PGP: We're the ghosts of love and we haunt this place

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JJ: :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

I think they did that regularly, Domo. They've performed it a ton over the years, and I know there's at least one other video on YT of Edge finishing; you can tell it's a different night cause he's got the purple shirt on. I think maybe that was just the arrangement they used for ZOO?

Edit: found it. Thanks, Comet!! :)
Oooh, I need to get my hands on that video too then. :hmm: I only remember him heling out during WLCTT in NY :drool: Holy shitballs. That one was hot.
Your right. For some reason I always think it was Wahington /facepalm.

Ha JJ didn't see the ripping up scene yet. :up:
Domo, those Edge singing videos totally made my night. I smiled for hours after watching them.
I was actually the first PGP'er to see the shows (Vancouver 1 and 2). Had seats both nights (to the side of the I stage, Adam's side, a bit behind the boys) and had an amazing view of everything :D No matter how many of the shows you watch on Periscope or Meerkat (a million thank yous to whoever created those apps!), nothing will match actually seeing it live *G*

(I miss the punk artists intermission video though.)
Last nights show was great! :wave: I remembered periscope just as 40 was ending lol, but I did see one of you say hi in my feed :applaud: I know your name but can't remember your interference name.

Uh are the avis weird for anyone else or is it just me :uhoh:
Mine looks like I want it to. ;)

Hmm... I'm on my phone so that's probably why, but I wish I could show you. I took a screen shot. Jeevey you have some sports guy, a baseball player I guess. Mine is the "hmm" guy. :lol: it's been like this since yesterday. I took screen shots but can't upload them yet.
Hmm... I'm on my phone so that's probably why, but I wish I could show you. I took a screen shot. Jeevey you have some sports guy, a baseball player I guess. Mine is the "hmm" guy. :lol: it's been like this since yesterday. I took screen shots but can't upload them yet.

That's weird - I'm on my laptop and Jeevey's avi is Edge and yours is Edge and Bono. Mine's wet!shirtless!Adam from Minneapolis as per usual, a little taller than normal but otherwise fine.
What??? Did I get Headache's stupid Eli Manning photo somehow? Christ, this must be fixed immediately.

For your avi Comet I see the old one you've had a while of smirking naughty Bono with wise Edge from 360 or so, and GG's thoughtful scrubby Bono that she's had forever. Is that what you guys are seeing?
I'm confused now :giggle:
What I do know is that GG's Current avi and comet Curent avi should NOT, I repeat, NOT mix. :lol: Unless Bono wants to meet himself again.

BTW. I hope you never change your avi, and I hope someone has that picture somewhere becuase I just realised I don't have it. :down: Wasn't it at some kind of party with Kanye?
I have a few from that night I'll post when I get home. They are with Kanye and Lenny Kravitz yes some sort of Edun event I want to say but could be wrong.

And yes all avis are back to normal but for 2 days all hell broke loose, at least here on my end! lol!

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