US Politics XXII: Idk About You, But This Is Thread 22

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It is criminal that NOTHING has been done since this guy fucked off to hell (on his own or with help).

Why hasn't Ghislaine Maxwell been arrested? Who is protecting her?

Why has there not been a probe into Epstein's finances and the source of all his billions? He's like Bernie Madoff except an actual investment firm with hundreds of employees to hide behind.

There are dozens upon dozens of wealthy, well-connected perverts who are walking free. Absolutely appalling.

After watching the Netflix series I became even more angry about all of that. That Ghislaine woman is a criminal, she assaulted some of those girls in addition to procuring them for Epstein. I guess all the dirt she knows protects her, that's some powerful dirt.

Btw the Netflix series makes it clear that Prince Andrew raped Virginia Roberts Giuffre. I never had any doubt, but I don't see how anyone could after watching that.

Epstein had cameras in every room of every house he owned. Lots of incriminating videos exist, if they all haven't been destroyed.

The Netflix show also has Dr. Michael Baden. He says he has never seen the neck fractures that Epstein had in someone who committed suicide the way he allegedly did. He says it's not completely impossible, but he's never seen it in his long career.
Prince Andrew just "permanently" retired from all Royal duties in the last 24 hours so that tells you all you need to know. Fucking pervert.
Donald Trump is Nero. He’s totally irrelevant at this point. It would be great if the Democrats all took the view that he’s not performing any of the duties of a president and therefore ignore him entirely. It would drive him insane.
At what point do the bullets start flying ? You can’t have this many guns in society and expect riots to stick to bricks and baseball bats.
One interesting conversation I had after several margaritas last night...

There have been several incidents like this in the last decade, what finally contributed to this level of protests? Probably several factors. A couple horrible deaths in a short time span, pent up anger from everyone being home for the last few months.

Either way, 2020 will be known as a key year in American and world history for a long time.
Our President...

One interesting conversation I had after several margaritas last night...

There have been several incidents like this in the last decade, what finally contributed to this level of protests? Probably several factors. A couple horrible deaths in a short time span, pent up anger from everyone being home for the last few months.

Either way, 2020 will be known as a key year in American and world history for a long time.

I'd say the murder of George Floyd being recorded the way it was and seen-the absolute grotesque inhumane sickening murder of a man. The witnesses who pleaded with him to stop. The other cops who did nothing. It was all so symbolic of so much. Eighteen complaints against this piece of shit cop, and he was still a cop.

Systemic racism and inequality. Economic inequality that has just been made so much worse by the pandemic. Indifference to that inequality.

A "President" who fans the flames of racism for his own benefit. Calls white nationalists good people. Makes racist comments and is a racial opportunist. Employs a white nationalist as an "advisor". Is completely devoid of leadership skills and empathy. Had a history of racist practices long before he became President. Questioned the citizenship of our first African American President as a racist way to jumpstart his own campaign.

All that and more=a hellish perfect storm.

There are also outside groups and other protesters who are just using these protests for other purposes and agendas.
Oops, guess Mike forgot about that


On Friday, as protests erupted around the country following the killing of George Floyd, Vice President Mike Pence sent a tweet decrying the protests. But he followed it with a tweet that said, in part: “We will always stand for the right of Americans to peacefully protest and let their voices be heard.”

However, Pence memorably and famously did not stand for the right for Americans to peacefully protest when he walked out of an NFL game in 2017 after players knelt during the national anthem. In what was pretty clearly a publicity stunt at that Indianapolis Colts-San Francisco 49ers game, Pence had done the opposite of what he was now saying in a tweet.

Sports fans on social media called him out quickly, en masse. And now some bigger names have gotten involved.

Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr blasted Pence in a quote tweet, writing, "You've gotta be kidding me. How do you have the gall to say this?"

NFL safety Eric Reid, currently a free agent, also called out Pence, saying: "You were singing a different tune when you rejected our peaceful protest at the 49ers vs. Colts game, wasting taxpayers’ money to stage your publicity stunt."
One interesting conversation I had after several margaritas last night...

There have been several incidents like this in the last decade, what finally contributed to this level of protests? Probably several factors. A couple horrible deaths in a short time span, pent up anger from everyone being home for the last few months.

Either way, 2020 will be known as a key year in American and world history for a long time.
I'd say the murder of George Floyd being recorded the way it was and seen-the absolute grotesque inhumane sickening murder of a man. The witnesses who pleaded with him to stop. The other cops who did nothing. It was all so symbolic of so much. Eighteen complaints against this piece of shit cop, and he was still a cop.

Systemic racism and inequality. Economic inequality that has just been made so much worse by the pandemic. Indifference to that inequality.

A "President" who fans the flames of racism for his own benefit. Calls white nationalists good people. Makes racist comments and is a racial opportunist. Employs a white nationalist as an "advisor". Is completely devoid of leadership skills and empathy. Had a history of racist practices long before he became President. Questioned the citizenship of our first African American President as a racist way to jumpstart his own campaign.

All that and more=a hellish perfect storm.

There are also outside groups and other protesters who are just using these protests for other purposes and agendas.

Mikal you have a piece - the spark - the short time space between these out of control police murderous actions on these black men, and as Mrs Springsteen added . 1) seeing the brutally of and the results of Cop Chauvins actions on George Floyd; 2) placed within a] beyond decades of systemic racism, and it's exacerbated income inequality, b] these killings/murders of black people (and other POC) and these pass 3+ years of Trumps dog whisting, and outright racist rants by themselves, and concurrently giving premission to white supremacists, neo-nazis etc, to come out of the shadows to wreck havoc at night and beyond in broad daylight. These are the toxic fumes that have been concentrated in the USA almost invetivaly waiting to ignite.
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Bunker Bitch is blaming governors and promising to crack down today. Is apparently "unhinged" on the call, shockingly enough.

CBS has audio and hasn't released it. Yet.

He wants to unleash the US military on ya'all.

So just another Monday.
It's weird to watch the fall of the hegemon. These things don't happen all that often.
It is criminal that NOTHING has been done since this guy fucked off to hell (on his own or with help).

Why hasn't Ghislaine Maxwell been arrested? Who is protecting her?

Why has there not been a probe into Epstein's finances and the source of all his billions? He's like Bernie Madoff except an actual investment firm with hundreds of employees to hide behind.

There are dozens upon dozens of wealthy, well-connected perverts who are walking free. Absolutely appalling.
There is a lot of speculation that Epstein and Maxwell had CIA connections that protected them. Acosta's explanation for the lack of initiative with the Florida case was always that the decision was made "above his pay grade." The FBI has insisted that they are aware of Maxwell's whereabouts and have been for the last year, but they appear to have no intent on charging her with anything.

And the question of how he made his money has always been puzzling. Aside from getting money from Les Wexner, there's very little evidence that he did much of anything to get it.

The simplest explanation, though, is that there is a lack of appetite to look into this because too many people who "matter" are caught in his web. He'd very likely take down key players in both parties and top names in big industries that lobby the government.
Trump is obviously way out of his depth with this and only going to make things worse. But this is also ... what in the world is this response?

First of all, increased police training has been the response just about every time this has happened over the last six years, and it has not helped anything. Secondly, the specific thing about shooting people in the leg instead of the heart. What the fuck is that?
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