NBA 2018-19 Thread

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neither of these teams is beating GS unless something really wacky happens. i'll be quite satisfied just to make the finals and be able to go to a game though.

Yeah agreed at this point, it would be unlikely. I gotta give Toronto credit. They have found a way to shake the Bucks and right now the Bucks do not look like the team that I saw the 90 games prior to this series. I do still think when the Bucks are playing at their absolute best, they can beat Golden State, and all they would need is to have 4 games where they're completely on, but with what I've seen the last 2 games, I have serious doubts that they win another game this series.

PS. I hope Drake gets "accidentally" plowed over by Giannis in Game 6 and as he's laying there shell shocked, Brooke Lopez accidentally trips and falls on Drake's head.
Maybe. But one thing we can all agree on is that Drake sucks.



PS. I hope Drake gets "accidentally" plowed over by Giannis in Game 6 and as he's laying there shell shocked, Brooke Lopez accidentally trips and falls on Drake's head.

Please tell me this ends with one of the Bucks ripping off Drake's head and dunking with it.

Please tell me this ends with one of the Bucks ripping off Drake's head and dunking with it.
It'll be Giannis and 1 because Drake's body is still flopping around and it bumped Giannis during his Eurostep from the 3 point line.
What did drake do?

But yeah fuck drake

he had a really fun time at a basketball game that his team won (more or less keeping their season alive) and some whiny little babies are pretending like he's committed some outrageous crime against sports because they can't stand that toronto isn't getting steamrolled anymore and might actually win.
he had a really fun time at a basketball game that his team won (keeping their season alive) and some whiny little babies are pretending like he's committed some outrageous crime against sports because they can't stand that toronto isn't getting steamrolled anymore.

I mean if that video clip was it... sure it’s not a big deal but he sure does think he’s the shit. He ain’t.
touching the coach was a bit over the line (i'm sure he was asked not to do that again afterwards) but absolutely nothing else he did during that game warrants even 10% of the fake outrage today. bucks fans (not here) mercilessly clowned the raptors and their fans after game 2 and now that the tables have turned they can't take it.
Aaron Rodgers is a part owner of the Bucks and he at least acts like a functioning adult during the games.
i'm not going to belabor this point any further because i don't really care about defending drake, except to say one last thing that applies to all sports at all times:

if you really don't want the other team or their fans to clown you, then WIN THE FUCKING GAME.
Lol we're not talking about the game. We're taking about Drake. We would have talked about it no matter who won.
I can assure you that people being annoyed by Drake has dick to do with anyone wanting Milwaukee to win. Most people without a rooting interest just want a good series and we're likely happy with the result.

They're annoyed because he's annoying. Nobody's complaining about Superfan, who I'm sure had a hoot at the game.
if the bucks had won nobody would be talking about drake today because he wouldn't have done a tenth of the stuff people are so salty about if the raptors weren't winning nearly the entire game.

and some other season ticket holder being a really chill guy has nothing at all to do with drake or anyone else in that arena.

anyways like i said i'm done defending drake, i feel gross now and fuck you guys for making me do that. :wink:
People have been annoyed by Drake and sporting events for years. The Raptors losing in the playoffs didn't stop it then, nor would it now.

It's that he inserts himself into the action that annoys people, much in the way Spike Lee probably annoyed people back in the olden days when the Knicks were relevant. But at least he stayed in the vicinity of his seat.

Roaming the sidelines is above and beyond normal fan, sponsor and/or unpaid brand ambassador behavior.

Jack Nicholson and Jay-Z don't annoy people - and Jay had an actual ownership stake.

I wonder what Drake would think if the CEO of one of the sponsors of his next tour got up on the edge of the stage and gave him a wet willie mid song.
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It's that he inserts himself into the action that annoys people, much in the way Spike Lee probably annoyed people back in the olden days when the Knicks were relevant. But at least he stayed in the vicinity of his seat.

Roaming the sidelines is above and beyond normal fan, sponsor and/or unpaid brand ambassador behavior.

Yes, Spike Lee was very annoying back in the day, and most folks loved watching Reggie Miller put him in his place, and yes there is a big difference with Drake going up and down the sidelines...that's the only part of the whole thing that crosses a line IMO. He can do as he pleases from his seat/the general area in front of his seat...just stay there.
Proud of the Sixers having a respectable front row celebrity, good family man M. Night Shyamalan. Sure he made a piece of shit in Avatar: Last Airbender, but he did it because his kids liked the show. What's more wholesome than that?
lol the sixers had the most obnoxious courtside fan i've ever seen in the last series - say what you will about drake, but at least he's not in milwaukee jumping up and waving a four-foot sign in front of the home fans' faces every single time the raptors do anything remotely good, nor is he saying racist shit to bucks players when they stand in front of him to inbound the ball when they're playing in toronto.
Nah you're right he's just having fun out there. I'm just jealous since I had Milwaukee in 3. There's nothing obnoxious or sad about a grown man who dresses up in full uniform at a Kentucky basketball game to participate in layup lines at all. It's perfectly normal behavior and the fact that the entire world outside of Toronto is annoyed by his act is just them being a bunch of haters.

I totally stayed up all night thinking about that response, too.
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