Pics from a Vegas Vertigo gathering??

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Mar 5, 2004
Leather Heaven
I'm looking for some pics I saw here several years ago - I believe during the Vertigo tour (maybe right after). I'm pretty sure they were taken in Vegas but I don't remember if the function was a fan event or a pre-show meeting. What I do recall is that the pictures I'm looking for showed three Interference ladies wearing t-shirts they'd made with different Vertigo symbols, using crystals. The shirts were black & the crystals were red with maybe some clear/white. In a couple of these pictures, it looks like at least two of the shirts had also been cut to be worn off the shoulders. That's what I'm looking for. Pictures of those shirts, because I want to try & recreate the off-the-shoulder look. So, if you ladies can help me locate any of those pics, or if you can remember who was in the pics, or if it was you in the pictures, show me some of that PLEBAn love & help me out, would ya'? :D :up: :up: :up:
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