Pic Request - Bono, recent, no glasses.

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:ohmy: I don't think I've ever seen these pictures with Helena, thanks a lot for posting! Bono's blue eyes are shining!

Away with these stupid glasses, man! :madwife:
Thanks for posting all these great shadeless pics!

His eyes are the window to his soul. We need to see that all the time don't we girls? It's a beautiful thing.:love:

Just in general, it is really unsettling for me to talk to someone with shades on. It bugs me to no end. Not the transparent kind Bono wears, but the total blackout kind. I can't read people without seeing their eyes.
Some fairly recent ones. Screencaps from the OOTS video. :love:





this part of the video remindes me of the One bar video .:drool:

random question : I wanted to make caps of this video , but I can't remember :confused: is this video on any U2 dvd's ?
forgive my old age memory laps .
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