My public apology. I am sorry.

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I don't think that happened in this case. This girl would have been standing holding that spot for her father when this guy comes along all riled up from the line fiasco and tried to take that spot. He saw a girl 'paper dolling' the rail and decided he was going to make his stand.

Well you know what? IMO, if the father was any more than literally 3 or 4 seconds behind her, he should have come up to the spot, saw that someone else got there first, and then stood behind his daughter. That would have been the decent thing to do. But that's a whole other discussion, which we've had on here many times over the years...
I had no problems with the apology, until he says he HAD to make it based on a threat. I thought it was a bit late, but whatever. I do respect when someone has the balls to make an apology, whether it be Vik or this guy.
Well you know what? IMO, if the father was any more than literally 3 or 4 seconds behind her, he should have come up to the spot, saw that someone else got there first, and then stood behind his daughter. That would have been the decent thing to do. But that's a whole other discussion, which we've had on here many times over the years...

Unless he had already been there and then went to the bathroom because they were standing in line all day.
until he says he HAD to make it based on a threat.

I think that says more about the other people than it does about him.
I'd also say an apology doesn't automatically make things better (sorry I beat my wife), it just blows my mind that one can defend vik and not bulletproof.
But anyway, the issue isn't really about that and I'm sure you're a sweet girl in real life
He listed it as one of the reasons, but I don't get the sense that he's only doing it because some person made some bizarre threat.

If that were the case, I would think he would have apologized right away ... assuming the threat was made while the original thread was going on (which seems more likely than him receiving this message just this past week or whatever).
I think that says more about the other people than it does about him.
I'd also say an apology doesn't automatically make things better (sorry I beat my wife), it just blows my mind that one can defend vik and not bulletproof.
But anyway, the issue isn't really about that and I'm sure you're a sweet girl in real life

I beat you cause I love you, honey
I think that says more about the other people than it does about him.
I'd also say an apology doesn't automatically make things better (sorry I beat my wife), it just blows my mind that one can defend vik and not bulletproof.
But anyway, the issue isn't really about that and I'm sure you're a sweet girl in real life

Wait what???? I never said it made it better or worse in either case! I said I respected both for doing so, but the motives were different it seemed. I am not ok with what Vik did, but did appreciate the apology. It is more the pic posting and naming names that I didn't like here.

So you are saying my posts make me seem like I am not a sweet girl? Whatever.
I don't really see anything wrong with this thread, nothing is out of hand, but that's just me. :shrug:

Since I never got to take part in the first thread, I sort of like reading this one.

I've just a few things to add, since I never added my two cents while the tour was going on, and there's are pretty random/scattered.

There's a difference between physically moving/pushing a girl and yelling at a girl. Both suck. But actually pushing a girl out of her spot is way, way worse to me.

The whole sign in sheet days before the concert is absurd. Who decides who the line captain is? If there were a show in East Hartford, CT (where the stadium is about I don't know, a 10 minute drive from my house?), am I automatically line captain because I live so close? you're either in line, or you're not. if you get out of line more than to go to the bathroom, well, then you're not in line. If I were ever to camp out (and it'd have to be for a really local show, like 10-15 minutes from me), and I'd arrive at say, 10 am, and people stroll in front of me at 2 pm because they started a line, then yeah, there would be problems and lots of agitated people I'd think. And with that, I think it's good to know in advance who you're dealing with, especially with the same people doing it over and over again. I don't really have a problem with pictures being taken/posted of the offenders if they're in public. First and last names is a bit much, and I can see how people would get up in arms about that, but you are in public and you are being a dick, so...

The whole sense of entitlement to the front row spots or specific spots is really, really, really dumb. I've seen U2 41 times now, and I've not once felt the need to camp out. I'm fortunate enough to have seen them that many times for my age especially (and insane, yeah I know) but I've never felt the need to be in the same spot or even in GA at all times. I did GA twice on this tour, in Baltimore and at the second Montreal show. Both times I got to the stadium around 5, and both times I wandered into the pit. And for Baltimore, I was about one row of people back towards Edge's side. Perfectly fine view point. For Montreal, it was packed, so I just chilled out towards the back bridges since I knew they use the whole stage anyway. I can't for the life of me figure out why people feel the need to be front and center at all times. Especially in an outdoor stadium show when the stage is massive and fun to look at.

Even if U2 decides to change the GA system back to the lottery, there's still going to be this problem for those on the outer rail. Hopefully common sense and courtesy will reign on the next tour since I doubt such a minimal number of people would change GA seats from being sold, but it really is ridiculous how people freak out and feel like they're entitled and must be in a certain spot at every show.
I don't really see anything wrong with this thread, nothing is out of hand, but that's just me. :shrug:

Since I never got to take part in the first thread, I sort of like reading this one.

I've just a few things to add, since I never added my two cents while the tour was going on, and there's are pretty random/scattered.

There's a difference between physically moving/pushing a girl and yelling at a girl. Both suck. But actually pushing a girl out of her spot is way, way worse to me.

The whole sign in sheet days before the concert is absurd. Who decides who the line captain is? If there were a show in East Hartford, CT (where the stadium is about I don't know, a 10 minute drive from my house?), am I automatically line captain because I live so close? you're either in line, or you're not. if you get out of line more than to go to the bathroom, well, then you're not in line. If I were ever to camp out (and it'd have to be for a really local show, like 10-15 minutes from me), and I'd arrive at say, 10 am, and people stroll in front of me at 2 pm because they started a line, then yeah, there would be problems and lots of agitated people I'd think. And with that, I think it's good to know in advance who you're dealing with, especially with the same people doing it over and over again. I don't really have a problem with pictures being taken/posted of the offenders if they're in public. First and last names is a bit much, and I can see how people would get up in arms about that, but you are in public and you are being a dick, so...

The whole sense of entitlement to the front row spots or specific spots is really, really, really dumb. I've seen U2 41 times now, and I've not once felt the need to camp out. I'm fortunate enough to have seen them that many times for my age especially (and insane, yeah I know) but I've never felt the need to be in the same spot or even in GA at all times. I did GA twice on this tour, in Baltimore and at the second Montreal show. Both times I got to the stadium around 5, and both times I wandered into the pit. And for Baltimore, I was about one row of people back towards Edge's side. Perfectly fine view point. For Montreal, it was packed, so I just chilled out towards the back bridges since I knew they use the whole stage anyway. I can't for the life of me figure out why people feel the need to be front and center at all times. Especially in an outdoor stadium show when the stage is massive and fun to look at.

Even if U2 decides to change the GA system back to the lottery, there's still going to be this problem for those on the outer rail. Hopefully common sense and courtesy will reign on the next tour since I doubt such a minimal number of people would change GA seats from being sold, but it really is ridiculous how people freak out and feel like they're entitled and must be in a certain spot at every show.

I agree with everything you said.
I'll get this in before this thread gets locked.

I posted the original GA topic because I wanted to see change. I didn't like "plus ones", "paper dolling", or threats to other people if a U2 "elite" lost their spot in line. I really was taken back by all this. I had assumed U2 fans were of a different caliber than say, Metallica fans.

I posted this apology because, after careful consideration, I wanted people to know I didn't want to hurt anyone. I guess I was wrong.

I am apologizing to those that were there and had their pictures posted that had nothing to do with this. There were some innocents. To them I make my apology.

I am apologizing to the girl and her father. Evidently they still hold a grudge. They have shown this by contributing to the Facebook threads. I feel bad that they still think I was the problem, when really the girl created the conflict.

I don't apologize to the people that added friends, saved spots, or left during the line for more than food/bathroom breaks.

I have heard resentment for the way I handled this. Please SOMEONE tell me how it should have been addressed.

I have been accused of:

  • sending threatening emails
  • pushing "little girls"
  • taking pics "on the sly" (Canon DSLR isn't too sly)
I have PM's here and other places that call me names, threaten me, and accuse me.

I guess I'll go out on one final note...

U2BROTHR said:
In my opinion, your behaviour is inexcusable and disgusting.
I have heard resentment for the way I handled this. Please SOMEONE tell me how it should have been addressed.

You shouldn't have posted pictures with names, calling out people who weren't involved.

Which you just said you were apologizing for.

I am apologizing to those that were there and had their pictures posted that had nothing to do with this. There were some innocents. To them I make my apology.

So ...... why are you asking? I think some people said you shouldn't have posted pictures at all. But as others had posted pictures of the "line cutters" in Chicago, I can only guess they took issue with it because you also posted names.

It seemed excessive and that it would lead to nothing but trouble.

I think had you made your posts without pictures and names, you would have still had some arguing and discussion, but far less trouble.

It seems to me that the thing with the 15-year-old is a separate issue, and that it only really came up because it was something to throw back at you, as in "you've got a lot to say for someone who had a confrontation with a teenaged girl."
The whole sign in sheet days before the concert is absurd. Who decides who the line captain is? If there were a show in East Hartford, CT (where the stadium is about I don't know, a 10 minute drive from my house?), am I automatically line captain because I live so close? you're either in line, or you're not. if you get out of line more than to go to the bathroom, well, then you're not in line.

I agree, it is absurd to line up for a concert days in advance. But it happens (and I have to admit I've done it a few times :shifty: ). As for deciding who the line captain is, it is quite clear to me. If you start a line, you 'control'/administer/monitor the line (i.e. handing out numbers so that a rough order is obvious, telling people what to expect, trying to prevent situations where line jumpers cut in). You don't want to do that? Then don't go for this insane race to be #1.

Also, regarding the situation of 'signing in' and then leaving for some hours I also go for a simple guideline. If you want to join the GA queue, be prepared to be in line until doors open. Yes, the people administering the line may show some leniecy, as in allowing a sign in once every few hours, or just once for the day. But that's a bonus, so don't start complaining when they don't allow it. Because then you shouldn't join that GA queue just yet.

If I were ever to camp out (and it'd have to be for a really local show, like 10-15 minutes from me), and I'd arrive at say, 10 am, and people stroll in front of me at 2 pm because they started a line, then yeah, there would be problems and lots of agitated people I'd think.

True. Hence the reason why, most of the time, the people administering the line were telling people to start lining up day of the show at 6 or 7 AM (or whatever early time), to prevent situations as described above. Still, it did happen and that's just bad behaviour from the people running the line. They should not be exempt from the rules they set themselves.

And oh, also the 'sign in + 1' is bullshit. If you want to join the queue and get a number, then you should be there. If you're not there, then there's no number for you. It's ridiculous to sign in others. :down:

I can't for the life of me figure out why people feel the need to be front and center at all times. Especially in an outdoor stadium show when the stage is massive and fun to look at.

From what I heard from others, some don't care about the whole big show and all the lights and effects. They prefer to have more a small club experience. Seeing the interaction of the band members up close. Have as little awareness of the thousands of other people as possible.
(And yes, some want to be at the front to try to grab the attention of the band members, wanting to be acknowledged for being there, etc.)
Thanks Steve. You're first class!

I sent that when this whole thing started. Make sure you post the date so people don't think I sent it today.

Oh and posting PMs is a violation of Interference policy and could lead to you getting banned.
You shouldn't have posted pictures with names, calling out people who weren't involved.

So ...... why are you asking? I think some people said you shouldn't have posted pictures at all. But as others had posted pictures of the "line cutters" in Chicago, I can only guess they took issue with it because you also posted names.

It seemed excessive and that it would lead to nothing but trouble.

I think had you made your posts without pictures and names, you would have still had some arguing and discussion, but far less trouble.

Well said Cori! :up:
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