US Politics XXXVI: Special Masters of our Domain

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ABC News

House Jan. 6 committee Chairman Bennie Thompson told reporters on Tuesday that the panel plans to hold its final public meeting on Monday, Dec. 19 at 1 p.m. ET -- two days earlier than expected.

Thompson said the committee will vote on criminal referrals and on report approval next Monday and that its final report will come two days later, on Wednesday, Dec 21st.

Thompson said the report will be posted online.

It's not clear whether that will be accompanied by a press conference or if it will just be posted at a certain time.
Gavin Newsom Visits Border After Biden Said He Had 'More Important' Issues

But as Biden weighs whether he intends to run for re-election, a leading figure to replace him is planning his own visit to the border in what he specifically claims is an effort to raise awareness of the need for immigration reform.

...The move also represents a shifting understanding of the political realities surrounding the U.S.-Mexico border.

In 2019, Newsom notably described issues on the border under Trump as a "manufactured crisis" in a state of the state address he delivered at the height of the former president's fervor to build a physical barrier between the two countries.

More recently, he has named Trump's border policies—particularly surrounding visa policies—as the primary contributor to the crisis, calling the whole border debate "made up" in a recent panel discussion with former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, placing the blame instead on Congress' own inability to strike a deal on comprehensive immigration reform.

..."The issue is real," Newsom told Bloomberg News earlier this year. "I'm a border state governor, you don't need to lecture me on this topic. The reality is that we need comprehensive immigration reform. The irony of this, and the frustration I have, is that Joe Biden put out a great plan."

"But we're not talking about it," he added. "We're not promoting it, and Republicans consistently, from 2007 to 2013, blocked any comprehensive immigration reforms. Shame on them."

I get it, but i don’t get it

A global pandemic hits. The US government forms Operation Warp Speed. A program that I’d argue is up there with any other innovative feat the world has seen. We went from understanding the virus to a vaccine in less than a year. Vaccines normally take close to 10+ years if they’re successful. Not only was this vaccine successful (at the time 95% block of infection…still very good at limiting death and severeness if keep up on boosters) it was also extremely safe. It has saved millions of lives.

Republicans could have doubled down on how they saved the country, economy, and maybe even the world with this technology.

They would have won these elections easily.

Instead they went the opposite direction. They went with selfishness, personal freedom, rudeness, and overall narcissism.

All to appease a small base.

Now DeSantis is doubling down that the path to 2024 is more anti science.

While he isn’t as mental as Trump, his policies are just as cruel and would still be a disaster for the country and world
$99 each.
And his cult followers will snatch them up. Too stupid to understand the grift.
How much money did folks spend the last 7 years on those red hats and Trump flags? Do they not realize they are just lining his pockets?
Or Saudi Arabia / Russia buys a million dollars worth to keep in good standing
$99 each.
And his cult followers will snatch them up. Too stupid to understand the grift.
How much money did folks spend the last 7 years on those red hats and Trump flags? Do they not realize they are just lining his pockets?

He knows that his core supporters are dumb and as gullible as a sack of hammers.

I’ve already seen the comments: “what a genius! Everyone’s talking about him again! He knows how to win a media cycle!”
Omg the video- better than Lincoln, better than Washington. Are those the Jewish space lasers coming out of his eyes?

What an embarrassing clown
The world fears a new China COVID wave, ponders how to help Xi

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Officials and global health experts outside China are anxiously watching a COVID-19 surge there, worried a nation of 1.4 billion people is inadequately vaccinated and may not have the healthcare tools to treat a wave of illness expected to kill more than one million people through 2023.

Some U.S. and European officials are struggling to figure out how, or if, they can help mitigate a crisis they fear will hurt the global economy, further constrain corporate supply chains and spawn new coronavirus variants of concern.

"We have made that point that we are prepared to help in any way they might find acceptable," U.S. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said on Wednesday.

....President Xi Jinping has long insisted that the country's one party-system is best suited to handle the disease, and that Chinese vaccines are superior to western counterparts, despite some evidence to the contrary.

Democratic governments find themselves in a difficult spot diplomatically, wanting to help stem a burgeoning crisis with global and domestic health and economic implications in a way that the Chinese government might be willing to accept.

"China's vaccine nationalism is deeply tied to Xi's pride, and accepting Western assistance would not only embarrass Xi, it would also pierce his oft-propagandized narrative that China's governance model is superior," said Craig Singleton, deputy director of the China program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

European and U.S. officials are conducting careful behind-the scenes talks with Chinese counterparts, while issuing deliberately worded public statements intended to make clear that the ball is in Beijing's court.

An unwelcomed coming attraction for the world's permanent Covid fight.
Getting today's bivalent vaccine is probably the best insurance policy for the next year or so.
Lot of pleading the 5th in those Jan 6th transcripts

Nick Fuentes and Charlie Kirk both pleading fifth to their age
There is a legitimate discussion to be had about how much money is being sent to Ukraine, completely separate from how the GOP is using it politically. Some of them definitely appear to be aligned with Putin. Because Trump was I guess?
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