PGP here to stroke Bono's....ego

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
And yay for the haircut! I love the feeling of a brand new haircut. I got about 5 inches chopped off a month ago, and I kept shaking my head around because it was so much lighter. :lol:

My hair gets so ridiculously fly away and staticy when it's cold out and the heat is on, and the air inside my office is so dry, it's like being in the desert - my lips feel chapped in there after half a day, it's crazy. :crack: At least it's easier to control when it's shorter.

And Zoey, the obsessive cat i mentioned earlier? Is leaning on me right now, and pawing at my mouth. :happy: :| :cute:
Thora--great news! I'm hoping that my aunt in Virginia can get some similar good news--she has a malignant tumor on her trachea that's interfering with her breathing. Inoperable, cos it's also adhered to her aorta. They're going to start radiation on Sunday to try to shrink it to ease her breathing. She's 82, my mom's only sister. We lost Mom a little over 10 years ago, and there is only one of their brothers left--he's 91. Soon *we* will be the older generation.

VP, thanks for the photos of your kitties--especially Abby--I've always been partial to calicos! :cute:

The feral mama kitty we've been feeding in the back yard for a few years (don't know how/where she spends the winters) now has three kittens, about 2+ months old. I don't know what we'll do when the weather gets cold. :sad:
My hair gets so ridiculously fly away and staticy when it's cold out and the heat is on, and the air inside my office is so dry, it's like being in the desert - my lips feel chapped in there after half a day, it's crazy. :crack: At least it's easier to control when it's shorter.

And Zoey, the obsessive cat i mentioned earlier? Is leaning on me right now, and pawing at my mouth. :happy: :| :cute:

I hear that! I had 2 feet of hair cut in Oct. 2001, and have not let it get that long since. It now rests no longer than just past my shoulders when it grows out. *prefers it about 1/2 inch above her shoulders*

My hair gets so ridiculously fly away and staticy when it's cold out and the heat is on, and the air inside my office is so dry, it's like being in the desert - my lips feel chapped in there after half a day, it's crazy. :crack: At least it's easier to control when it's shorter.

And Zoey, the obsessive cat i mentioned earlier? Is leaning on me right now, and pawing at my mouth. :happy: :| :cute:

Silly cat! :lol: The other night I was at a friend's house, and they have a cat called Earl. If you don't pay attention to him, he'll climb halfway up on whatever chair you're sitting on, and tap you on the shoulder three times. :lol: I still ignored him. I'm not much of a pet person. :lol:

Thora--great news! I'm hoping that my aunt in Virginia can get some similar good news--she has a malignant tumor on her trachea that's interfering with her breathing. Inoperable, cos it's also adhered to her aorta. They're going to start radiation on Sunday to try to shrink it to ease her breathing. She's 82, my mom's only sister. We lost Mom a little over 10 years ago, and there is only one of their brothers left--he's 91. Soon *we* will be the older generation.

Oh wow, that's tough. Hopefully she'll get good news soon. I can't imagine how tough that must be to have difficulties breathing like that. Hopefully the radiation will be effective!
I hear that! I had 2 feet of hair cut in Oct. 2001, and have not let it get that long since. It now rests no longer than just past my shoulders when it grows out. *prefers it about 1/2 inch above her shoulders*


That's about the length I like it, just above or at my shoulders. It's a little above now.

Silly cat! :lol: The other night I was at a friend's house, and they have a cat called Earl. If you don't pay attention to him, he'll climb halfway up on whatever chair you're sitting on, and tap you on the shoulder three times. :lol: I still ignored him. I'm not much of a pet person. :lol:

:tsk: Must find a way to melt your cold, black pet heart. :wink:

MsPurrrl, hope the treatment helps your aunt! And poor feral kitties. :( There were a few hanging around here in the summer, I used to sneak food to them, but I haven;t seen them in a while. I have to be careful, can't attract too much cat attention, I have more cats than is legal in my city, despite their all being well taken care of and loved. :|
Thora--great news! I'm hoping that my aunt in Virginia can get some similar good news--she has a malignant tumor on her trachea that's interfering with her breathing. Inoperable, cos it's also adhered to her aorta. They're going to start radiation on Sunday to try to shrink it to ease her breathing. She's 82, my mom's only sister. We lost Mom a little over 10 years ago, and there is only one of their brothers left--he's 91. Soon *we* will be the older generation.

VP, thanks for the photos of your kitties--especially Abby--I've always been partial to calicos! :cute:

The feral mama kitty we've been feeding in the back yard for a few years (don't know how/where she spends the winters) now has three kittens, about 2+ months old. I don't know what we'll do when the weather gets cold. :sad:

Thanks, Thora. I wish I lived nearer to her so I could help take care of her, but I'm 700 miles away. :sad:

That's about the length I like it, just above or at my shoulders. It's a little above now.

:tsk: Must find a way to melt your cold, black pet heart. :wink:

MsPurrrl, hope the treatment helps your aunt! And poor feral kitties. :( There were a few hanging around here in the summer, I used to sneak food to them, but I haven;t seen them in a while. I have to be careful, can't attract too much cat attention, I have more cats than is legal in my city, despite their all being well taken care of and loved. :|
:uhoh: Be careful!
Thanks, Thora. I wish I lived nearer to her so I could help take care of her, but I'm 700 miles away. :sad:

:hug: Wish there was something I could say.

:tsk: Must find a way to melt your cold, black pet heart. :wink:

:lol: Highly unlikely. I'm probably going to stay a heathen my entire life. :wink: If I ever have kids I may change my mind. I wouldn't refuse to allow them to have pets if they want them. I just probably won't ever like them very much.

:uhoh: Be careful!

If it came down to it, I would fight it, if I could find a pro bono attorney, or I would move. there are counties adjacent to ours that have no restrictions.

As a pet owner, I can understand it - there are pet hoarders out there who have pets who are in horrible conditions and allowed to breed till they're overrun. But why should people like me who have more pets than average maybe, but they're all fixed and healthy with vet care, and adored, why should those rules apply to me? :|

I'm looking at the images I downloaded off of so many babyU2 that I haven't seen! (which is not saying a lot, as there is a lot of babyU2 that I haven't seen anyway... :shifty:)

If it came down to it, I would fight it, if I could find a pro bono attorney, or I would move. there are counties adjacent to ours that have no restrictions.

As a pet owner, I can understand it - there are pet hoarders out there who have pets who are in horrible conditions and allowed to breed till they're overrun. But why should people like me who have more pets than average maybe, but they're all fixed and healthy with vet care, and adored, why should those rules apply to me? :|

I agree totally. Something like that should be on a case-to-case basis. :reject:
In the past few years, I've actually read of people who were in the same situation as us - took in one pregnant female and within a year or so, ended up with nearly 100 cats. Helpful hint: if you have boys and girls of the proper reproductive age, THEY WILL MATE. DUH. We couldn't afford to get all 7 done at once. First we got the mom done, then when they got to be 4 or 5 months, we kept the boys and girls apart. We got the two girls done as soon as they went into heat, at about 8 months. Even then, even though there was no chance of cat pregnancy, we still kept them apart, because the boys were sexually aggressive toward them. A few months later, we found a really reasonable place out of town, and got all four boys fixed at once.

it's not fair to judge people like us the same as you would judge crazy cat hoarders who allow mating.
:hmm: we're gonna need a new thread title soon.

:crack: And I got a cold. Overnight. Wtf. I woke up at 4am with a sore throat and stuffed head. Been sneezing like a mofo and my nose is a disaster.

Kristen was the live version that JJ sent what you wanted? I also have the Spider-man versions with Reeve Carney singing.
I haven't worn it JJ. :wink: You're not getting it! If I ever would give it away, it'd be to Edge. If he'd wear it that is.

:crack: I feel pretty sick. Hope this isn't another flu or bronchitis. I've had WAY too many already this year. And I"ve been taking vitamins for a while, extra vitamin c and drinks that are said to improve your immune system. Nothing works.

:shifty: Your post in another thread here works quite well too Comet.
my beanie looks like it´s gonna be a floormat or smthing, think I missed the part in that vid that makes it go around, mines just a huge square :lol:
was in local sports center today and was going to watch a futsal match, but on isle there was a bird, so spent 45 mins to catch it and release it out lol

I was screaming yelling and cursing like hell to that bird and alot ppl joined me from audience until we caught it :lol:
I can only imagine what it looked like to other side, running around with a trashcan for 45 mins and cursing like hell :coocoo::giggle:
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