PGP: It's Beer O'Clock

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what. :shifty:







Mmmm... I approve of all the Johnny pictures! What a nice way to wake up this morning! :drool:

I'm making a nice dinner tonight just for me, but that's about it. I'll probably go for a run this afternoon and will be watching the hockey game. Nothing out of the ordinary this weekend. :)
Happy berfday Johnny Depp. I now have valid reason to post my favorite incarnation of him ever



This thread title is frustrating me.

I'm at home for the summer. No beer. Nooone.
What are you going to make Thora? I'm going to make an orzo salad and... something... maybe get Mr.Z to bbq a flank steak. We both try to watch our cholesterol but he LOVES steak so we usually have it every other week or so.
Happy berfday Johnny Depp. I now have valid reason to post my favorite incarnation of him ever



This thread title is frustrating me.

I'm at home for the summer. No beer. Nooone.

Katie, is that from an episode of 21 Jumpstreet? Maybe I should go to Blockbuster and see if they have some of those on DVD - HAHAH!
And bummer about the beer. (I can't find that 'patting on the head' smilie)
Yes it is...he's undercover as a punk kid. I can't handle it.

Meh, I just wish I was in Ireland (don't we all? heh) with much Guinness
What are you going to make Thora? I'm going to make an orzo salad and... something... maybe get Mr.Z to bbq a flank steak. We both try to watch our cholesterol but he LOVES steak so we usually have it every other week or so.

My favourite salad (it's a Vietnamese cabbage salad that is INCREDIBLE), chicken alfredo, a nice bottle of wine (thanks to my Dad for buying it for me), and cupcakes for dessert. :drool:

Ooh, I love orzo! :up:
This is a partial test run for a dinner party I'm going to host once I get a job. I make the chicken alfredo all the time, so I know that works, but this is my first time making the salad on my own. My mom makes it a lot (especially when I'm visiting, as she knows I love it), so I've had it a ton, but I've never done it on my own before. It really shouldn't be all that difficult - it's kinda hard to mess up a salad. :lol:
This is a partial test run for a dinner party I'm going to host once I get a job. I make the chicken alfredo all the time, so I know that works, but this is my first time making the salad on my own. My mom makes it a lot (especially when I'm visiting, as she knows I love it), so I've had it a ton, but I've never done it on my own before. It really shouldn't be all that difficult - it's kinda hard to mess up a salad. :lol:

Aw a dinner party sounds like fun. Maybe we should do one... for the end of summer or something...

Did someone mentiin food and beer ? :wave:
yup. Join the party, JJ.

Did you drink at school, but your parents don't know? or is there another reason beer is not allowed at your parents' house?
Aw a dinner party sounds like fun. Maybe we should do one... for the end of summer or something...

I've never had one, but I've always wanted to. When my grandma moved from her house to a retirement community a few years ago, she gave her kids and grandkids a whole whack-load of her stuff that we would have inevitably inherited when she passed, but she wanted us to start getting (and enjoying!) it now. So I got some lovely crystal glasses, gorgeous white china plates, and I already had a set of incredibly fancy REAL silverware that my mom's best friend gave to me for my 30th birthday. :love:

SO, a fellow food-loving friend and I were talking a few months ago, and decided that because she can't cook, and I love to, we will have a celebratory dinner party once I get a job, and make use of all my gorgeous fancy stuff. It's just sitting in my storage closet gathering dust, which is a real shame for such beautiful things to never get any use. I can't justify bringing it out for everyday use, but I need to have friends over for a nice meal. :yes:

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