PGP: Give Us All the Bono

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I have crushes on so many celebrities who are 40 years old or older. So clearly that isn't an age bracket that bothers me that much :D. 40s is not old at all.

VP, I actually thought you were younger! How old, exactly, I don't know, but I don't know, I thought we were a bit closer in age :p.

They air "Freaks and Geeks" on some channel every now and again-I can't remember which one. I keep meaning to check that show out, I've heard nothing but good things.

Agree with all of this. But i still think you're far more tolerant than I am. or you haven't hit your intolerance threshold yet. :lol:

Hehe. I've learned over the years to have an absurdly high threshold for patience, I think, due to the way I've grown up. Plus I have a very strong optimistic streak. Which I think helps.

Trust me, when I'm REALLY pissed off, you'll know :D.

Ha!! We still have a long way to work toward that. Not sure how knowledgable about Canadian politics you are, but we have three major parties, the conservatives (right, but not quite as right as yours), the liberals (slightly left of centre, although I'd say they're more centre, now) and the NDP, who are socialist, left of centre. Canada overall is left of centre, but because the left of centre votes are being split between the two parties, the only party right of centre, has won the past few elections - bleh.. :(

Ah, poo. Yeah, that's the one thing about third parties, they kind of muck up the votes sometimes and everything piles over onto one side like one of those scales or something.

It's really strange to think what's considered "right-wing" in other parts of the world is still "not quite as right-wing" as our right-wing here in the States. That's...kind of frightening.

*just joined*


Nice :up:! I love it when I find a really good site for an artist and join up. It's kind of intimidating sometimes at first, but you meet some really awesome people along the way.

Case in point...*Looks around at this place, smiles*
I have crushes on so many celebrities who are 40 years old or older. So clearly that isn't an age bracket that bothers me that much :D. 40s is not old at all.
Same here

Nice :up:! I love it when I find a really good site for an artist and join up. It's kind of intimidating sometimes at first, but you meet some really awesome people along the way.

Case in point...*Looks around at this place, smiles*

:shifty: Only 28 bucks a year, and I get a free DVD featuring live footage and stuff from his Waking Up The Nation tour in 1991 :heart:
I think I may just go to bed early tonight.

Because sleep has been most helpful in getting rid of this cold. :shifty:
It has nothing to do with the fact that I've been staring at images of Bono, Edge, Larry and Bryan Adams in Google Images. Nope. Nothing at all.

G'night all! Love you!
:lol: Hey, sounds like a fine way to spend an evening to me :up:.

:shifty: Only 28 bucks a year, and I get a free DVD featuring live footage and stuff from his Waking Up The Nation tour in 1991 :heart:

That's not a bad deal! Pretty cool :).

Well...... U2 and I have hit our 50's.... so... :wink:

So has Neil Finn. And I love him and the guys in U2, so there's another age bracket I'm fine with!

(I also love you as well, Comet. Just not in the same way as I do the guys :p :hug:)
Hehe :D.

So, yeah, I'm probably going to be off to bed here, too. I have to work this weekend. Blergh. It's hard to muster up the enthusiasm to work after having been off for a few days (not for any specific reason, I've just not been scheduled thus far). But hour-wise it's not so bad, so that's something :).

So night, all :wave:!
:love: Snow Patrol was AWESOME! Had a great time with Anji and Domo, and all the other Dutch U2 fans, lol the entire front rail was all U2 fans. We all got a setlist and I managed to get a drum stick. :D
:tsk: But it's only 3am! You can easily stay up longer to have fun! :flirt:

I just sorted through the pics. :lol: Man I went nuts on it since my camera had good settings this time. Shame that Facebook only allows 200 pics per album, so I had to sort and delete until I had 200.
feck the ticks, just wanna do Dublin with friends

can call few local friends if you havent found any yet later :wave:
they got these tick packages and they take busses from dif parts of Ireland for the gig, so should find a spare ticket :D
Well that'd be sweet! :D I'm checking ticketbastard every day for a ticket drop. Hope to get a ticket in time, otherwise I'll just go there on luck and hope to find a spare ticket in line.
Hi ladies! What did I miss? Other than Bono in Peru eating guinea pig meat? Not sure lips that touch guinea pig meat should ever touch mine. Well, I suppose I could just close my eyes and think of Ireland.
Glad you had a great time, GG! :up:

Sorry you're bored, Kristen. That's gotta be tough. :( Hopefully the last 2 hours will be better! Until then, here's a little dance for ya: :cabbagepatch:

So my landlords were vacuuming RIGHT above my head this morning, and I managed to get my camera in time to take a video of the sound. :laugh: Uploading shortly...
OMG! :hyper: Email back from the craigslist. There's a woman in Amsterdam selling the snail eating snails quite near my uni. For a decent price too! :D I hope I can pick them up monday, so they can get eatin'!
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