US Politics XXI: Old Man 3-Way

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Just STOP this blanket condemnation JD!

We can (go back) to criticizing him later things for other things I, you think he's doing/ or not doing in general. What do you think he's not doing that he should be in relation to this crisis?? .
We can slam him for Medicaid cuts after this immediate, current crisis is past.

As far as I can tell he's being fierce in trying to protect NYC/NYC.

I live here. It's my NYC'rs who are I'll, some badly who may get through, and those who will die. We are, or about to hit the worst. I've been inside for close to 3 1/2:wks; only going out for the necesseties. Luckily I have a lot of creative endevors to mostly keep me occupied, chats with fam & friends, and fighting off occasional meltdown. I'm pretty lucky.

It seems from your original username you're going n or near Philadelphia. I love that city, even as every place has it's faults. Visited, stayed over.
I sure hope you all don"t suffer as much as NYC is.
He made massive cuts to Medicaid right now, during this crisis. He's doing nothing to combat the very dangerous situation in the prisons, like Riker's. He's all talk, very little action. He needs to be condemned for his bullshit, and it needs to happen now. A crisis is not a time to pipe down and thank the people in power for the scraps they throw our way. We must demand more from them to protect the most vulnerable. He's throwing them to the wolves. It's disgusting.

I live in South Philadelphia. We are very likely going to have a bad situation over the next 2-3 months. We do not have the hospital capacity, because capitalist ghouls have stripped this city of every hospital bed that was not considered profitable (read: playing host to a lot of poor, uninsured people, mostly minorities). My city has the highest rate of poverty among the largest cities in the US. We're in very bad shape.
I think a presidential candidate like Biden encouraging people to go in person to the polls is proof positive that he's completely incapable of leading us through this crisis. He has no idea, or does not care, about how dangerous things are for people out there.

you can distort all you want, but Bernie should still call it a day. that would be the safest thing possible.
The WI primary has been moved to June.

Smart move. Edit to state that the GOP are fighting this decision.

Doesn’t change the inevitable Biden nomination.

Can we please change this primary setup? How about all states vote in a given week? Allows for more diverse (and younger) candidates a chance versus letting Iowa and New Hampshire pick the same old same old.
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The WI primary has been moved to June.

Smart move. Edit to state that the GOP are fighting this decision.

Doesn’t change the inevitable Biden nomination.

Can we please change this primary setup? How about all states vote in a given week? Allows for more diverse (and younger) candidates a chance versus letting Iowa and New Hampshire pick the same old same old.

Seriously, there is no logical reason we need to drag out our election season this fucking long. It's exhausting enough to slog through in a normal year. Having to deal with all of this on top of all the other current craziness is just going to wear everyone down even more.

Other countries have shorter election seasons. We really should follow their lead.
i think that having the first four states vote on their own has some value in shaping the wider race. it gives definitive results that weeds out the less viable candidates so that most voters aren't choosing from a slate of 10+ names. the issue is that those states are small and unrepresentative and don't change. i wonder if it would be better if the first four states changed every time based on some kind of rotation or draw, and you occasionally had california or florida or texas voting first and shaping the narratives instead of IA/NH always getting a massively disproportional say.
Can we just push the whole thing back to next year and not have both candidates be senile old white men with numerous accusations of misconduct on their records?


I feel like the 2020 general election is on track for the lowest turnout per capita in American history. There's no energy or momentum surrounding these candidates anymore and if there's a second corona wave, forget it.
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I’m not even close to a Bernie bro, but boy have I had enough of these cheap jabs at their expense.

Do better.

WTF. There’s literally a post like 5 above this saying that Biden is forcing people to go to the polls.
Exactly. A few posters come in here and call Biden a rapist and now he’s forcing people to go to their death.

Oh, and to compound matters the Supreme Court basically just fucked us over for the 2020 election. GOP will have free reign to do whatever they want to suppress the vote.

Even if the Dems nominated the perfect candidate to unite the entire party as one, im not sure it’s going to matter when the other side will cheat
My favorite Bernie Bro moment as of late was a guy on Twitter that showed a pic of Biden doing a remote interview with an earpiece in, saying that he has to have an earpiece to get fed the answers to the interviewers questions.

Of course every sane person responded saying, ummmm... it's a remote interview, like all are right now, and everyone needs to wear an earpiece to hear the interviewer.

He responded, well then why isn't he wearing one in THIS interview!!!??? And it was Biden doing an interview on speakerphone. :doh::lol::doh::lol:

The lengths they go to, to smear Joe is getting hilarious.
He made massive cuts to Medicaid right now, during this crisis. He's doing nothing to combat the very dangerous situation in the prisons, like Riker's. He's all talk, very little action. He needs to be condemned for his bullshit, and it needs to happen now. A crisis is not a time to pipe down and thank the people in power for the scraps they throw our way. We must demand more from them to protect the most vulnerable. He's throwing them to the wolves. It's disgusting.

I live in South Philadelphia. We are very likely going to have a bad situation over the next 2-3 months. We do not have the hospital capacity, because capitalist ghouls have stripped this city of every hospital bed that was not considered profitable (read: playing host to a lot of poor, uninsured people, mostly minorities). My city has the highest rate of poverty among the largest cities in the US. We're in very bad shape.

If Cuomo is not doing enough for Rikers he should. To say he's doing very little is still wrong. If he sometimes has to "make nice" that's ok w me if he at least gets something. He's also been sharp at people as well. He's sending it the National Guard to get Ventilators from companies and other places in NYC, NYS to the hospitals here. He will then either send them back, or compensate. He will send the ventilators he's gotten say from ❤️ Oregon to the next State area needed the most. He's been fierce trying to get the PPE and ventilators.

As far as Philly (and nyc, for that matter) goes, poverty, POC. I've been poor (not destitute) for 22+ yrs. Before that I was middle class, and cared about these things as well. Didn't know everything but I always learning. Earlier in my life my black friends were middle class (yes, I know about wealth disparities even there). Now different black friends they are on the poor side like me. Of course I worry about them getting good care in general b/c of some times lesser care. Unfortunately both have respiratory problems. They are younger than me by 12 - 17 yrs. I'm 67 w/o those issues, or other risk issues. But my younger sis has medical risk issues. Two of my younger white friends have compromised Immune systems who knows one of my black friends. So we're all concerned about each other. So I know things.

My concern goes out to you and the poorer sides if Philly, and the rest, too. Hopefully it won't be as bad.
But anyone losing someone is losing a whole world! :(
I wish you, your family, friends, neighbors the best possible outcomes
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WTF. There’s literally a post like 5 above this saying that Biden is forcing people to go to the polls.

I’ll admit I missed that post. Frankly I think there’s a rather compelling case to be made that insisting voting-in-person elections move forward as scheduled can be viewed as irresponsible given our health crisis. I don’t think that’s an entirely unreasonable stance to take, is it?

Now granted, jerry didn’t phrase his stance quite that benignly, but I thought we had all agreed a few pages ago to take it a little easier on each other as we’re all dealing with extra stress as a result of this pandemic. Pushing the Bernie bros button seems the opposite of that. Resorting to these sarcastic jabs back and forth doesn’t do anything to improve things, and seems to only keep scratching that raw spot that tends to flare up too often in here.
I’m not even close to a Bernie bro, but boy have I had enough of these cheap jabs at their expense.

Do better.

But it's McBeal's bread and butter, otherwise he's just reposting Kyle Griffin tweets.
My favorite Bernie Bro moment as of late was a guy on Twitter that showed a pic of Biden doing a remote interview with an earpiece in, saying that he has to have an earpiece to get fed the answers to the interviewers questions.

Of course every sane person responded saying, ummmm... it's a remote interview, like all are right now, and everyone needs to wear an earpiece to hear the interviewer.

He responded, well then why isn't he wearing one in THIS interview!!!??? And it was Biden doing an interview on speakerphone. :doh::lol::doh::lol:

The lengths they go to, to smear Joe is getting hilarious.

You're obsessed with calling anyone vaguely sympathetic to Bernie here a 'bro' yet I never see any evidence of anything befitting that tag.
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Biden and Trump had a phone call yesterday about the virus crisis. Both agreed to keep the conversation confidential.

I saw clips of Trump's behavior at the task force briefing yesterday. After that I don't see anyone being able to get through to him.
WTF. There’s literally a post like 5 above this saying that Biden is forcing people to go to the polls.
Biden actively supported people going to the polls in person LAST WEEK. Sanders has been saying for nearly a month that states need to go full mail with primaries.
If Cuomo is not doing enough for Rikers he should. To say he's doing very little is still wrong. If he sometimes has to "make nice" that's ok w me if he at least gets something. He's also been sharp at people as well. He's sending it the National Guard to get Ventilators from companies and other places in NYC, NYS to the hospitals here. He will then either send them back, or compensate. He will send the ventilators he's gotten say from ❤️ Oregon to the next State area needed the most. He's been fierce trying to get the PPE and ventilators.

As far as Philly (and nyc, for that matter) goes, poverty, POC. I've been poor (not destitute) for 22+ yrs. Before that I was middle class, and cared about these things as well. Didn't know everything but I always learning. Earlier in my life my black friends were middle class (yes, I know about wealth disparities even there). Now different black friends they are on the poor side like me. Of course I worry about them getting good care in general b/c of some times lesser care. Unfortunately both have respiratory problems. They are younger than me by 12 - 17 yrs. I'm 67 w/o those issues, or other risk issues. But my younger sis has medical risk issues. Two of my younger white friends have compromised Immune systems who knows one of my black friends. So we're all concerned about each other. So I know things.

My concern goes out to you and the poorer sides if Philly, and the rest, too. Hopefully it won't be as bad.
But anyone losing someone is losing a whole world! :(
I wish you, your family, friends, neighbors the best possible outcomes
I do not doubt your sincerity, concern, or empathy in any way. I always feel the need to emphasize this, because I feel it gets lost in translation: my concern is not with Democrat voters themselves. I think many, if not most, are coming from a genuine place. I think the problem is that they don't hold their elected representatives to the fire. They take what they can get, as you allude to here. I think Cuomo is a great avatar for the modern Democrat: he wants to be judged for his rhetoric, not his record. He wants people to associate him as being a warrior for them because he's been catty to Donald Trump in public. He doesn't want to be judged for making it harder for people to get out on bail from Rikers last week, or for cutting huge amounts of funding from Medicaid. He doesn't want to be judged for creating the IDC so that he had controlled opposition that made it easier for his policies to be melded with GOP ones. They thumb their nose at their own voters all the time, and it saddens me that people are so (rightly) frightened and concerned that they accept it, because they know the alternative is the Republican Party. I feel sad when I hear it from voters.

I am livid with rage when I hear it from those in power, though. Andrew Cuomo is a scumbag, and I refuse to let his shittiness go unaccounted for just because he insulted Donald Trump a couple of times.

I appreciate your words about Philly. I think all cities are going to be facing similar scenarios in the coming weeks and months. I have been isolating for over three weeks now, having only left home to go to the grocery store and pharmacy. I don't remember where my car is parked here in South Philly. I don't anticipate any of that changing for at least 2-3 more months.
Biden actively supported people going to the polls in person LAST WEEK. Sanders has been saying for nearly a month that states need to go full mail with primaries.

Saying that it's up to each state to decide how and when they will hold their primary is different from "actively supporting people going to the polls in person."
I don't remember where my car is parked here in South Philly.

Saying that it's up to each state to decide how and when they will hold their primary is different from "actively supporting people going to the polls in person."
One candidate said "Don't have people go in person, please postpone this so that we can have it be fully mail-in." The other candidate said, "It's up to them, but it sounds like they'll be keeping people apart and scrubbing the voting machines down, I think it can work." One is saying it's too dangerous, the other is saying it's not.
One candidate said "Don't have people go in person, please postpone this so that we can have it be fully mail-in." The other candidate said, "It's up to them, but it sounds like they'll be keeping people apart and scrubbing the voting machines down, I think it can work." One is saying it's too dangerous, the other is saying it's not.

I agree with Bernie on this one. just saying there's a difference between the quote here and using the term "actively supporting".
It's cool to say something but it was never going to actually stop the WI GOP from holding this election. The WI Gov tried to push it back to June, which is the right thing to do.

Instead the WI GOP, and the GOP Supreme Court decided otherwise.

It does feel like to win in November it's going to take a perfect storm to beat

GOP Financing
Foreign Interference
GOP Cheating (Voter Suppression tactics)
State + Federal + Supreme Court system
Deadly Virus in full infectious mode

Joe isn't really the guy I want leading this charge, but he's gotten high turnout from the Dems, and he currently is beating Trump in all the national and state polls.

My fingers are crossed that we have some therapeutics available that minimize the damage of this virus so people can get out.
I do not doubt your sincerity, concern, or empathy in any way. I always feel the need to emphasize this, because I feel it gets lost in translation: my concern is not with Democrat voters themselves. I think many, if not most, are coming from a genuine place. I think the problem is that they don't hold their elected representatives to the fire. They take what they can get, as you allude to here. I think Cuomo is a great avatar for the modern Democrat: he wants to be judged for his rhetoric, not his record. He wants people to associate him as being a warrior for them because he's been catty to Donald Trump in public. He doesn't want to be judged for making it harder for people to get out on bail from Rikers last week, or for cutting huge amounts of funding from Medicaid. He doesn't want to be judged for creating the IDC so that he had controlled opposition that made it easier for his policies to be melded with GOP ones. They thumb their nose at their own voters all the time, and it saddens me that people are so (rightly) frightened and concerned that they accept it, because they know the alternative is the Republican Party. I feel sad when I hear it from voters.

I am livid with rage when I hear it from those in power, though. Andrew Cuomo is a scumbag, and I refuse to let his shittiness go unaccounted for just because he insulted Donald Trump a couple of times.

I appreciate your words about Philly. I think all cities are going to be facing similar scenarios in the coming weeks and months. I have been isolating for over three weeks now, having only left home to go to the grocery store and pharmacy. I don't remember where my car is parked here in South Philly. I don't anticipate any of that changing for at least 2-3 more months.

There is a couple that created this incredible (? one year ) event working with the UN that involved them working with different people around the world to coordinate it. My sister met them at some point, maybe helped them. Among the things she told me that they learned was that Americans had more trouble holding (something like) conflicting points of view than many other peoples around the world.

So in the case of Gov Cuomo I can praise, disagree, call out, or get close to condemning him for various actions/non actions. I'm shocked to learn he had a hand in the IDC! Anyway I've not been the biggest fan of his in general.
But compared to Republicans?!?

There are people, politicians with whom I have little or no conflicting views on - like W, Cheney, Trump as examples I list them as scumbags (at the very least!). I try in general as a voter to vote for the most liberal/progressive candidate as I can - unless I don't think they can win. I also have voted on the Working Families ballot line near since they formed up.

I'm a liberal, no "neo" modifier in front of it. In fact I don't think that term was even a glimmer in anyone's eye at that point ('67-'68). In fact, and I hope I still have it - flyer from the most liberal, maybe even those leaning towards democratic socialism (not sure it was an actual term used in NYC liberal circles back then. (I was 15 so not that informed yet, but already politically active) for a rally "Progressives for Humphrey". Because people realized that Nixon would be far worse, than Humphrey would ever be. Unfortunately this revelation came too late for the rising in the polls of Humphrey to close the gap. Having George Wallace in the race as a major third candidate also complicated things.

The term Progressive began to be used by liberals instead of the word - liberal, because it had been tarnished so badly in that mid-late '60's time.

So this how I tend to think about politicians (other people in semi to fully public positions) that have an effect on society.

Oh, and continue to stay safe.
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