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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Hi everyone :wave: I'm from the UK and I've been a U2 fan since 1987 when I was kindly introduced to Sunday Bloody Sunday, Seconds and New Years Day by a friend at school, I was hooked pretty much straight away and have been ever since.

I've been visiting the site for a while and thought that it was a perfect time to join and get involved just as the madness is cranking up again for an album release and tour to follow, these are exciting times!

So a big :hug: to everyone and please be kind to me on the site as I'm new:D
Hi, am loralayn, I live in London, am 33, am a big U2 fan since 1985.
I like this forum, and I hope to find nice people to share my love for the band with.
Any questions just ask.
Happy to answer and to tell more about myself. :wave:
Hey! I just joined a few hours ago. I'm 17, been a U2 fan for a few years now. I first really listened to them when I was going through a box of my dad's CDs and found Rattle and Hum, and thought the cover looked cool. (Obviously I had heard of U2 before, but never listened to them.) Anyway, I fell in love with them, ran to the closest used book store, bought all their CDs I could find, and never looked back.

Anyway, I'm from Texas, and early awaiting the chance to see the babes live when they go on tour soon. :love:
Hi everybody, really nice to be with you guys now. Hope we gonna share a lot of special U2 moments.
I am a fan since TuF and will not stop listening. Cheers from Germany.

Sent from my iPad
Hi everyone. greetings from Birmingham. I'm a fan since rattle and hum. Married a u2 girl and have 4 u2-fan children.
Hello from Atlanta!

Hi! I suppose I'll introduce myself - been a lurker for years and years, and I guess I should get involved! U2 have been my love since I first heard With or Without You as a child in 1987. I've grown up with the boys and gone to many, many shows, bought all the things, went on pilgrimage to Dublin, and just generally been in love. WOWY is still my favorite song, and I consider all everything since then as gifts. And speaking of gifts, I credit U2 and Bono in particular with helping me to come to know Jesus - I owe so much to this relationship!
Happy to meet all of you!
Hello new commers. :) I have a couple of questions regarding from the interference app. How do I sync up photobucket with the app or if there is a such thing? Also, where do I show off my beautiful face to y'all? I know I've seen that thread somewhere I can't remember which one it is. :)
Hi I'm LW
I'm from Blenhiem, New Zealand
My favourite member of U2 is Adam
My favorite U2 songs are Pride and Stuck in a moment
I play guitar, bass, ukulele, piano, harmonica, and vocals.
My favorite colors are Yellow and silver

PopTart is Bae. My preshuss *protective hug*
Hi I'm LW
I'm from Blenhiem, New Zealand
My favourite member of U2 is Adam
My favorite U2 songs are Pride and Stuck in a moment
I play guitar, bass, ukulele, piano, harmonica, and vocals.
My favorite colors are Yellow and silver

PopTart is Bae. My preshuss *protective hug*

Welcome! WOW! You play a lot of instruments!
Welcome! WOW! You play a lot of instruments!

I play a lot but my friend plays even more. "I know how to play, bass guitar, drums, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bongo drums, piano, keyboard, synthesizer, turntables, 12-string acoustic guitar, harmonica, Triangle, cowbell, banjo, indian/native american flute, and alto saxophone, and some bagpipe," its actually scary xD

PopTart is Bae. My preshuss *protective hug*
Hello! I'm new here, so I thought I would drop in and introduce myself. :wave:

Anyway, I'm Susan and I love U2. My favorite member is Bono (even though I love all of them so much). I also really like rock in general and I play guitar.

That's about it, haha.
Hey all. Long time lurker, decided to finally register. Been listening to U2 since '91 when I was 12. Had a little love/hate with the band when ATYCLB came out, but we reconciled and now I'm back to throwing money at the band. I will be at a couple of the LA shows. Excited!
Hey hey, two newbies here :wave: (well not as fans, just on forum :)
We're twins from sLOVEnia. We've been fans since our brother got JT as a bday present 20 years ago and became fanatics 3 years later.
Beside our passion for U2 :heart::heart::heart:, we are singers, runners, proud aunties...
Hello there! My name is Michelle,
and I joined about two months ago.
my favorite members of U2 are Bono and Edge.
I love to draw!
Hello fellow U2'ers (you're entitled to cringe :p). Have been aware of the band for some time but only recently began to take a large huge interest in them in the past year and a half or so. Took the time to listen to both Boy and War and the rest was history. Used to lurk around the forum site from time to time as a non member but thought it would be best to sign up and introduce myself :). Currently an engineering student beginning to plan out my road to success in my life (feeling really confident about it, as well!). Living in the land of dragons and sheep (Wales for non UK and Ireland members....), and really close to where Edge's parents are from :D

I enjoy anything U2, from their music, news, history, causes, side projects and some would debate even all the way to how Edge scratches his left testicle... .Pretty much the band that has inspired me to continue playing piano (does anyone hear a cover of 'October' coming very soon? ;) ) and to soon begin electric guitar and the understanding behind Edge's tone and sound itself. If someone had to put me on the spot I probably wouldn't be able to tell anyone my favourite album. Though I do like the atmosphere that surrounded the 90's and 00's albums more than anything.

I try to keep an open mind on matters and opinions (c'mon, Zooropa and Pop weren't that bad!) and try to see both arguments in a debate or discussion.

Did I also mention that I love technology of any sort and am a huge fan of anything Apple or Microsoft?

I joined the site as I'm willing to share information and learn from other members who have enjoyed this incredible band far longer than I've been on this planet for!

Nonetheless I'm excited to see where this forum of like minded people will take me and what I'll learn along the way.

Sorry for anyone who saw this as long winded, just thought i'd give a proper introduction of myself for you all to get know :)

See you all around the forums ;)

Sent from my iPad

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Sorry for anyone who saw this as long winded, just thought i'd give a proper introduction of myself for you all to get know :)

Hi Josh, I just read your entire post. I am interested in technology and like Pop and Zooropa. I play guitar. And I LOVE to talk about U2. Here's a U2 friend you can count on, and PM if you want to chat about the band.


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