Leather Day - The Future Needs a Bono Kiss

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Brilliant :D
ok I know It's not real ( and photoshopped:shifty:), but there's a picture of Bono and Larry almost kissing:hyper:. I think it was from the "Numb" video...........:nerd:
And I don't have it......but I think some of you have it.......:hmm:
I think that one is San Jose (04/19/2001). And pretty sure that hand belonged to Shanda. All I heard on the way home on the plane was "I am NEVER washing my hand again".

Assuming that is a common phrase for the Bono-girls in the crowd once Bono's kissed their hand.

:lol: That or something like, " I'm gonna chop it off to display it in an airtight box"
I've must have seen that movie a thousand times now.
:giggle: pretty sad it didn't even came into my mind , you are so right!
*snerk* Sorry , can't help but giggling at that sweater each time a photo of it comes up.

Seriously, he can be such a total fashion disaster.
The green monstrosity tops it off.
*snerk* Sorry , can't help but giggling at that sweater each time a photo of it comes up.

Seriously, he can be such a total fashion disaster.
The green monstrosity tops it off.

No sweater can really shock me after Adam.

It does come close, though.

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