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True enough, I'm not trying to be too bummed about it, I'm right back on track at any rate, so that's good.
Ok, now the holidays are over, company is gone, and it's time to start back on the right track...after today.

I've kind of begun to find a groove of eating the food I like, just eating less of it. I wish I didn't work at a restaurant. Half of my trouble comes from there.

Anyways, starting the new year at 178 pounds. I'm actually pretty jazzed about that.
^ :up: that's awesome :)

:shifty: . . . I have christmas bits jiggling where they shouldn't . . .:yuck: . . .time to strap on the trainers and start walking again . . . I'd run but considering I've been compared to the infamous "Elaine from Seinfeld dancing scene" it's in the publics' interest that I don't :laugh:
175! I'm still 35 pounds away from what's considered a healthy weight for my build, but, I just have no idea when I have weighed less than this, it's been a long time. I'm incredibly happy, and this also means I've lost 15 pounds :happy:.
And now 165. I think I hit a plateau there for a while, but things seem to be going well again.
I just stepped on the scale this morning, and despite having already had breakfast - I weigh 181 pounds! The last time I weighed myself, I was 188 pounds and that must have been six months ago!

I also measured my waist, and I'm at 38 inches, down from 40 inches :hyper:

This is so great! I've only recently (late in the year, I know) concentrated on shedding the pounds. I've been doing that by counting my calories and exercising nearly everyday. So thankfully, the results are coming in! Go me!:happydance::cabbagepatch::yippie::cheer:

(Sorry, I'm just really excited now.)
OK... It's... Been a bit bad on my part since I graduated from college, but now I'm in grad school with a new shiny free gym membership. Let's try this again. Starting out ashamed at 186 pounds.
I'm going to keep posting in here so someone better damn well encourage me :wink:

since I am the guy that started this thread in Lemonade Stand way back when,

I will say 'good job' keep it up. :up:

I don't know why the hell, this got moved to Out of Control, a forum for word games and such
On Wednesday, I went to Weight Watchers for my weekly weigh-in and learned I dropped 1.8 pounds! I'm officially out of the 200 pound range, woo-hoo! Now let's make sure I stay out for good!

Oh yeah, I'm fitting into my size 10s once again and I'm down to my last notch on my belt. Hopefully if all goes well, I'll be fitting into my size 6s again by May.
:applaud: Congrats, Pearl! Keep up the good work!

So I've finally been able to see doctors since I've been able to get health insurance and after several visits and a myriad of tests of which results are beginning to trickle in now I've learned I am Pre Diabetic, I need some kidney tests re-done, I need to take some weight loss/nutrition classes (which the medical center offers it's members) and need exercise. I am also deficient in Vitamin D so need hefty doses of supplements and a re-check in 3 months time. Hope that helps with the osteoarthritis, bone issues and DISH disease I have going on in my back. So I'm turning a new leaf. I began seeing a Physical Therapist who prescribed a TENS machine to stimulate nerves when joints swell and affect my nerves, and we are working on some exercises and therapies to bring relief there. I will do some gentle yoga, stretching and water aerobics and hydrotherapy. Along with eating even better by changing the diet I am hoping to be feeling better and soon. I will have to come in here periodically to share how my journey is going.
Thanks Carek!

Sorry to hear about you being Pre Diabetic. One of the reasons why I got serious about losing weight is because diabetes runs in my family and I certainly wouldn't want it.

Have you tried Weight Watchers? It's great! One of my friends lost 40 pounds on it and another friend is dropping weight like hot cakes with their diet plan.

Good luck with your journey!
Thanks. My family carries diabetes on both sides. Mid age catches up with us. I at least have health insurance and feel I've chosen some good doctors so this should help. I've not tried Weight Watchers for many years but it was successful for me. I've heard very good things about the current program and may consider it. My medical center offers a discount for Weight Watchers!
Two programs at work are starting up next week to definitely help me along in the right direction

1) A team Biggest Loser competition
2) A walking competition, the grand prize of which is a trip to the destination we are "walking to"

And I'm down to 176!
I'll just post what I started posting on my fridge:

August 12th: 270.5 :reject:
August 19th: 256.0
August 26th: 252.6
September 2nd: 249.4
September 9th: 246.0
September 16th: 243.0
September 23rd: 238.0
I'll just post what I started posting on my fridge:

August 12th: 270.5 :reject:
August 19th: 256.0
August 26th: 252.6
September 2nd: 249.4
September 9th: 246.0
September 16th: 243.0
September 23rd: 238.0

That's awesome! Keep up the good work! I've lost 41lbs in 7 mos cutting sodium, refined sugar, no sodas, portion control & gluten free. It takes meal planning, disciplin & lots of will power.
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