PGP: We're on The Edge.........of glory!

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This news definitely made my day. I really really really hope it comes to Vancouver. I couldn't believe we never got IMGL. We have a fabulous film festival (although it's smaller than TO), and a great indie theatre that always shows docs, but no IMGL. :angry: Crossing my fingers that this one will make it here...
I'm hoping because it's Boston and we lay claim to making them that it will get played here. DG and I are so going (even though she doesn't know it yet). :giggle:

Hey, Bono does call Boston his hometown in the 1983 Orpheum show.
I just realised. I totally forgot to edit my "Who's Met Who" post on here. :uhoh: God now I have to list everyone from Canada.

Just say "everyone in Canada." :lol: That's pretty much true! :wink:

So this morning I was really scatterbrained, and forgot to bring a lunch. About an hour ago I got an email from a co-worker asking if I wanted to go out to lunch with her. :up: Woohoo! She even offered to drive. Today's a good day to go out for comfort food (we're either going for Vietnamese or Japanese), as it's bleak and grey and gloomy outside, yet once a-fucking-gain. :rolleyes: :lol:
Something tells me i missed something "huge" :shifty:
:lol: It's in the who's met who thread now. God my list is huge now. And I'm sure I must be forgetting people too.

Just say "everyone in Canada." :lol: That's pretty much true! :wink:

So this morning I was really scatterbrained, and forgot to bring a lunch. About an hour ago I got an email from a co-worker asking if I wanted to go out to lunch with her. :up: Woohoo! She even offered to drive. Today's a good day to go out for comfort food (we're either going for Vietnamese or Japanese), as it's bleak and grey and gloomy outside, yet once a-fucking-gain. :rolleyes: :lol:

:lol: That's almost true yea. So many new people. :heart: It was so totally worth it.

Woo that's good timing! :drool: Japanese sounds good. I had a pizza tonight for dinner as comfort food, well that and the fact that I can't cook with one hand. :lol: So it worked both ways.
:lol: It's in the who's met who thread now. God my list is huge now. And I'm sure I must be forgetting people too.

:lol: That's almost true yea. So many new people. :heart: It was so totally worth it.

Woo that's good timing! :drool: Japanese sounds good. I had a pizza tonight for dinner as comfort food, well that and the fact that I can't cook with one hand. :lol: So it worked both ways.

Did I miss the post that you said what happened to your hand?
Oh I think I put that on fb only. I burned it in the lab today when I took heated chemicals out of the microwave. :crack: it splashed and the oven mit I was wearing had holes in it. So I burned a fair portion of my left hand, the area inbetween thumb and index finger got most of it, part inside part outside, and inbetween index and middle finger got some too, blister is developing there. :crack: probablybecause the bandage doesn't reach there.
Ah well, at least I got a cute guy at the University's first aid centre, and he told me to get back there first thing in the morning to redo my bandages since I've nobody at home to do it for me. :D

:grumpy: Still hurts though, even through ibuprofen. And writing with my right hand is a problem, since I'm mainly a lefty.
There need to be more wet Edge pics!

That needs your presence :shifty:

Uh, is anyone around for this?

DSC00640 by occula, on Flickr

Where the hell is Wild for that?

I watched Hell's Kitchen too. I have never seen him so disgusted. It was fun.

NomNOm nice banana :wink:

Man, I am really having the end of tour blues. I think it is more about knowing I won't see everyone for such a long time. I suppose it is normal, but I hope this doesn't last too long! :sigh:

Me too:hug:

U2 documentary to open TIFF - Arts & Entertainment - CBC News


I knew they were filming something for the AB remaster a month ago. I didn't know it was going to be in theatres.

OMG :hyper::drool:
I'm just glad it was a relatively harmless chemical, just causes skin irritation. So the burn is just the problem. I rinsed with water immediately for a while, went to my supervisor and he got me a bag of ice. He then contacted the faculty's head and he brought me to the first aid, as this counts for a work accident and they have to report those and have the docs check it to be sure. So the first aid guy checked it, asked questions and put ointment on it to treat the burn and bandaged me.
:crack: This is going to be annoying though. I still have 2,5 weeks of labwork ahead of me. So not having my left hand for writing and other stuff is going to be a major nuisance.
Ouch, GG.

You are a lefty and Leo? Me too. :hi5:

:flirt: How YOU doin'.

:hi5: Yep, lefty since I was 3 years old. Though I'm actually ambidextrous I never really developed writing with my right hand. I'm lucky I practiced enough to be able to write at least a little bit eligible, so I can continue to write my lab journal with my right hand, but it'll be slow.

Great timing that this happens when my parents just left for holidays. :lol: And I've 3 cats at 2 different houses to take care of(though one of them is my house ;)).

Perhaps it'll be beans on toast for dinner tomorrow. am certainly not capable of handling heavy pans.
:shifty: I could live with an Irishman coming over to comfort me... perhaps providing me with some special Irish cream...

Is that like peeing on a jellyfish sting?

I'm a little ambidextrous. I used to write better with my right. I use my right a lot of things like drinking, lifting, using scissors. I can still write with right. Both Mr and I are lefty and daughter is righty. So, I need to practice with my right so I can help her.

So, you know the curse of the ink hand.....
Is that like peeing on a jellyfish sting?

I'm a little ambidextrous. I used to write better with my right. I use my right a lot of things like drinking, lifting, using scissors. I can still write with right. Both Mr and I are lefty and daughter is righty. So, I need to practice with my right so I can help her.

So, you know the curse of the ink hand.....

:shifty: No idea, but I'm willing to find out..

Same here, I do almost everythign with my right hand except writing and opening cans. Though I just started realising I'm doing more things left than I thought.

ooh that's a good reason to practice. Nice you're trying for your daughter.

:lol: Oh yeah, and the smeared pages. So much stuff ruined.
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