US Politics XXXI-Lame Duck Obese Turtle

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I'm teetering between despondent and furious.

I had to get my 3 year old from preschool early. A preschool that is operating with smaller classrooms split into pods to keep the different kids separated so that if there's an outbreak the entire school doesn't have to close, because this administration has utterly butchered the response to this pandemic.

I had to pick him up because the school is located a block and a half from The Capitol and had to go into lockdown to ensure the safety of the kids, as ther was a FUCKING COUP going on down the block.

I can't.
Anyone else feel like the worst is still to come from this ? Maybe not days but over the course of the next few months
I'm teetering between despondent and furious.

I had to get my 3 year old from preschool early. A preschool that is operating with smaller classrooms split into pods to keep the different kids separated so that if there's an outbreak the entire school doesn't have to close, because this administration has utterly butchered the response to this pandemic.

I had to pick him up because the school is located a block and a half from The Capitol and had to go into lockdown to ensure the safety of the kids, as ther was a FUCKING COUP going on down the block.

I can't.

Oh, god. I'm so sorry.
Sorry to hear, Headache. Sounds awful and scary.

Lol of course Pence would pretend that he has nothing to do with what just happened.
This is a great headline I just saw from earlier today:

McConnell: Senate has a “higher calling than an endless spiral of partisan vengeance”

So he’s saying not to do the thing he’s been doing for years now that he can’t do it. Cool. Cool cool cool.
Sorry Headache, it’s all so surreal.

The worst about this is that they are doing it for a man who doesn’t give a shit about any one of them.
We can't let them get away with whatever little redemption tours they want to try and make. We need to make everyone remember just what kind of hell they've put this country though.

And once they leave office, they need to be banned from having any other role in politics of any sort. No campaigning. No fundraising. No running for any other kinds of offices. No pundit shows on cable news networks. Publishing companies should refuse their offers to write books about their time in office. And so on.
From that link...

This was also the case on Parler, ADI found. One account, with the name No Trump No Peace #GoTime, posted a GIF with a noose and a caption that said, “Who would you like to see 'dispatched' first? 1) Nancy Pelosi 2) John Roberts 3) Pence 4) other (please name) I was leaning towards Nancy, but it might have to be Pence.” (Two days after that post, a livestream of the violent mob standing outside Congress showed them chanting “Hang Mike Pence.”)

Jesus fucking Christ.

But yeah, sadly this isn't surprising. There's someone who, through Disqus, I've seen posting on conservative websites and they've been talking about violence and civil wars, too. I reported them, but so far I haven't seen any action from Disqus.

We need to do a serious crackdown on these kinds of sites. And this has also proven once again the need for strict as hell gun control, so now that the Democrats have control of Congress, I say they should go for it, full throttle.
I can't believe Hawley had the nerve to speak on the Senate floor tonight after the shit he's been pulling. I had to hit the mute button because I had just eaten supper and didn't want to chuck it all back up.
i didn't really clue in to post this earlier when my brain was still in "holy fucking shit" mode, but thanks irvine and headache for checking in. hope you and yours are coping well with having this happen so close by.

i didn't really clue in to post this earlier when my brain was still in "holy fucking shit" mode, but thanks irvine and headache for checking in. hope you and yours are coping well with having this happen so close by.
Appreciate it.

It's been a hell of a day. It's not often that you have to balance picking up two kids early, canceling virtual work events, and wondering, since we live but a dozen blocks from The Capitol grounds, if it'll spill over into the streets and if we'd have to evacuate.

This will take a while to get over, so I'm attempting to distract myself with silly memes.
Antifa needs a uniform or secret handshake

You know, so we can all be sure!!

I’m sure cause the dude jumping down was in black it means antifa
Oh for fucks sake Matt Gaetz just said that it was Antifa on the House floor.

Fuck off, Gaetz.

Amazing how these people will fan the flames and encourage their supporters, but then when said supporters actually follow through with this stuff, then they start immediately distancing themselves and trying to claim it was someone else who did this.

No. You guys stirred this pot. Own your shit, you cowards.
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