Things I hate part 360

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I hate the show Scare Tactics... watching it last night probaly contributed to my nightmare last night.

I hate not being prepared for a project in school. I just can't seem to understand the topic.
I hate how my English teacher assigned a creative writing project... and just when I'm getting excited, she adds that we're supposed to write with a partner. :| Thanks for killing my will to do this project...

Even worse, I didn't get to ask anyone in class if they wanted to be my partner, and we are supposed to have gotten together and thought of a basic outline by Monday.

this'll make you feel better GG


had to hide it, tis the hate thread after all :D
waking up on a Monday morning ( :grumpy: ) to a computer seemingly riddled with ickies that my spybot and anti-ickies programs can't get rid of ( :grumpy: ) ~yesterday it was all clean so I tried a system restore and all that did was f*ck up my iTunes . . . so now I have ickies and a screwy iTunes :grumpy: :angry: :panic:


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