Our own guys are...

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jul 26, 2000
right underneath the north pole
Girls, have you checked the Interference photo album? Gosh, our own Interference guys are really handsome. They deserve a thread of their own.

check out:

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01
Oh, man.... I just checked...

I would vote for Inester for most inspirational sun glasses and the smile to drool for... and deathbear for coolest pic
Originally posted by AM:
Johnny Swallow is cute as well

Met him in person in Dallas before the U2 concert! If only I were 10 years younger ...
OH all right 15 years younger!
Sicy says me likes deathbear.


and others that I think are cute...



Ok theres more but its sucha pain in the arse to post them cuz I have to upload them to snapcrap and even rotate them Blah.

Bears are people too.
Hhheeyyy can we do PLEBA dreamdate?! I'm in love with Lucas and DethVeggy!!!! Don't tell Bono

"I love to paint. I don't think it's just the fumes, but it might be." ~Bono

"What you don't have you don't need it now, What you don't know you can feel it somehow."
Just a question:
Can we be accused of harassment for this? do you think these guys would mind being up here? I don't know them as well as you guys do, but I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable. Just a thought.
Hahhaha... no I dont think they'd mind at all... in fact I think they would be flattered.

Naya, ask Dr. Teeth if he minds... I know the other two dont.


Always Wear A Safety Belt

Sicy's Website
I remember a thread up in 'Everything you know is wrong' a while ago about that the girls on Nicamom?s page are HOT. So I guess they don?t mind that we take a look at the boys

We love you guys

"The bass player's got it. The bass player's fucking got it." Bono, Boston 6-9-01
*pops head in*

oooh, me likin' deth veggy.

*pops head out*


"Enough of this video bullsh**, I'm going to give you some culture. Know what I mean?" -Larry, ZooTv Era

"A vampire or a victim, it depends on who's around."


[This message has been edited by LarryMullen's_POPAngel (edited 08-19-2001).]
What rumor is this oh sweetest bear?

Bears are people too.
I think Dr. Teeth is a cutie!

~*Dream Out loud*~

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?.???. *Monica* .???.?
(?.??(?.??* *??.?)??.)

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