This is officially why dogs are better:

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Resident Photo Buff
Staff member
Sep 1, 2000
Somewhere in middle America
Newly adopted dog saves 1 1/2 year old from snake


Let's see a cat do that. :wink:
Dobermans!!! :heart: :heart: They're the greatest dogs - that kind of loyalty is no surprise to me. We had several females when I was growing up.

I'd have them now, except a couple of Dobies in the house is too much for me & I don't like having just one dog. My compromise is to have 3 Min Pins! :up: :yes:

PS - reading the condition that poor Dobie was in when she was rescued really makes me want to be violent towards all animal abusers. :mad: Very, verrrrrry violent.... slowly.... for an extended period of time. :censored:
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Dogs are the best animals ever. There is something so special and different about them. I love them to bits.
cinnaminson said:
my inlaws had 2. They are very friendly but always sat next me and leant. NOt too fun when we weighed around the same :eyebrow:


I had one (got her from the pound :) ) and she was a very sweet dog. She was spazzy, but very sweet. I was surprised how many people were sure we would have huge problems with her -- we got a lot of the "she'll turn on you" cautions just because of her breed. Of course it never happened -- she was always a good dog.
cinnaminson said:
:lmao: I was gonna say they were spazzy but didn't know if that'd go down to well,. They were completely spazzy, especially during thunderstorms, or rain, or just anything really:eyebrow:

:lmao: That seems to be so true of the breed at least from most of the people I've known who have had them. Erika was awful during storms, and if the electricity went off she was nearly inconsolable. She couldn't stand that there was NO noise! And once the battery in a hard to reach smoke detector was low so the detector let out this beep every few minutes. I'm scared to death of heights and it was at the top of a room with a cathedral ceiling, so I just couldn't climb up and take it down. The poor dog was nearly out of her tiny little mind. Finally I did manage to get it down, but it kept beeping, even without the battery (and I didn't have any others of that type). I had to take it and stick it in an outbuilding far from the house before she would calm down. Life with Erika was always an adventure.
Diemen said:
Newly adopted dog saves 1 1/2 year old from snake


Let's see a cat do that. :wink:


I looove Dobies... I want one someday, when I have a house big enough for one. I always wanted one when I was a kid and people thought I was nuts for wanting a "mean" dog :tsk:

my friend's german shepard is terrified of storms too... he goes and hides in the bathtub :giggle: and my friend will go sit with him to calm him down :cute:
Babydoll said:
Been terrified of dogs ever since I can remember....


I ask because I've honestly only had experience with happy, slobbery dogs, while more than one cat I've known was seriously demented and evil. No dog I've ever owned bit me, scratched me to the point of bleeding and leaving scars, dug his claws into my skin or thighs, etc. So I always wonder why people are afraid of dogs - did you have one crazy one attack you or is it just an unexplainable fear?
Lemon Meringue said:
I like it when they don't crop their ears. Then they don't look mean.
Yep. That look certainly makes them look more fierce. I left my pit bull's ears uncropped at the breeder's request. He saw no need to mutilate a perfectly healthy dog for style :shrug:
anitram said:


I ask because I've honestly only had experience with happy, slobbery dogs, while more than one cat I've known was seriously demented and evil. No dog I've ever owned bit me, scratched me to the point of bleeding and leaving scars, dug his claws into my skin or thighs, etc. So I always wonder why people are afraid of dogs - did you have one crazy one attack you or is it just an unexplainable fear?

Unexplainable fear. Ever since I can remember... phobia.
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