Random Music Talk CXVII: Leaked Emails Show Hillary Likes Both Kanye & Taylor Swift

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Been revisiting Lennon's solo album IMAGINE. A tremendous work.

The title track a masterclass in simplicity. Verse, verse, chorus, verse, chorus. Such power in the simplicity of the song itself and the message. Three minutes of perfection.

The throwback catchiness of "Crippled Inside", the naked honesty of "Jealous Guy", the timeless melody of "Oh My Love", the snarling delivery in "Gimme Some Truth", the clever and cruel "How Do You Sleep?", the pure joy of "Oh Yoko".

It runs through so many contradicting emotions and the songwriting and performances are stellar.
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Just snagged tickets to Sunday's Sufjan/Kurt Vile show. Holy fuck I'm pumped.

I saw Kurt Vile do a set at Pitchfork five years ago. Never seen Sufjan.
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Yeah, it's at the Bowl. Ticketmaster is gouging pretty aggressively, but for whatever reason stubhub is being kind. It's only like 50 bucks for a decent spot.
You'll have a ball. Take the train, walk up the hill.

Sent from my iPad using U2 Interference
We saw the Cure there. I...didn't love the Bowl from where we were then. Hoping to enjoy it more this time.
For me it was better to walk, but if it's as muggy this weekend as its been lately, the shuttle it may be.
Oh god i was in LA and Orange County last weekend. How do you So. Cal people deal with that traffic?

I sat on the 405 for two hours and went maybe ten miles. Then we were stopped for another two hours near San Bernardino on our way out of the basin.

On the plus side the weather at the beach was beautiful.
Oh god i was in LA and Orange County last weekend. How do you So. Cal people deal with that traffic?

I sat on the 405 for two hours and went maybe ten miles. Then we were stopped for another two hours near San Bernardino on our way out of the basin.

On the plus side the weather at the beach was beautiful.

I try to avoid driving during rush hour. But yeah, it's the weather. I don't do cold.
I'm surprised he ever dropped it. That song is a live epic, it's like the Bad of Sufjan's discography.

I hope you get the I Want to Be Well-Impossible Soul duo that he's been playing. I agree Impossible Soul is the pinacle of his live show, but the "I'm not fucking around" line is still the best moment.
I would be shocked if anything could beat Blue Bucket of Gold as a Sufjan live experience.
I would be shocked if anything could beat Blue Bucket of Gold as a Sufjan live experience.

Blue Bucket of Gold is an awesome, but very different experience, in my view. It's cathartic after such an emotionally intense concert. I Want To Be Well and Impossible Soul, despite the lyrical content, are just incredibly joyful moments in a live show. I think I've gotten that combo 3 or 4 times, and every single time they set off a party-like atmosphere that, frankly, I've never seen in a concert.
Random Music Talk CXVII: Leaked Emails Show Hillary Likes Both Kanye & Taylor...

The new Ray LaMontagne album

-was produced by Jim James
-sounds like post-Syd, pre-Dark Side Pink Floyd
-is surprisingly good
Aaannnd there you go.

'Cause it's pretty much beautiful year 'round. :)

I guess I set myself up for that one :)

I try to avoid driving during rush hour. But yeah, it's the weather. I don't do cold.

I definitely see the appeal of living down there. It was so nice to escape our 100 degree weather for a few days. Plus its very beautiful. So many trees, bushes, flowers that grow there because of the humidity and mild winters that we can't grow here in the high desert.
I have experienced Tokyo trains in the day time on a weekday, a hell of a thing.

But seriously, traffic on the 405 is my nightmare. I'm grateful that it *only* takes me 45 minutes to drive the ten miles to work I have, thanks to my schedule.
the thing is that I live kinda far away from populated area so whenever I go to Tokyo or yokohama even, I have to be on train for so long, almost for forty minutes or so. Plenty of time to listen to DJ Shadow and Kraftwerk and its lovely that I have this stretch of time where I can just listen to music (because I can't do anything else, really), but I still hate it.
I've been at least marginally out of the loop regarding new music on the whole the past five year or so, just listening to new releases I've been especially interested in. However the last couple months I've started listening to a lot at work and just got spotify for the first time last week and am looking to dive deep again.

Have there been any threads on here as a good resource for yearly stuff? I know we typically do year-end threads though I'm not sure how valuable they end up being.
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