The PLEBAN Little Black Book

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Hey everyone, feel free to add me, I love talking about U2 especially and as long as you chat, I'll chat! lol! Honestly. I could do with some new U2-friends!

I'm on that gmail chat thing as well! or just email me at

I might add some people, hope no one minds!
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AIM: all15minutefame
yahoo: witharedguitaronfire_desire

I'll talk about nearly anything, especially if it allows me to share one of my many obscure factoids that I keep filed away in my brain. I guess if you wanted to know specific topics of my interest and expertise, it would be marching band, ska, U2 (duh), hair colour, Morrissey, the Virgin Prunes, DIY fashion, Andy Warhol, neon lights, Quentin Tarantino films, cats, politics (I lean pretty far to the left), comedy, psychobilly, Steve Buscemi, and pretty much any obscure tidbit of pop culture.

Yahoo: elevationinflux
AIM: Luv Spongetta

I may sign on and forget to sign off, so if you IM me and I don't respond, I'm not being rude - I'll always chat about whatever. U2 mostly, I suppose, and politics/world news/natural health stuff (I'm a massage therapist)/cats/television (some of the shows I like: Rescue Me, House, Boston Legal, 30 Days, ER, & Monk). Almost nothing shocks me.

PM me anytime.

I'm under the spell of Bono's love. I'm boycotting my feelings for Larry until he gets his f*$#!ng hair cut. :madspit:
hello everyone
I'm new here and I would like to make some new friends (u2fans), cause my old friends are already tired of me talking about u2 all the time :wink:
I'm a bono-girl and i enjoy singing, sleeping and talking about bono, of course.
Anyway, if u wanna chat, my yahoo messenger id is : eve_vertigo6
Feel free to add/chat/IM... :)
Yes, if you have a hotmail account, it's all you need. I don't have a myspace... it does seem to be the latest craze at the moment...:hmm:

And yes, MSN is free :)
Babydoll said:
Yes, if you have a hotmail account, it's all you need. I don't have a myspace... it does seem to be the latest craze at the moment...:hmm:

And yes, MSN is free :)

I got it! What's your messenger info?

Currently Listening: Greatest Hits Vol. 2/Elton John
Song: "Tiny Dancer"

"What no man can own...No man can take.": Yahweh-U2
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