US PolitiX -Angry Left Wing Mob Edition

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I have really disliked this man over the last few years, obviously, but my anger every time I see that tweet has definitely hit a point I didn't think it could. I'm disgusted with him, and the more I walk outside and smell smoke and can barely see off into the distance because of how hazy it is outside, the more I just truly, truly hate him.

Normally I would say hate is such a strong word but I agree with you. I hate this guy more than anything. He is a vile peice of garbage. I never really liked him even before being president. Stay safe Bono!
I'm right there with you, that's basically my point: I'm at that point of hatred..
Macron totally burned Trump with his comments about nationalism. I saw some of the ceremony in Paris very early this morning. Macron conducts himself with dignity and grace. And Trump, well...And I hope his hair didn't get wet in the rain. When your helicopter can't land for a WWI ceremony, just stay at the hotel and tweet about elections being stolen. Stay classy orange clown.

His comments about CA are reprehensible.
I have really disliked this man over the last few years, obviously, but my anger every time I see that tweet has definitely hit a point I didn't think it could. I'm disgusted with him, and the more I walk outside and smell smoke and can barely see off into the distance because of how hazy it is outside, the more I just truly, truly hate him.

When your helicopter can't land for a WWI ceremony, just stay at the hotel and tweet about elections being stolen. Stay classy orange clown.

His comments about CA are reprehensible.

Aw, come on, guys, don't you know you're clearly just deflecting and obsessing over Trump? How dare we all sit here and complain about having a president who doesn't have the first clue about or interest in actually doing his job like a mature, decent adult, as well as the people who knowingly voted for and continue to support him despite (or because of) that fact?
He can’t even be bothered to honour veterans in the rain, as if he’s going to give a shit about people in California who don’t vote for him.

2020 can’t come soon enough.
So just this weekend alone trump:

1. Failed to pay respects to fallen heroes due to a little rain
2. Threatened to cut aid to California
3. Threatened to cut aid to Puerto Rico
4. Blames the stock market woes on “presidential harassment”
5. Embarrasses the USA in France

Bravo Mr clown of the oranges, bravo
His health must be very poor that he lets a drop of rain stop him from going out.
Let us pray.
Indictments this week? Roger Stone and Donnie Jr?

One can only imagine Trump drowning his sorrows in a plate of Big Macs.
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