The Blues.......

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Sep 18, 2000
New York
I currently have the blues. Why I don't know. I have so much to be thankful for. I am in the prime of my life (24 years old), I have a lot of friends, a great family, I am in graduate school to become a teacher (which I am really happy about)...I have so much to be thankful for. But now, I am concentrating on all the negatives. I have a lot of friends, but sometimes I feel as though I have no really CLOSE friends. A lot of girls I know think I am very attractive but the girl who I like NOW (Who really liked me until about a month ago -- and when she liked me I didnt even like her -- weird I know) has lost interest in me. I seriously have a proble where I don't like a girl until she doesn't like me anymore. I just feel kind of depressed lately. Maybe it is the sun closing in at 5:00 but I think it is more than that. I would be even more depressed if the sun stayed out cuz I feel I have nothing to do all the time. I don't know...I guess i have the can I break out of this funk? (if you want to suggest listening to BB King or 'Beautiful Day'--it's already been done)

Well, I've been where you are...I spent many years bein' depressed, actually...been feelin' extremely better in the past few months. I think a lot of it had to do with realizin' that I'm surrounded by people who love me...people who care about me...that really is so important in life...

Just keep reminding yourself of those good things. And don't forget...if you ever need anybody to talk to, you are sure to find an Interferencer or two at all hours of the day.

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
I've been in the same place you seem to be now. Just can't get out of a funk. You feel like there is no way to break out of it.

Sometimes I just have to accept it and wallow in misery for awhile. Here are some things I do to help me get out of a funk:

1) Watch a movie I know will make me cry, but not for myself. Then I cry until I stop. This helps me 99% of the time.

2) Listen to music, but it looks like you've already tried. Though I find that listening to music that makes me think about other things helps.

My biggest suggestion would be to try to forget about yourself for awhile. It helps to put things in perspective.
E-mail if you want to talk some, or just rant a little:

One love, one life...
Give peace a chance!
Don't let the bastards grind you down!

Bono: I don't walk, I swagger! I sashayed once, but just once. It wasn't for me.
Hop in a tub, crank some Robert Johnson that's the blues. Believe it or not, that usually breaks me out of a funk.
Buy a harmonica. You can start off by playing the Beatles' "Please Please Me."

[This message has been edited by speedracer (edited 12-12-2001).]
BTW Hitman, what are you studying to teach? I have an MBA & teach Business Ed at the high school level. I think I'd eventually like to end up at a college somewhere (if I stay in education, that is)
Well watching movies that make you sad really works, 'cause it's like a release. When you are depressed, really depressed, you can't even cry. The thing is, crying makes you feel better.

Another thing that helps is to not be alone sometimes. Surround yourself by people, friends, family, even when you really, really just want to be alone. It helps take your mind off things, you think less, and thus... the depression weakens a bit.

But everyone is different and deals with things differently. It really doesn't help that it's Christmas. Believe me, I know. One more person to talk to- email me if you like,
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