PGP: When I think about U2, I swoon myself

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Got out of class after only 2 hours! (it's a 6 hour class) For the win. Also my instructor's from Spain and his attempts at English are adorably failtastic.
Hehe, had a teacher in Ireland who was from up north and he talked so fast with an accent that even local students didnt understand him :lol::D
Shit! That MU shuttown has been on the news all day 'cause one of the Boardmembers is Estonian guy.:crack:
And all the snow we did'nt have until now has decided to come down.It's up to my knees already.
lol Ck :lol:

yeah, read about it earlier loner and theres a new storm coming next week, maybe not there, seems it hits us but we dont mind snow :D
still looking Glastonbury friday videos to get a pic of me as as was shown on tele with my Santa outfit, dont remember what band was playing then

*hmm i posted it to setlist party when my phone went nuts after ppl sending txts after they saw me, running there :lol:
I'm going iPhone baby. I love my Apple products. At the time we got the Droids, our LG EnV's were dying and we could not hold out for the Verizon/iPhone marriage.

I would definitely love to have an iphone, but I can't justify the 30 euros a month contract.

:D My aquarium is set up. It'll now need some time to settle, for the plants to root properly and the moss to grow on the stone. It's already so much nicer to look at than the tiny plastic aquaria my guppy's are in now.

Very rough shot right now, it's all bubbly as everything is settling. I just hooked up the pump, heater and light too, so it'll take some time to become clear.

Left to right:
Rock with Java moss, wood with Java fern(there's more in the back that can't be seen due to light), and to the right a kind of grass I already forgot the name of. :lol: And on top some floating plants.

I'm planning to add some longer plants when I get them.
Doing some massive catching up...

Looks very cool, GG. Glad you were able to find everything you needed okay.

Making soup for lunch and watching The Price Is Right because there is NOTHING on tv right now. I feel like my grandmother lmao. :lol: :reject:


I'm watching "48 Hours". On days off I often find myself watching the Investigation Discovery channel most of the day. So...yeah.

So I wound up not going to work yesterday 'cause I woke up feeling sorta bleh-headache, bit of a aching throat and such, and hadn't gotten much sleep the night before despite going to bed at a reasonable time (I was to go in at 10:30 yesterday). I feel better today, though. But I'm just gonna hole up in here, 'cause it's bitterly cold...

...AND WE'RE GETTING LOTS OF SNOW! We have a winter storm warning and everything! My mom and I are thinking of staying in and ordering a pizza tonight.

Ok, so now I love Crowded House.


Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Good to hear that! Definitely keep investigating Neil and Tim Finn's catalogs more, there's some excellent music in there.

okay, i know i don't post in here very often, but i had to just say i'm mad at you guys. :tsk: you all were talking about split enz and crowded house and all things finn and no one told me? :wink:

i love just about anything having to do with tim, neil, or liam (neil's son). i've seen them all live multiple times, they're all fantastic. though admittedly when i last saw the crowdies about a year ago i was kinda disappointed; they seemed too keen to play a set full of their slow stuff. i guess they thought those songs would fit better with the crowd (it was at a winery).

Aw, sorry! Next time we'll be sure to notify you.

Winery, eh? That's...interesting.

it is. :D

:moved to auckland ~18 months ago:


*Narrows eyes, envious*

A friend from Australia sent me a New Zealand 2011 calendar. Even though the year's over, I'm still keeping it. One day...

I saw Crowded House about 5 years ago and they did the best version of "When You Come". His son totally rocked out on that. I was supposed to see them about a week from my due date with my daughter and pregnancy brain LOST THE TICKETS.

Awwww, no! That sucks.

But I'm glad you got to see them at some point, though. "When You Come" is fantastic live.

So, you girls like the Finns, Muse, Coldplay...see, this is why I love PLEBA (well, one of the reasons why) :hug:. I also like Snow Patrol, too, but I haven't heard near as much by them. I need to check them out further. I love "Chasing Cars", such a good song.

(Also, zu, you're on coldplaying? I just joined that site about, like, a month or so ago! Yay for the ticket stuff, too. And hugs to you with the job stuff)

My brain just took the words 'Bono', 'bitch', and 'Larry' and made them VERY VERY NAUGHTY. :shifty:

:lmao: :hi5: Nice.

You should go for it. What's the worst that could happen? They say no. It's not like you'll get canned for trying. :)

Pretty much what I was going to say. I definitely understand the nerves, though, my mom and I are notorious for feeling the same way about our work-but heck, were you nervous when you started the job you currently have, VP? And yet you've managed to get into that job just fine.

Best of luck no matter what happens.

(I missed the season 1 finale, and um... yea, I haven't seen anything after that :reject:)

Ooooh, yeah, I definitely recommend catching up, then. The finale has some very interesting situations unfold, and those get addressed in the second season, and there's some entertaining stuff that happens in that season, too. And then there's the first half of the third as well.

My cat is laying next to me in the chair, on my feet, taking a bath right now. Hm.
Nice aquarium GG!

I've always wanted fish & an aquarium but we either haven't had the room or the $$. Maybe once we get moved later this year I can start thinking about it again. :hmm:

You can always start with a cheap, cold water one with Guppy's. Which is what I have now. :lol: But don't keep both genders at once, or you're going to need more room soon.


Like this one. The plastic aquarium was about 10 euros, plants are about 1,50(be sure to take some real ones because they clean the water!), fake plant was 1 euro and the rough gravel was about 3 euros. :) So it doesn't have to be expensive.

ETA and yes. There are actually six fish in this picture. :wink: Can you find them all? (They're baby guppies)
Staying in with pizza sounds like a great idea to me! :D

It's either that or another meal from Taco Tico (one of our local taco restaurants, and the best one ever, as far as my mom and I are concerned). Something nice and warm for a day like this, that's all I'm concerned with.

Cats make the best blankets.

They do :). Our cat often has a tendency to go wake my mom around the time she's supposed to get up for work each morning with her meowing...and then jumps up on her and lays on her stomach. So then my mom has to try and move her, and our cat always lets out an annoyed noise at being moved :p.
It's either that or another meal from Taco Tico (one of our local taco restaurants, and the best one ever, as far as my mom and I are concerned). Something nice and warm for a day like this, that's all I'm concerned with.

They do :). Our cat often has a tendency to go wake my mom around the time she's supposed to get up for work each morning with her meowing...and then jumps up on her and lays on her stomach. So then my mom has to try and move her, and our cat always lets out an annoyed noise at being moved :p.

Definitely pizza, pizza is much nicer than tacos. :wink:

Ha that's convenient! :lol: Mine just jumps up my bed at a random time making a loud squeaking noise, like she's trying to say "hey, wake up! You gotta pet me!"
I know. I'm really hungry now! Gotta find something to tide myself over until my mom gets home later this afternoon.

Definitely pizza, pizza is much nicer than tacos. :wink:

That's kinda what I'm thinking right now, yeah.

Ha that's convenient! :lol: Mine just jumps up my bed at a random time making a loud squeaking noise, like she's trying to say "hey, wake up! You gotta pet me!"

Haha, ours does that, too, yeah. I'll be sitting here at the computer and she'll come over and start nudging her head under my arms or walking across my lap and nuzzling me, trying to get me to pet her, so then I have to do that and still do the whole "awkward typing" thing.

I really do need to share a picture of her here, she's a total sweetie.
Now I'm craving pizza. Doesn't help they're for sale at work, 2nd for free, and I had to look at them for hours. :grumpy: Damn no carbs diet! I don't miss potatoes, don't miss bread, don't miss pasta... but damn, I miss my pizza.
That gentleman pushed me to take a leak and get a new pint, but I drank it on way back :lmao:

few others were watching my reindeer up front so he wouldnt run away :lol:
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