NBA 2019-20 Thread

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i mean, that statistic gets repeated before every raptors game that kyle sits out since it was like 5-0, but yeah sure i just found out and i'm in shambles.

i think that stat speaks more to how damn good fred van vleet is, more than anything else.
lol vince carter is a distant #3 on that list at best (it's kyle and demar 1/2 and then a big gap to carter/leonard/bosh). there may still have been a debate to be had the last time this came up a couple years ago but that question was put to bed with a shovel last season when the team led by lowry was the 2nd best in the NBA.

edit: if you guys aren't going to treat me like a dumbass who doesn't know his own favourite team then we can actually discuss this but yeah if it's going to go like last time then let's not bother.
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I suspect that 6th place could be the Bulls' ceiling this season, but Donovan really does appear to have been the right hire. They play hard every game.
I watched them almost beat the Blazers a couple weeks ago. I had forgotten, or didn't realize how good Levine is. I was impressed.
There have been so many trade rumors swirling around about LaVine for ages now. But I don't know...he seems like the kind of player you can build a franchise around. Not the most complete player, but one of those exciting talents. With Donovan having the locker room in good shape and GarPax no longer running the franchise into the ground, it's looking like we might be a decent FA destination all of a sudden and we will have loads of cap space this summer. Players will want to play with LaVine.

Anyway, that's next season. It's just nice to see the Bulls playing hard. Last season was embarrassing.
There have been so many trade rumors swirling around about LaVine for ages now. But I don't know...he seems like the kind of player you can build a franchise around. Not the most complete player, but one of those exciting talents. With Donovan having the locker room in good shape and GarPax no longer running the franchise into the ground, it's looking like we might be a decent FA destination all of a sudden and we will have loads of cap space this summer. Players will want to play with LaVine.

Anyway, that's next season. It's just nice to see the Bulls playing hard. Last season was embarrassing.
If he's interested in signing an extension, they should absolutely do it. They can always trade him later if it doesn't work out. His game has evolved to the point where he's always going to have value to some teams that have the defensive pieces but need some offensive playmaking.
Yeah, I don't harbor any illusions that the Sixers as currently constructed are a true championship contender. They're a couple pieces away and likely don't have a path to get those pieces. They're hanging around on the second tier in case injuries derail those ahead of them, I suppose. It is what it is.
It's amazing how so many front offices still struggle with the concept of win curves and opportunity costs. Thinking about this because of the post-Hinkie 76ers (the Tobias Harris and Jimmy Butler trades and aftermath in particular), and the current discussions surrounding the Knicks. If you want to make "win now" moves, you'd better be sure that these moves will position you as a real contender, otherwise your window will be shut down pretty quickly with no real ways to improve the team meaningfully.
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