actually been finished for a few months, but a decision was taken not to release during the summer months because of holidays etc. There was one last, frantic scramble earlier this year to get a big single, so they got Adele’s writer-producer, Paul Epworth, into the studio.”
The band are understood to have signed off on the album and tour schedule, but they have had last-minute changes of mind before.


it is believed the band will release it with little of the fanfare usually associated with a new U2 album.

- lastly, someone at another forum said this:

I have spent the last few weeks down the beach in the South of France and a few of my mates in the know, were able to point out to me Bono's house. We stood there and listened to him play the album or at least a couple of songs from the Album. It took a little getting used to. The song Song for someone sounded pretty good and could be a single, I think. At first you think it is going to be a nice meandering little song but It has a nice movement in the song where the music comes round on itself and the Edge ramps it up about half way. There was another couple of songs, might have been the song Sirens but it was quite rock n roll, punk and frantic which I liked.

Bono is quite the narcissistic overdoer when it comes to his own music. Why play it on the beach so everyone can hear it when you want to keep it top secret? He deserves what he gets if someone tapes it and it turns up on a website somewhere.
LP13: Let's all rampantly speculate on each tiny sliver of [strike]news[/strike] hope

Carry on. Highlights from the last thread:

A group called Concept K tweeted that they are filming a video clip for U2 in Nice.

Matt with @U2 spoke with a Universal representative, who stated that the album would be out this year.

However, some who may have, or at least claim to have, some degree of inside information have made somewhat vague negative claims.

That's about it.
Oh, this thread was made while mine was in production. Mine should be sent to the gallows.

Looks like Anton will be doing more black and white photography for the album sleeve based off of this image one of my sources provided me......... As of right now nothing is final and the fact that Anton snapped this pic doesn't really mean it could be used for the album artwork, so lets just keep it as a confirmed rumor right now guys.
So, anyone think there's a chance in hell that an industrious fan(s) will be able to track down the location of the shoot? Any pics or audio clips would be so very cool...
The pictured coliseum is in Nimes or Arles, not Nice, about a 3hr drive away so they're not going all Floyd.
I doubt they would film on the beach in Nice as It's hard enough just to stand up on it, so no beach clip :wink:
the old town area, Mt Boron and the park (which overlooks Nice) are possible areas.

Best bet is ConceptK just flew into Nice and met the band in Eze, so their tweet is not entirely accurate

I'm in Nice next week. I'll ask a local barman:lol:
so, assuming they are shooting a video, we'll hear a new song before the Grammy cutoff. that's neat.
I check this Interference every day, usually twice a day. Every time I check it, nothing has happened, and it's just ridiculous arguments. The ONE day I don't look things something happens outside of fans speculating. I'm skeptic, but 'm starting to believe 2014

I check this Interference every day, usually twice a day. Every time I check it, nothing has happened, and it's just ridiculous arguments. The ONE day I don't look things something happens outside of fans speculating. I'm skeptic, but 'm starting to believe 2014


I reckon i check this app/forum at least every hour ( that im awake anyway) for new news. Its become the first thing i do on a morning

Yes im obsessed!
Rumor has it that the single will sound just like GOYB but that it was technically a Vertigo rewrite not a GOYB rewrite.

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Hope there is more info on this tomorrow. .....And an announcement on u2.com....?

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My gut says 13:30 london time on thursday 14 aug we will hear something

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13:31 14 aug you are gonna hate my guts

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