Spellling - The Turning Wheel

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ONE love, blood, life
May 21, 2005
I think I may have found a new album that might get 90% of this site onboard.

This is Tia Cabral, an Oakland experimental artist, both in music and as a visual artist. She came up with the name Spellling from an Erykah Badu quote: “Write down what you want and watch it happen, Spelling is a spell”. I was sold.

I had never heard of her before, but saw this record getting hyped at RYM. With vague references to Baroque Pop, I decided to check it out. And it's SO FUCKING GOOD. This might be the most creative music anyone has put out this year (and I loved the new black midi). Despite the complexity of the songwriting, it's utterly accessible. I had Kate Bush vibes listening to this. I've also seen comparisons to Weyes Blood, but they don't really sound similar despite operating in the same genre. But it definitely has Titanic Rising's ambition.

I beg you, check this out.

I can't find a YouTube link, but the song Always is great too. One of the standouts the first time through.

Edit: of course, my spellcheck mangled the spelling in the threat title. Damn.
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Seriously. I'm so embarrassed. I'm a walking disaster today.

Mods, please help me out here.

In all seriousness, I think even Ax will find something to like here (Queen of Wands, specifically).
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