September 21, 2009 - Gilette Stadium Foxboro - Massachusetts

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I think I'm the one who referred to the flag as a towel, but that's only 'cause I couldn't quite see what it was-sorry!:huh:

Here's a couple more videos I took
Here's Streets-I don't know why the HD option hasn't appeared on it yet-quality is better than Youtube shows right now.

YouTube - U2 Where the Streets Have No Name & Vertigo

Vertigo from my lower seats: You can see how pumped the inner circle was
YouTube - U2 Vertigo Boston 1st show 9/20

WoW! I had no idea the crowd was so into it in the inner circle! Being there, I didn't realize how "in sync" we were. I guess I was too busy paying attention to the music to notice! Looks great though! haha

Here are a few of my videos from the inner circle (Sunday night):

YouTube - "Magnificent"-U2 Gillette Stadium

YouTube - "Moment of Surrender"-U2 Gillette Stadium

YouTube - "I'll Go Crazy" Remix-U2 Gillette Stadium
oh yes, Boston were my last gigs (for this leg/year anyway)
I racked up 11 this year which is actually my lucky number, and boy was it a lucky number 11 on Monday night!
a show unlike any other (bar one) and absolutely the best show I saw on the tour, I hardly have words to describe it. I keep on remembering little bits and pieces which make me laugh/smile/cry.
Melissa is a legend as well - that was amazing to see! For those of you who couldn't see, when Bono called her up she originally shook her head and said no, but she was soon being hauled over the barrier by security (helped by diamond!) and it was fantastic!

All in all, two great night in Boston... sorry i mean Foxborough!

Doncha mean FoxboroUGH? LOL I think we should just call it Foxbo cuz the lazy Bahston tongue refuses to acknowledge any "r" at the end of a word and we do not speak or spell in "Olde English" anymore so the majority of people from Massachusetts will just spell it Foxoro.

as for the infamous Boston Michelle, I think she the one that always carrries a flag (and hangs out with those flag people), wears glasses, has a loud mouth and gives dirty looks. Oh yeah, she also hogs the rail especially on Adam's side so his set list & samples of his water;-)
Originally Posted by ReneeU2
WoW! I had no idea the crowd was so into it in the inner circle! Being there, I didn't realize how "in sync" we were. I guess I was too busy paying attention to the music to notice! Looks great though! haha

:applaud: Yes, we were!!

Hell yeah! :dancing:
Which one of your vids has he got the horns on? :hmm:

I still have to upload it-sorry! I'll get to it hopefully tonight. Hard for me to get this stuff done after work with my long commute.

also, is anyone interested in seeing the Boston 1 GA line get let in? I took video of them all running, from my balcony seat at the resturant. (I had reserved seats that night at the concert.)
WOuld this be taken from "Ground Zero" in the GA?

I really need to learn my GA geography.

Ha, yes, we were precisely "Ground Zero". It's not a real area of GA, just what our section got called that night due to the amount of time Bono spent in front of us. We were the first couple of rows, dead center and just to the right.

And I'd like to see the video of the GA rush night 1, if you don't mind uploading it!
I still have to upload it-sorry! I'll get to it hopefully tonight. Hard for me to get this stuff done after work with my long commute.

also, is anyone interested in seeing the Boston 1 GA line get let in? I took video of them all running, from my balcony seat at the resturant. (I had reserved seats that night at the concert.)

WoW! I had no idea the crowd was so into it in the inner circle! Being there, I didn't realize how "in sync" we were. I guess I was too busy paying attention to the music to notice! Looks great though! haha

Here are a few of my videos from the inner circle (Sunday night):

YouTube - "I'll Go Crazy" Remix-U2 Gillette Stadium

:hyper: I went absolutely crazy :wink:during that song. It was AMAZING!! The beat was so infectious. Suddenly I had all this space around me when before I was smooshed - everyone was dancing - just one big dancefloor.
as for the infamous Boston Michelle, I think she the one that always carrries a flag (and hangs out with those flag people), wears glasses, has a loud mouth and gives dirty looks

I've seen her in action, I would call her "assertive" ;)
Everything about this show was amazing. Some highlights:

-Magnificent as an opener over Breathe the previous night was like night and day. I like Breathe as an opener, but now I see the arguement for Magnificent to open the show. I think it got the crowd going right away.

-Loved, loved, LOVED Your Blue Room. For anyone who was on the outer rail Adam's side on Monday, I apologize if you heard me freaking out. :wink: It was so beautiful live.

-Until The End of the World is probably my favorite live U2 song, so I loved that. The guitar solo is just :drool:. And Melissa looked amazing up there.

-Unknown Caller is amazing live. I think the crowd was more into it on Monday than Sunday.

- Ultraviolet and Unforgettable Fire alone were worth the 16 total hours I put into lining up both days and the $150 I spent on the GA's total. This was me during Unforgettable Fire looking at the screen: :ohmy:

-The illusion of the spinning screen during Vertigo gave me, well, Vertigo. :lol:
Probably because I was so far away, it looks slower moving than it was. I was in it the second night, and it was a mad dash. Least, it FELT that way.
(It looks like for now at least, if you watch the video embedded here, it plays the audio I added. If you go to the Youtube site, it's disabled. odd. )
I found the run in on the 21st to be less intense. Maybe because the run on the 20th was so crazy, I had a mild asthma attack. Oi vey. :crazy: I also thought security did a much better job controlling the running on Monday than Sunday.
They were close to playing Drowning Man, 3 of us had signs on the front rail.
Bono paused and tried to confer w the band, but couldn't persuade them.



WE also were literally pushed out of there by security once the band left the stage. My friend was trying to get her Boston flag back and they gave her a pretty hard time about it as well as nearly pushing us out with the role of security tape.
We all would've stayed for more if we could have. This was in the pit, maybe a little different than up in the seats.
That GA line run looks far less intense than it actually was. :lol: :crack:

I know! I see myself starting around :40 but looks like it took me until 2:00 to actually get to the rail! I swear it felt much faster than that at the time!

Edit: Thanks for the video! That's fun to see!
Boston 2 was my favorite night of the week. Had a great spot on the outer rail and the set list certainly blew Sunday night's away! Definitely liking the "PTD"... can I use that?? :sad:
Some pics I took




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