My GA experience. The list is tainted.

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also i think you don't realize what all this is gonna do to the next tour i nthe states? something will change again, and what if you don't like it?

I heard of security doing "studies" prior to this tour, wanting to make lines safe and fair, and whatever. And what was different this tour? Absolutely nothing. Still left in the hands of fans to impose (and break, if they wanted) whatever arbitrary rules they decided on.

I wouldn't hold my breath for changes.
Maybe we should send faxes to PM and let them know that it should be done the Springsteen way. No lining up, no cutting, no +1, no bitching at people over the internet, no nastiness, no nothing.

If that doesn't work, bring back the seats for GA.

Well scratch that. There will always be bitching. Bah humbug. There was a reason why I took a break from interference.
Well yeah. I was talking about the way the actual lines are run, though.

Smartass. :madwife:

Haha, I wasn't trying to be a smartass, what I was getting at is they changed potentially one of the few things that actually made the lines a little better. Kinda.
Maybe we should send faxes to PM and let them know that it should be done the Springsteen way. No lining up, no cutting, no +1, no bitching at people over the internet, no nastiness, no nothing.

If that doesn't work, bring back the seats for GA.

Well scratch that. There will always be bitching. Bah humbug. There was a reason why I took a break from interference.

And when you wonder why I've changed my posts it's not concealing anything. I hate all this crap. This is why I took a break from 2009 til last month. This is why I can be found most times dancing in the back by the mix. This is why after anyone post a vid or pic Larry coming off stage to hug Memphis Mullen you will not see me post on here for years just like last tour. I really miss Wire, Propaganda and the times when people were nice on here.
What the hell have seats in GA got to do with it? 90% of people in GA are perfectly, you know, normal. They only turn up on the evening of the gig. They casually go for the best spot they can get. No big deal, just a gig. It's only an issue with the pit, and with what is overall surely only a very small % of fans. They don't have a problem with GA, they have a problem with a small amount of obsessive, desperate, 'entitled' fans - and a problem with them self managing it.

There really shouldn't even be people feeling they need to get there so early, let alone stupid lists days before, for fucks sake. There should be some sort of system there that means no-one has any need to be at the venue until only a few hours before, with a fair/formal system that favours everyone equally, regardless of who they're mates with or where they may or may not read online, or whether you've been to one show or one hundred. Surely management would hate hearing these stories. Surely the band hate seeing the same people up front every show. Surely the venues hate people getting there 24hrs or more beforehand, and then acting like twats. Pretty simple.
hell, don't leave Interf, just do what most of us do, ignore this part of the forum and come enjoy Lemonade Stand :wink:
Speaking of which, did Travis get his SD tickets, you h8r, you? :lol:

:lol:. Not yet, not sure what's going to happen. I got laid off for a week, so suddenly McCartney is a possibility, but it's tomorrow night and I don't know if I want to drop cash on a concert when I'm not positive when my return to work will be, you know?'s McCartney :uhoh:
:lol:. Not yet, not sure what's going to happen. I got laid off for a week, so suddenly McCartney is a possibility, but it's tomorrow night and I don't know if I want to drop cash on a concert when I'm not positive when my return to work will be, you know?'s McCartney :uhoh:

Dude. GO. It's McCartney. That's what they made Ramen for.

Hope you get called back soon!
Of course, but it's bitching about mostly everything else in the world that's not U2.

I could use some of that. This is getting old.:up:

That, and I have been hanging out in the tour threads for my shows for so long, and after tonight, there is no need. :sad:
Anyway, as Mark has stated...this thread has done way more damage to the US ever having a GA field again than I think you all realize. We are not as anonymous as you'd like to think, and there are mngt folks who keep an eye on these threads. I miss terribly the days where people would consider other people and not bash each other under the cloak of the internet.

The assumption that a single thread on a U2 fan board can do damage to the US GA system is IMO simply ridiculous.

I love the sanctifying of U2 if U2 fans are a breed apart. Please.

Exactly. One of the bitter things I had to learn about U2 over the years is that their fans aren't necessarily following the band's obvious principles when it comes to certain behaviour at U2 shows. It's a hard truth.

There's a list because some U2 fans are self important and HAVE TO BE UP FRONT at every single show, even if they've already been to 20 shows on the tour.. God forbid someone who is only going to one show on the tour gets THEIR spot on the rail.

I totally agree. And I give props to the original poster for speaking out loud.

I'm quite disgusted by reading all of this crap :down:

However, all of this will be over the day after tomorrow. No more 360 shows, no GA line drama. Everything bad has a positive side as well.
Good luck! That would be an awfully hard one to pass up.

I just found two tickets for $125 total with no shipping, and it's got me terrified that it's a scam, though I've NEVER had that happen to me off of eBay ever.
Truth be told...the only difficult GA line I was in this tour.... was in Montreal. And for me that was a venue security issue who mismanaged the people who were waiting poorly.
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