Vax reactions

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thanks :D still feeling weird but it's like a "pulled an all-nighter and ate a whole bag of weed gummies" kind of weird, nothing unpleasant.
Yay so happy for you!

My husband also got Pfizer. Almost everyone I know has now been jabbed at least once so things will normalize more and more.

Things are rolling really quickly now.
Joke’s on you Dave, your vaccine connected you to the American 5G network. You’ll need to be unlocked to use it in Canada.
if you're telling me that i no longer need to use Rogers *and* i'm not going to catch covid, then this vaccine is absolutely a win-win for me.
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feeling pretty lethargic today and my arm is a bit sore, but otherwise fine. i had some weird dreams last night but no idea if that's related to the jab.

today definitely has nothing on the day after i got 11 different vaccinations in one sitting when i joined the army...that was a good time. :crack:
Oh, lord, eleven?! Yeow. Yeah, that sounds...miserable.

I did eventually wind up feeling some effects from the second dose yesterday. Had a very, very light headache early in the morning, but I took Ibuprofen and that got rid of it pretty fast, and I felt achy, the kind of ache you get when you're sick with a cold or flu. But even then, it was pretty mild aches, all things considered. Got some good sleep last night and I feel just fine today.
oh, i've also had "i'll go crazy if i don't go crazy tonight" stuck in my head all day, so add that to the list of negative side effects.
U2 snuck their music into the vaccine microchip? It's like they learned nothing from the Apple fiasco.
I got my second Pfizer shot at CVS this morning. They had chairs lined up in an aisle for people waiting the 15 minutes after getting the shot.

UPS guy comes out from the back stockroom and walks up and down the aisle twice, with no mask on. I thought yep, why not.
Well, no such luck for me on the "Shot #2 isn't bad if you already had COVID" front. I definitely feel worse than I did with the first dose. I will say, at least so far (It's only been about 19 hours, so let's not count our chickens), it's not THAT bad, but my back and shoulders hurt pretty bad and I'm tired.
I’ve been fully vaccinated since mid March. I also live in Southern California where COVID restrictions are somewhat getting lifted. But honestly, I’m just being cautious still. I’m not hanging out with people I don’t really know. I’m minimizing my trips for food and such. I still work from home. I’ve been getting back into hiking and going back to my gym however. I didn’t wear a mask while hiking today but the 3 people I went with I know are vaccinated and I kept distance anyway because my cardio is shot and I kind of struggled on the hike today anyway haha. As for gym, I’m wiping down machines and working out with my mask on as uncomfortable as it is.
Finaly got my first dose of Pfizer yesterday! Apart from a very sore arm I don’t think I felt anything else! Today I had some mild nausea but I’ve been having golbladder/ stomach problems as of late, so I don’t think that’s the vaccine.
Got my 2nd Moderna shot on Thursday. Felt exactly the same as the first one - sore arm and tired. Think I got lucky.

2 more grandparents got their Janssen vaccine on Monday. They were previously dealing with health issues, but thankfully they did not have any direct side effects from the vaccine.

All we’re missing is my sister who gets her 2nd shot next week, and then the entire family will be fully vaccinated.
Happy is an understatement.
I’m finally signed up for my first dose. I wanted to wait until after my wife gave birth just in case I had a bad reaction when she went into labor. Now that the little guy is almost 3 weeks old we should be okay even if I’m down a day or three. I think I’ll have the option of Pfizer or Moderna. Will probably go with Moderna since that’s what all my family and friends have gotten.
Has anyone been down for more than a day ? Most severe side effects I’ve heard from my friends / family / coworkers is feeling fever and chills for a day and then maybe a headache that lasts into the second.
Has anyone been down for more than a day ? Most severe side effects I’ve heard from my friends / family / coworkers is feeling fever and chills for a day and then maybe a headache that lasts into the second.

I know of a few people from another forum who were down for 7-10 days with the second but they’re definitely outliers.
Got my 2nd Moderna shot on Thursday. Felt exactly the same as the first one - sore arm and tired. Think I got lucky.

2 more grandparents got their Janssen vaccine on Monday. They were previously dealing with health issues, but thankfully they did not have any direct side effects from the vaccine.

All we’re missing is my sister who gets her 2nd shot next week, and then the entire family will be fully vaccinated.
Happy is an understatement.

Wonderful news! :up:
Oh, dear.

Glad you your getting vaxxed, though. :up:
You could get some Arnica cream for second shot.

Thanks Dazzle! How are you doing? Are you fully vaxed? Still waiting for the second dose here but finaly we were recognized as frontline workers so this hopefully pushed up my date for the second shot by a couple weeks! I hope you are doing great! :)
I got my second dose a few wks ago but it wasn’t as bad as the first, which in itself wasn’t as bad as I’d prepared for.

I had COVID so I’m not sure if that’s why.
I got my second dose a few wks ago but it wasn’t as bad as the first, which in itself wasn’t as bad as I’d prepared for.

I had COVID so I’m not sure if that’s why.
I have actually heard that folks who had Covid get stronger side effects from vaccinations, but who knows for sure.

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