Pic Request. Bono and his piercing (sideshots).

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Where's that from? New picture? Who's that baby and why is he/she cropped out?

Anyway: :cute:

And for Bono's ear piercings: I'm pretty sure I've read that he either did the holes himself or had it done by someone who is clearly NOT a professional. I don't remember if it was a band mate or a friend. Sometimes men do this with hot needles. I think their ears are much less sensitive than female ears. I love Bono's piercings and I have a certain thing for men with pierced ears. However, I hate my own ear piercings and I wish I could make them disappear. My parents kind of forced me to have my ears pierced and it hurt like hell. I've always hated having rings and other stuff in my ear and I haven't worn anything for many many years.

But in Bono's case it's :drool:

I've had piercings since I was a baby. I didn't know I had piercings, but it was done at some sot of store. I don't wear anything right now because I hate having pierced ears, No matter how hard my parents get me into wearing earrings. But if I wear them, It hurts and makes my ear all Itchy.
I may be a girl but I don't like doing things most people do.
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