The Climate Crisis

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Umm, I throw away my garbage.

The “Climate Crisis” is another liberal sham that makes people like Al Gore millionaires.

According to these climate experts, we all were gonna gonna die in 1990, 2000, Gore said all the icecaps would be gone by 2014, it’s a joke. The Green New Deal is just more expensive crap.

The Earth’s climate changes, man has not been doing anything that is causing these changes, or lack of changes, the verbiage changes all the time based on what’s convenient.

And before you say “”well scientists have said”...., yeah , handpicked liberal scientists, but not nearly as many, or as nearly the authority that libs would have you believe.

Climate models have been accurate in predicting global warming for 50 years and came extremely close to the actual temperatures:

Almost every single climate scientist will say that climate change is real and caused by humans. The global temperature has never risen as fast as is occurring now. But there is nothing anyone can say that will convince you because you’re willfully ignorant of science and hate liberals to the point where you will ignore all data about climate change.
Nope, this isn’t possible. I looked back at every single meme saved on my phone, not one of them says anything about this.

Fake news. Liberal science.
some good news amid all the doom and gloom:

The Guardian view on the blue whale’s comeback: an ocean’s glory restored
News that the biggest mammal is returning in numbers to Antarctica signals a conservation triumph
Fri 21 Feb 2020 17.55 GMT
Last modified on Fri 21 Feb 2020 18.00 GMT

“Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.” Captain Ahab’s splenetic, dying declaration of defiance, as Moby Dick destroys his whaling ship and sends it below the waves of the Pacific Ocean, is among the most famous passages in Herman Melville’s extraordinary novel.

In reality, such triumphs of the hunted over the hunter were a fantasy in the brutal world of industrial whaling. The biggest cetacean of them all, the blue whale, had all but disappeared from the Southern Ocean by the time a ban on hunting it was introduced in 1967.

Sightings of the largest mammal ever to live on the Earth had been vanishingly rare in the region since then. Not any more. A survey of coastal waters around the island of South Georgia in the sub-Antarctic, has yielded remarkable, uplifting results. In just over three weeks, in the krill-rich waters of what was once their principal feeding ground, the movements of 55 Antarctic blues were recorded by the British Antarctic Survey. The finding was described as “truly, truly amazing” by one cetacean specialist. It suggests that when a comprehensive audit, due in 2021, is carried out, there is a good chance that the species will prove to be in full recovery mode, as are humpbacks and other whales in the southern hemisphere.

The blue whale belongs to the category of “charismatic megafauna” – a rather unattractive way of describing those animals which capture the public imagination and help drive environmental and biodiversity campaigns. Three years ago, the Natural History Museum installed a 25m skeleton of a blue and named it Hope, intending to inspire new generations to build a sustainable future.

There has been criticism of this kind of approach, some of it on the grounds that the fate of creatures with less obvious appeal can be ignored. But the return of the world’s most majestic ocean travellers to southern waters should serve as a showpiece for wider possibilities of conservation. Ecological wrongs can be righted, or at least mitigated, with sufficient will and organisation.

The more general comeback of the whale – for which environmental campaigners should take a great deal of credit – can be an inspiration for victories yet to be won. It could also, conceivably, act as an added spur to action on the climate emergency. Twenty-first century Captain Ahabs are limited to a few stubborn whaling outposts these days; but warming oceans, which disrupt food chains and migratory rhythms, are becoming a lethal threat.

Of the 55 blue whales identified, some were seen but others were only heard through recorded audio. Their song recalls somewhat the deep, resonant sound of a tuba. The music of the southern seas was not the same without these orchestral manoeuvres in the dark. We must ensure the Antarctic blue is back to stay.
from the NYT

An official at the Interior Department embarked on a campaign that has inserted misleading language about climate change — including debunked claims that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is beneficial — into the agency’s scientific reports, according to documents reviewed by The New York Times.

The misleading language appears in at least nine reports, including environmental studies and impact statements on major watersheds in the American West that could be used to justify allocating increasingly scarce water to farmers at the expense of wildlife conservation and fisheries.

The effort was led by Indur M. Goklany, a longtime Interior Department employee who, in 2017 near the start of the Trump administration, was promoted to the office of the deputy secretary with responsibility for reviewing the agency’s climate policies. The Interior Department’s scientific work is the basis for critical decisions about water and mineral rights affecting millions of Americans and hundreds of millions of acres of land.

Have I told you later how much I hate these people. :D :gah: :gah:
With the pace, we are damaging the environment, I think we can see the apocalypse with our own eyes. The govt. think that they are becoming a superpower and strengthening their economy but in fact, all the nations are marching towards their own destruction.

We are just blind-folded with dollar bills that's all.
121 degrees in LA County (Woodland Hills). Highest ever recorded for the county.
121 degrees in LA County (Woodland Hills). Highest ever recorded for the county.

That's just insane, and not good for wildfires obviously. I read that one of the wildfires was caused by a gender reveal party. Pyrotechnic device that reveals blue or pink smoke. People need to stop with that foolishness, most especially in record heat in the midst of wildfires.

The family is facing fines and criminal charges.
That is correct. We are such a ego driven species. The gender reveals with the smoke / explosions need to be outlawed if not already.

There are fires in East County San Diego at moment. Alpine. It’s made the sky / air a little different this weekend.

There’s a crazy graph of Colorado. Middle of the state has Snow color, but the eastern and western edges are in the fire color zones.
There’s a crazy graph of Colorado. Middle of the state has Snow color, but the eastern and western edges are in the fire color zones.

Saw on the news yesterday that Denver was going from a high of 100 on Sunday to a high of 36 Tuesday. No wonder they were one of the first to legalize marijuana, you'd have to be high to live there. :wink:
Saw on the news yesterday that Denver was going from a high of 100 on Sunday to a high of 36 Tuesday. No wonder they were one of the first to legalize marijuana, you'd have to be high to live there. :wink:

Yes I heard that. Also heard some of those areas will be getting up to 6 inches of snow! That’s just mind blowing given that the day before it was near 100 degrees!
that looks crazy.

i remember a day when i was 3 or 4 years old and there was a massive forest fire in quebec or new brunswick whose smoke blew directly over and into halifax. i was at preschool as the sky changed from a normal bright clear blue to a hellish deep smoky orange by the time the day ended. all of us kids were absolutely terrified and didn't understand what was happening, and since it was pre-internet and there was no TV or radio in the daycare building the teachers couldn't explain it either. the memory of that day and what the sky looked like is burned (no pun intended) into my brain forever.
Vancouver BC is now getting the smoke! Not quite as bad as 2018 but still pretty gross out there. Good orange sun in the middle of the day! So I’m not doing any excercise today and staying indoors.
Vancouver BC is now getting the smoke! Not quite as bad as 2018 but still pretty gross out there. Good orange sun in the middle of the day! So I’m not doing any excercise today and staying indoors.

About 70 miles south of the border, it’s much, much worse than 2018.
About 70 miles south of the border, it’s much, much worse than 2018.

Oh that sucks!! :( yeah for us here in Vancouver 2018 was really really bad (orange sun in the middle of the day and could hardly see a few blocks, looked like being on mars!). But today is definitely worse than yesterday grr. I hope you can stay indoors and not have to breath in this foul air. Stay safe my friend!
I really thought it was fake. I’m still not convinced it isn’t….but either way let’s continue to invest in fossil fuel!!
So here in bc last week, we suffered the worst heat wave we’ve ever had. Lytton BC almost hit 50 degrees Celsius. I was in Lytton the other day, 2 days later, the town has been wiped out of the map due to a very fast moving wild fire that burnt the town in just 15 minutes. Lytton also broke the record for the hottest temperature ever recorded in Canadian history. It did that 3 days in a row. BC now has over 180 active and uncontrolled Forrest fires and it’s barely July! 2017 and 2018 were considered to be the worst forest fire seasons in our history, 2017 season started around July 7. This season started in mid June and it’s looking like it will make the 2017 season look like nothing. Yeah there is nothing to see here, nope no climate change at all. BTW it truly sucks, myself like most in BC have no AC, hundreds died last week from heat. It was oppressive even with all the fans in my condo!
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So here in bc last week, we suffered the worst heat wave we’ve ever had. Lytton BC almost hit 50 degrees Celsius. I was in Lytton the other day, 2 days later, the town has been wiped out of the map due to a very fast moving wild fire that burnt the town in just 15 minutes. Lytton also broke the record for the hottest temperature ever recorded in Canadian history. It did that 3 days in a row. BC now has over 180 active and uncontrolled Forrest fires and it’s barely July! 2017 and 2018 were considered to be the worst forest fire seasons in our history, 2018 season started around July 7. This season started in mid June and it’s looking like it will make the 2017 season look like nothing. Yeah there is nothing to see here, nope no climate change at all. BTW it truly sucks, myself like most in BC have no AC, hundreds died last week from heat. It was oppressive even with all the fans in my condo!

Btw this was the temp the other day outside near my place!


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Absolutely no existence of climate change when those conditions exist in Canada


Indeed! Nothing to see here! This month Vancouver has seen one tornado (in November and in the west coast which NEVER happens!), 3 cyclone bombs and just yesterday we got 250 mm of rain so that’s almost 10 inches in one day! Not to mention the windstorm that followed! It’s chaos right now and many people stuck and lots of evacuation orders in my town alone as well as other towns underwater like in Merrit. Add to that, the heat wave that killed over 600 people in June and the crazy forest fires that wiped the town of Lytton off the map! Yep totally normal, nothing to see at all. I just can’t wait to see what next week brings!!!
Indeed! Nothing to see here! This month Vancouver has seen one tornado (in November and in the west coast which NEVER happens!), 3 cyclone bombs and just yesterday we got 250 mm of rain so that’s almost 10 inches in one day! Not to mention the windstorm that followed! It’s chaos right now and many people stuck and lots of evacuation orders in my town alone as well as other towns underwater like in Merrit. Add to that, the heat wave that killed over 600 people in June and the crazy forest fires that wiped the town of Lytton off the map! Yep totally normal, nothing to see at all. I just can’t wait to see what next week brings!!!

This is what my city looks like today!


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