PGP : Assemble! Like penguins in the wild!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Bah, oh well.... Don't suppose you know who it was that posted it so I can stalk their post history?
I did see that once, but I never saved it. :( Sorry!

If you look for the word Bono and Fat , you just might get a hit here in Pleba.
I remember the day that photo being posted here and causing an outrage becuase some peoplecallef him fat and others couldnt deal with that. .

Then EYKIW started trolling and the rest is history.

... the memories :lmao:

That is amazing.

They did a little story on Russian Matryoshka dolls on the Olympic coverage just now and I just saw a Bono Matryoshka doll. :giggle:


I'm here AT HOME!!!!!
at least for now!!!! :love::drool::love:

got my somewhat iffy attery charger cord
FINALLY CHECKED by 2 friends a few months ago but
all this other crap kept happening .

this cord went a little wacko back LAST JUNE :sad: and started to smell burning plastic/meta lcoming from the port for the battery chArGER/ AC/DC cord.

It was 0ften too hot this summer and this is an older lap top+heavyish if you're carryng other things like grocerries, art & craft supplies etc :lol: that to lug it arouhnd without any gararanty that both my friends would be there at the same time......

she finally ot to plug it in etc and it didn't heat up/smell etc

SO finally got to it!!!! :yipee::yipee:

I don't know how long it will last but at least for now....

:sigh: wish someone was here to shar the good news with in real-time....
but will go looking for any u2 filming live b4 fallon show...

be back later.....

:hyper::hyper::wave::wave: hey hi JJ

i'm finally back on line ( at least for now) at home!

I was cheering for your Finnish guy in the um.... cross-couintry ski relay ...he was #2 at the half way mark but then i went off tio watch other TV so ...well i coukld look it up right now

*opens new window* :lol:
I had NO IDEA ( this comes from having way less acess than usual to the net these past 5 months ort so) McG

had left until I saw the tag on this thread and then remembered I saw a j/king reference to a new manager in the current thread about the Fallon Show a fewhours back

Yeah, big news in the U2niverse. It was all over not just the fandom but all the music trade publications.
hey 17, tara && comet :wave:

ah well, down at Rock Center was a disappointment

2 cars came out with Bono in one, Ads in the next one
(people could not tell whether larry was w Adam)
some people quietly (at least) ran up to the cars

The last time i plasterd myself against a limo/or sedan's window was in '67 or so when Paul & John were on ?Carson's or Cavett's show and we (I and mah friend) were the only 2 that were in the right place at the right time (others were on the block over) at in Rock Center and same said underground entrance as tonight :lol: .

(only disappointment was that we each took a side and she was on Paul's side and I was on Johbn's side. We weere still a bit screamy-ish (we were 14 & 15) so I was rather disappointed that she was closer to Pauo than I was :lol: This was before I became more interested in John's political leanings.)

I have on occasion gotten near to the cars ...but it''s night, not in a well lit area so you either have to have very good eyes ( and my lower light vision is fine), be really up there or have some same light source somewhat lighting into the inside. I'd rather get close-ish but not all claustrophobic inducing!

no one mentioned Edge and I sooo wanted to stay ( I mean I didn't ask) but my toes were getting too cold(need extra re layer my boots againn). didn't want to get past a certain point. I waited about another 10 mins or so after tthose 2 cars left and then called it quits.

ah well..... better to have tried, than not.

looking foward to JF later!:hyper:
Are people interested in having a PLEBA discussion thread for the Fallon appearance? Things are getting a little bloody over in ETYKIW.
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