The Murder Of Ahmaud Arbery

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Mmm you see, the notion that a knife constitutes four guns in retaliation is something wrong with our policing. Knife crime happens all the time in the UK and the police are equipped to deal with it. It can in fact constitute armed police, but not necessarily.

Police are trigger happy. “A weapon” is enough evidence to shoot you. It could be a freaking butter knife and they’d shoot you. It could be a baseball bat and they’d shoot you.

Police in our country are trained to shoot. They’re trained to use their weapons. People who become police officers want to shoot. They want to use their weapons. You can tell by the way that officer held his gun like a fucking piece and unloaded copious amounts of bullets into a slumped over dying individual. Every single shot beyond shot #1 was indefensibly “you didn’t listen to me and this is what you get.” Maybe shot #1 was that too, or maybe just accidental trigger happiness.

They’re trained to shoot because literally anyone could have a gun in this country.

It’s another example of how more guns make us less safe.
Mmm you see, the notion that a knife constitutes four guns in retaliation is something wrong with our policing. Knife crime happens all the time in the UK and the police are equipped to deal with it. It can in fact constitute armed police, but not necessarily.

Police are trigger happy. “A weapon” is enough evidence to shoot you. It could be a freaking butter knife and they’d shoot you. It could be a baseball bat and they’d shoot you.

Police in our country are trained to shoot. They’re trained to use their weapons. People who become police officers want to shoot. They want to use their weapons. You can tell by the way that officer held his gun like a fucking piece and unloaded copious amounts of bullets into a slumped over dying individual. Every single shot beyond shot #1 was indefensibly “you didn’t listen to me and this is what you get.” Maybe shot #1 was that too, or maybe just accidental trigger happiness.
I'm not debating most of what you said.

To Irvine's point, and I believe we've discussed this before, we have an enormous gun issue in this country - so it's a tad different than just saying "well the UK does it differently" because the UK doesn't have a massive gun problem like we do.

I'm staunchly against the second amendment - so you're not going to get an argument from me about cops not being armed. But the issues are connected. If we want to get rid of cops with guns, then we need to get rid of civilians with guns.
It's the guns, stupid.

Live in a country where a minor can cross state borders with a assault rifle, and then decide to bring justice to the town by killing two people.

We are obsessed with killing, and killing with guns. And it's easy, there's 400 million of them in circulation.

Cops are also trained to kill with guns. And their training states that if they feel their lives, or others lives are in danger, they are to unload the fucking clip on the person.

That is why the cop shot seven plus times. They are trained to neutralize a threat with their guns. When we ask, why can't they shoot them in the leg? Because if the suspect/victim has a gun, they are still a threat to use it.

There are so many issues here. Police, Society, Racism, Violence, Greed, Union/Frat Protection

I'm worried about election night and these boogaloos going out and shooting people in order to shut down polls. Or doesn't even have to be shooting someone, just cause enough of a disturbance that people flee, and or cops shut things down

And what's really sad is that a majority of americans do want sensible gun laws. But we're fucked over by the minority and NRA rule
They've put out a warrant for the 17-year-old kid who drove from Illinois with his militia buddies and murdered two people last night. He's apparently returned to Illinois and has not been apprehended.

ETA: He may have since been arrested. When the initial complaint was announced, he had not been arrested yet.

Yep, he's been arrested and charged with first degree intentional homicide.

This kid needs to be made an example of. And Trump needs to be voted out so he can't pardon him cause he was just one of the "very fine people on both sides".
Yep, he's been arrested and charged with first degree intentional homicide.

This kid needs to be made an example of. And Trump needs to be voted out so he can't pardon him cause he was just one of the "very fine people on both sides".

yes. good lord, the cell phone interview snippets of him on Twitter are chilling.

This is abhorrent. I don't know how you "reform" this. We just need to defund the police, drastically and quickly.

This is abhorrent. I don't know how you "reform" this. We just need to defund the police, drastically and quickly.

How do you think society will behave if police can’t do any aspect of their job ?

Who responds to any issue ?

For your question, you fire that guy and replace him with someone who will reform. You keep repeating this process.

Maybe you end up in the same spot as “defund”, but without any one to enforce laws we don’t have a functional society.

We’ve seen this first hand with covid. People will not follow rules unless enforced with fines or eventually people get scared enough to go out
We don't have a functional society because the majority of the population is living paycheck-to-paycheck with no social safety net. The police have failed to provide justice in any city in this country. This is systemic, not the result of the wrong guy being in charge.
And how does stripping the police of funding bring a balance or tip the scales back towards justice ?
They’re trained to shoot because literally anyone could have a gun in this country.

It’s another example of how more guns make us less safe.

They're trained to shoot POC, not white people. Obviously. If you're white and have a gun, you're fine. This has been more than proved with the events of the last 24 hours.

I'm fucking disgusted and over this shit. I don't know what to do except spiral deeper into depression, but I guess I'll try not to do that.
How many times did the police in Kenosha run past this 17 year old with a gun who murdered two people? You can see that in the video.

The DA said today that Jacob Blake admitted to the police that he had a knife in his car. No other weapons were found. Police claim they tried to stop him with a taser and it didn't work. So one of them grabbed him by the shirt and shot him in the back seven times at point blank range. 17 year old white kid with a very large gun, just run past him while people are screaming that he killed people. Nothing unequal there. He made it back to Illinois, not shot by police.

VERNON HILLS, Ill. (CBS) — A 17-year-old boy is in police custody in north suburban Lake County, charged as a fugitive in connection with a shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, that left two people dead and another wounded.

Kenosha County authorities issued an arrest warrant for 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, on Wednesday morning, charging him with first-degree intentional homicide.

Rittenhouse was arrested later Wednesday morning in Antioch, and he was taken to the Lake County Juvenile Detention Center near Vernon Hills. An extradition hearing has been scheduled for Friday.

They should just lock this piss ant in a room with the family members of the folks he killed without his overcompensation AR-15 and save the cost of a trial. He can wear his Crocs.
We should all take note that Tucker Carlson defending him this evening.

Because it’s understandable when white people murder others to restore order.

Honestly, go to hell, Tuck.
We should all take note that Tucker Carlson defending him this evening.

Because it’s understandable when white people murder others to restore order.

Honestly, go to hell, Tuck.

He's a sick depraved individual. You want to believe that some of those people on Fox are playing a character for purposes of ratings and political agenda. Look at Hannity, it's in that new Brian Stelter book about Fox that Hannity calls Trump crazy. All the while kissing Trump's ass and advising him.

They're all a bunch of amoral hos, selling what's left of their souls. But I think Tucker is even worse than that. Despicable guy.
The police chief in Kenosha said that the Croc killer wouldn't have murdered people if the curfew was obeyed. Where is the chief's statement regarding the officers allowing this 17 year old to shoot and kill people, unchallenged? CNN showed video of officers handing out bottled water to these agitators. He got all the way back to Illinois unchallenged.

So chief can't be serious-enforcing the curfew includes bottled water? Video of Croc killer with his hands up walking towards police-and they did nothing!

Of course there is the whole other issue of a 17 year old being legally permitted to walk around with that gun in public, which I read that he was.
And how does stripping the police of funding bring a balance or tip the scales back towards justice ?
Because you use that part of the budget to fund the things that actually combat crime: combatting poverty. You fund education and public services. It's not rocket science. Does it change everything overnight? No. But it's the path you need to go down if any of this is ever going to work. There are no other options unless you want this cycle to continue forever.

Poverty causes crime, so combat poverty.
Where the left fucks up is not being able to explain that without it sounding like we're going to get rid of police departments and just let things be an orderless hellscape for a few years until the systemic changes we need are in place.

Which sounds stupid, but we are generally a stupid country.
People understood "defund Planned Parenthood" just fine when that was the right wing calling card. Saying that people don't get the messaging seems like a deflection from people who still see the police as a net positive with a few bad apples, and are afraid that they'll be robbed if suddenly every police force isn't a SWAT team. There's a vast amount of difference between what we have and anarchy. Acting like the right has a point when they say defunding the police equals anarchy basically just cedes the argument to them every time. And so the cycle continues.
Because you use that part of the budget to fund the things that actually combat crime: combatting poverty. You fund education and public services. It's not rocket science. Does it change everything overnight? No. But it's the path you need to go down if any of this is ever going to work. There are no other options unless you want this cycle to continue forever.

Poverty causes crime, so combat poverty.

While I’m not saying the police budgets shouldn’t be looked into and reallocated

Couldn’t we get more bang for our buck in social programs by focusing more on corporate tax rates, and if we’re going to defund something, how about the military budget ?

I think the left can be a little more sneaky about reallocating police funding and focusing more on easier targets like corporations or the 1%

Unfortunately if the Dems were to sweep in November and make these large scale “defunding” changes, most of america freaks out at taxes!!!! And then puts the GOP in Congress and we repeat this stupid ass cycle

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