Where are you from?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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My home doesn't exist anymore technically. I was born and raised in the Panama Canal Zone when it was a US territory.
I have dual citizenship and have lived in the US for the past 25 yrs most of the time in Washington State where my parents retired.
If a Democrat doesn't win the White House in the fall I may just go back to Panama! hahaha!! Just kidding.
Hello, U2 fans all over the world!
I'm from Romania (I guess most people know it better as "Dracula's country"), and lived all my life in a little, quiet town near the mountains called Ramnicu Valcea.
Moje meno je Moutnain Dew Man alebo MDM pre krátky. I krupobitie z krajiny vesmírne Moon: The Moon vo vesmíre. Dúfam, že sa oslavuje hudbou U2 s vami.

Wishing everybody a very happy outstanding great new U2 year from the Netherlands!
Shropshire, England.

"Hell" as we like to call it :D

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