The Murder Of Ahmaud Arbery

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
I'm sure most people have seen the video and read about this. Happened in late February in Georgia, but the father and son alleged killers weren't arrested until yesterday. Dad has connections to local law enforcement, I think he is a former police officer. And they needed the video evidence, yeah that's it. Third person who recorded it, I believe they were friends with father and son. Horrifying if they wanted it recorded. Horrifying enough that they did it.

Dad and son claim there had been a series of break ins in the neighborhood, the only recorded one this year was said to be theft of a gun from son's unlocked vehicle.

And they won't be charged with a hate crime, because such a charge doesn't even exist in Georgia.

He was 25 years old. Running down the street.

the dad used to be a cop for many years.

just imagine how many other black people he framed, hurt, abused and possibly even murdered over that time.

the way they did this so mercilessly and unhesitantly and then concocted a cover story that the local police seem to have accepted at face value leads me to believe this probably isn't the first time he's done something like this.
(CNN)William "Roddie" Bryan Jr., the man who recorded the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery in a neighborhood outside Brunswick, Georgia, has been arrested on suspicion of murder, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Thursday.

Bryan witnessed the deadly encounter between Travis McMichael and Arbery on February 23 from a vehicle behind a pickup that stopped in the road. Gregory McMichael, who was in the bed of the pickup during the shooting, told police that Bryan had tried to help them stop Arbery earlier, according to an incident report.
Even if he was resisting at first, there's the point in the video when he's lost consciousness, and witnesses are telling the cop "he's unresponsive" and he still is kneeling on his throat. This is a clear cut case of murder and 3 cases of accessory.
Even if he was resisting at first, there's the point in the video when he's lost consciousness, and witnesses are telling the cop "he's unresponsive" and he still is kneeling on his throat. This is a clear cut case of murder and 3 cases of accessory.

I only saw a small portion of the video, couldn't handle watching the entire thing. They were fired, but I'm very cynical that they'll be convicted of murder and accessory. That's an insane thought to have, but considering the way these things go in this country.

Moving out of this country in the future looks better and better to me all the time.
Just forced myself to watch the entire video. Just sitting here crying, complete lack of any humanity. That bastard kept his knee on that poor man's neck right up until he was dragged on to a stretcher. And that bastard cop did drag him, tossed his body like a piece of trash. Kept his knee on that poor man's neck when he was no longer breathing and was probably already dead. The other cops who stood around allowing it are just as guilty. Gutless scum.

The police were called for the alleged crime of forgery in a store.
The video is horrible.

But at least having these videos might change the game...somewhat. George Floyd, that lunatic woman in Central Park - we need to all see this, much as it's hideous.
The video is horrible.

But at least having these videos might change the game...somewhat. George Floyd, that lunatic woman in Central Park - we need to all see this, much as it's hideous.

Yes I agree, we need to see it. I knew that if I wouldn't watch that entire video I'm part of the problem. The reality of the brutality has to be seen.

The woman in Central Park- I only saw the headlines, but she was a white woman who called the police and said that a black man wouldn't leash his dog?
The woman in Central Park- I only saw the headlines, but she was a white woman who called the police and said that a black man wouldn't leash his dog?

No, she wouldn't leash her dog in an area of the park where its required and well posted. He was bird watching, asked her to leash the dog and when she refused he grabbed dog treats from his pocket to get the dog to come to him, that's when she said she would call police and tell them "an African American man is threatening my life".

His cell phone video is embedded in this article:
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As has been pointed out, many white people are well aware of and quick to take advantage of the structural racism they pretend to know nothing about. “Oh! But I don’t see color!”

Also, don’t strangle your cocker spaniel you fucking piece of trash. So glad the dog was taken away from her.
No, she wouldn't leash her dog in an area of the park where its required and well posted. He was bird watching, asked her to leash the dog and when she refused he grabbed dog treats from his pocket to get the dog to come to him, that's when she said she would call police and tell them "an African American man is threatening my life".

His cell phone video is embedded in this article:

I saw the video. She was fired from her job and lost her dog.

An African American man is threatening my life! Would she have ever said a white man is threatening my life? Threatening her life?
I saw the video. She was fired from her job and lost her dog.

And now she admits that this is all her fault - that she humbly accepts these consequences because of her vile, racist actions that could have endangered another man's life.

Just kidding, she's complaining that her life is being torn apart.
So much outrage about kneeling NFL players

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THIS. I don't want to hear anyone bitching about football players kneeling ever again.

I haven't seen the videos, but i agree that it's good to have this stuff documented and out there. Make it that much harder for these assholes' defense to stand. For all the trouble social media can cause, it's also very helpful in moments like this. These people think they're bold and tough enough to say and do all these awful things? Fine. That means they're bold and tough enough to face the consequences of their actions, too.
The only thing about her "life being torn apart" thing is...

...will she and others actually learn her/their lesson? I'd rather she feel "torn apart" by shame and embarrassment and not by consequence.
The only thing about her "life being torn apart" thing is...

...will she and others actually learn her/their lesson? I'd rather she feel "torn apart" by shame and embarrassment and not by consequence.

In her specific case, she's almost unemployable. First of all, we're in the middle of a pandemic and it's a bad time to look for a job. Second, she is in a customer-facing industry so the willingness of any HR department to take a bet on her will be really low. Third, she's likely a relatively high income earner (though not as much as you think - people see her title and think $$$, but she's not pulling in some astronomical salary) and a high profile person now, so she'll be a problem for all public companies (shareholder action is on the rise generally, but this case is just super easy), which means that leaves her with smaller/regional banks, private equity funds, credit unions and the sort. She'll eventually land somewhere, but her career path is basically done.
"head of investment solutions" very likely means she mostly works with software testers and vendors of trading/portfolio management software. she definitely doesn't do any actual banking or finance in that position. so she's not necessarily confined to the financial industry, although yeah she is 100% going to take a big income hit at her next role wherever that is.
That "officer" was kneeling on George Floyd's neck for nine minutes. It's awful enough, but he also looks like some psychopath that's enjoying what he's doing. At one point he even puts his hand in his pants pocket and leaves it there.

An alleged fake $20 bill, that's what the store called the police about. George Floyd was murdered by cops over $20. If that's not a murder by cops then I don't know what is. They can claim all they want, but the eyewitnesses and multiple videos are there.
"head of investment solutions" very likely means she mostly works with software testers and vendors of trading/portfolio management software. she definitely doesn't do any actual banking or finance in that position. so she's not necessarily confined to the financial industry, although yeah she is 100% going to take a big income hit at her next role wherever that is.

Her title is dumb and misleading but she worked in insurance (on the allocations side) and has a history of prior, definitely finance-related jobs since her MBA.
"head of investment solutions" very likely means she mostly works with software testers and vendors of trading/portfolio management software. she definitely doesn't do any actual banking or finance in that position. so she's not necessarily confined to the financial industry, although yeah she is 100% going to take a big income hit at her next role wherever that is.

Yeah and if she’s in a managerial role, tough to boast your Equal Opportunity Employer status. At this point, almost better to relocate to Alabama and start her own firm called Confederate Investment Solutions.
THIS. I don't want to hear anyone bitching about football players kneeling ever again.

I haven't seen the videos, but i agree that it's good to have this stuff documented and out there. Make it that much harder for these assholes' defense to stand. For all the trouble social media can cause, it's also very helpful in moments like this. These people think they're bold and tough enough to say and do all these awful things? Fine. That means they're bold and tough enough to face the consequences of their actions, too.

Just knowing (i've seen one still from the vid) that this cop kept his knee on Mr Floyd's neck for nine minutes (??!!!) and him and his cop buddies not letting up when he says he can't breathe.....
i'll watch it tomorrow.
In fact as I slowly typed this post a 22 yr old memory started to surface and I got a bit queasy. I was remembering the dragging by car lynching by a trio of Texans in Jasper, TX of Mr. Byrd.

I've kept track a fair amount of racist assaults/murders for about around forty years, though at first you wouldn't hear much about them in the white press. I certainly heard about a few before in the '70's and the worst of the actions to the Civil Rights movement from around '65 onward. By the time I was in my tweens I learned there were racists in the North as well.

"head of investment solutions" very likely means she mostly works with software testers and vendors of trading/portfolio management software. she definitely doesn't do any actual banking or finance in that position. so she's not necessarily confined to the financial industry, although yeah she is 100% going to take a big income hit at her next role wherever that is.
Well, when you potentially threaten to possibly put an innocent black man in danger/pontential death.....
you should pay some kind of price.

He's physically ok (thank goodness) but how long will his emotional state be unsettled or worse. :sigh:
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Amy Cooper certainly could take up acting. Maybe in the next Jon Voight production.


How much longer do I have before my 8-year-old son grows from cute to a threat?

This is a question I constantly ask myself.

Maybe 20 years? No… that can’t be right because AhmaudArbery was an unarmed black boy killed at the age of 24 for just going on a daily jog.

Maybe 10 years? No… that can’t be right because Trayvon Martin was an unarmed black boy killed at the age of 17 for just wearing a hoodie.
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