Labour Party Speech Timed Perfectly For Comeback??

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Sep 29, 2004
carlisle, cumbria, england
Hi.. i love u2.They rock... but Bono has left himself open to criticism by appearing at the labour conference.It does reek of publicity.He has done a lot of great work for the aids charities but the association with Tony Blair cant be good for the band.Likening Blair and Brown to Lennon and Mcartney is blasphemous.Come on guys.. stick to the day job.Am I over reacting here..what dya think????
davroswildebees said:
Hi.. i love u2.They rock... but Bono has left himself open to criticism by appearing at the labour conference.It does reek of publicity.He has done a lot of great work for the aids charities but the association with Tony Blair cant be good for the band.Likening Blair and Brown to Lennon and Mcartney is blasphemous.Come on guys.. stick to the day job.Am I over reacting here..what dya think????

i think you are over-reacting.
anything bono can do to change the current policies of the leading governments and raise awareness of the crisis that africa faces can only be a good thing. he's been instrumental in massive changes so far that , as he himself said at the conference, have saved thousands upon thousands of lives.

i personally think its crass to accuse something as important as the work he does as publicity seeking. its insulting to the campaigns he supports and to the work he does

as for the image of the band, any damage bono or the bands reputation may suffer through assocaitions with the blairs and bushes of the world, is more than made up for by the lives saved through the changes these campaigns bring about.

personally i dont understand people who would look at someone like bono and be "put off" by the amazing work he and many others are doing
I read the speech and it was good but what i'm wondering is if there is conflict within the band because Edge is for Kerry (against Bush) and Larry protested the Iraq war last year and Adam i dunno but Bono is obviously cowtowing to the Concervatives as well as Blairs Liberal party which supported Bush. That new article in Q magazine makes it seem to me that Larry is not a happy camper either not so much in anything he said but just the overall feeling.
i dont think personal political preferences come into it.

labour are leaders of the UK therefore they are the people in a position to make changes. i think thats why bono was there, not because he's a supporter or for any other personal reason but simpy because its where he'll make the most ground
digsy said:
i dont think personal political preferences come into it.

labour are leaders of the UK therefore they are the people in a position to make changes. i think thats why bono was there, not because he's a supporter or for any other personal reason but simpy because its where he'll make the most ground

yeah thats the way I saw it cos my dad said to me "whats bono doing supporting labour?" and I said I think its more due to the fact that Labour are our Government so therefore they are the ones that can make the changes.

I think a lot of people will be slightly confusued about why Bono was there if they didn't get hold of the full speech he made cos the news only showed snippits of it over here.

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