July 9, 2011 - Hippodrome - Montreal, QC

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Much better set list tonight, although, I thought the crowd was louder for MTL 2. Details to follow soon.
What a difference a day, 200 metres, five changed songs, and a group of hyperactive mates makes. For Montreal 1 I was sitting in a seat in the arse end of the stadium without any chums, for a show with a setlist similar to previous gigs. For Montreal 2, I was standing in the third row from the rail on Adam’s side with a bunch of fabbo partying chums, and with some succulent changes to the setlist. Two concerts in two nights in the same venue, but as different as shandy and brandy for me, like going from Siberia to Ibiza (especially during Crazy Tonight).

My favourite part of last night’s concert was looking along the front rail and watching all the railhog eejits going nuts. Barbara, Kelly, Mel and Neel ignited a very toasty party for our little group (which drew the approving attention of Bono and Adam). And I loved looking along to the centre of the rail to see the wonderful travelling band of GA line-up junkies leaping, singing, reaching for the sky and having the best time of their lives so joyously and expressively. I cannot fathom how or where they find the energy for it after little sleep and long days on their feet in the sun, but they’re getting collectively recharged from some powerful musical renewables.

Kelly had told me before the show that one of her favourite U2 songs is Out Of Control. She jokingly warned us that if U2 played it, then she might lose a little bit of control herself. After Until The End Of The World, I immediately recognised the start of Out Of Control. Kelly evidently hadn’t, so I tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around, and I pointed up to the speakers to ask “Do you hear that?” When she finally clicked what song it was, her eyes widened, her hand went to her mouth, and everyone around her took a step back for their own personal safety. It was absolutely fabulous to see someone plunge so expressively into a song, like a one person mosh pit.

Before All I Want Is You, Bono made some band intros based on a Cirque du Soleil theme. When he asked the crowd what they thought Adam would do, Kelly’s brother Michael roared “Bearded lady!” just before Bono said “Bearded lady”. In one, Michael. When Bono asked the crowd what Edge would do, someone shouted “Acrobat!” Unfortunately it wasn’t so accurate, nor a lead-in to the elusive, mythical live song that many fans crave. Edge was a knive-thrower. Larry was strongman, Bono himself was a clown.

After whinging about there not being any magical or spontaneous moments at Montreal 1 to lift it above the average, Montreal 2 had loads. Bono brought Amp onstage during the “Let me in the sound” part of Boots, and gave him a very pally shove at the end of it to tell him “Hey! You! Get off a my stage!”, which was quite hilarious. Bono also brought a boy onstage during Elevation. The kid’s timing was perfect as he delayed answering when Bono asked him his name, until saying his name just when it suited the music.

Bono sang a tender verse of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah as a touching new intro to Streets. Also, taking his cue from Amp’s sign, Bono treated the U2 fans listening live online to the strangely drooled over “Shines likes stars” verse of With Or Without You, which apparently trended on Twitter. A very nice verse, yeah, but I don't quite get the fuss over it myself.

My favourite songs last night were Out Of Control, Streets (we wuz there!), and Ultraviolet. The image of Bono dancing with the steering wheel microphone at head height during it is still the most memorable image of him in the tour for me.

I had a very weird moment during One. I was listening with my eyes closed, when I heard a strange, unfamiliar sound. “What the hell is that noise ...?” I asked myself. I opened my eyes and tried to place it. I even turned around to see if someone behind me had something which might have been making it. Then I finally clicked what it was. I believe I was actually hearing Bono’s guitar during One for the first time.

I also noticed just how good the ambient music to the spacemen cartoon encore vid is. Seen it dozens of times but never gave it any attention.

Random observations:

$4.50 for a 500 ml bottle of water in a hot dusty GA line where water can’t be brought to is ridiculous. As GA Joe told me, there should be a One campaign for the GA queuers.

As an occasional foreign language dabbler, I’m trying to work out what title Bono has started using for Aung San Suu Kyi during Walk On. I assume it’s a formal Burmese title, possibly for a president. (Languages in Asia can have complicated formal modes of addressing people.) It sounded like “Don Suu Kyi” last night but I could have that completely wrong.

Also, what does Bono say to introduce The Fly, is it “Kraut rock, circa 1991” or something?

My attempts to speak French often come out with mangled Spanish. I think Bono suffered from this last night when he slipped in a little “por favor”.

Bono left the stage with a “Vive Quebec”, which I’m sure mon ami Montreal Jack would have appreciated.

Someone proposed to their girlfriend (presumably) by hiring a plane to fly over the stadium with the proposal message. The crowd roared and then chanted “Oui! Oui! Oui!”
Much better than the first night. And I say that with the sour taste of the GA line (FOUR lists that followed each other!) left in my mouth. I went from 12th, to 29, to 44th, to somewhere in the mid-80s. Then when I heard security would not be letting people leave the line for the entire day to prevent cutting I just left and ended up doing the back of the pit with about 10 friends. I don't blame event staff, by the way. The original line would have probably worked, just like it did in Anaheim, had people decided they were not satisfied with their position and started a second, third and fourth list. The police never HAD to get involved.

Anyway, the show itself was great. Loved the Hallelujah intro into Streets, thanks to Amp for getting us the Shine Like Stars coda for WOWY. I'd heard NYD a bunch before so was not too excited for that. But overall the band did great Saturday.



This was the show I was going to line up for. After getting such a great spot the night before without lining up, plus being exhausted after trying to get back to the hotel after the wicked rain storm, plus finding out that our original numbers meant nothing anymore we decided to just sleep in and figure it all out in the morning. After convincing Romi and a few others to ditch the line as well, we enjoyed a very nice afternoon of sightseeing and poutine! We tried to see the band leave their hotel but decided to leave before they came out. The metro ride to the stadium was very squishy and hot...good thing U2 fans are so friendly :shifty: Got there around 6ish and it was hysterical watching Romi and Jorge still try to do the GA run :lol: We found a spot at the back of the pit and literally ran into a whole bunch of Blue Crackers :hyper: It was so great to be able to watch this show with so many of you and my brother, my sister and two friends from home! Loved how they changed the setlist...I was a little sad that they played All I Want Is You on the night my hubby wasn't there, but it was great hearing it. Hearing Hallelujah was very special. I really don't know what else to say other than I'm so glad I went to both of these shows. I had a fantastic time and it's going to take me a few days/weeks to recover!
I'm still processing at all, but this show was fucking EPIC!! :heart: What an amazing night to end out my 360 tour on. I had planned to soundboard it, but since we got there so late, due to the crowded Metro and long long lines to get in, that was understandably well filled. So we snagged a spot on the grass well behind the soundboard. It ended up being PERFECT! I've seen the show from seats before, so it was nice to see the differences in the light show since 2009. We ended up moving dead centre on the grass, so we couldn't see much of the stage, but that didn't matter. We could still see the Claw and the screen, and that's all that matters. We had a ton of room to dance and flail around, as everyone else seemed to be squished to the sides.

There was a LOT of flailing (and HOLY SHITT!! screaming) once OOC started. I totally lost it. SO awesome!!! :love: That was definitely the highlight of the night for me. That's one of the few songs left on my "I need to hear this song live someday" list, so I was thrilled to pieces.

I can't even remember what else was a highlight, but maybe I'll remember when I look back at my pictures and so on.

I'm glad it didn't rain after that show so I could hang around to say hi to a few people I'd wanted to meet. It was a fabulous show, and one of the best I've ever seen. The Montreal crowd is awesome!!
I tend to agree that in the chaos of the torrential storm which hammered the concert site, he must have slipped or fallen during the operation.

2nd show was amazing, band was at their best and enjoyed the changes in the set list
Crowd was great and living up to their reputation
Skipped the whole GA line fiasco, and still got a great spot

Amazing week in Montreal capped off by girlfriend's first 2 U2 concerts ever! Time to rest my sore feet and legs!!:applaud:
Amazing, Amazing show. Showed up a little after 4:00 and still got a great spot in the pit. The crowd was intense. I lost my voice. Something I haven't done in who knows how long. There was just so much energy. And you could tell the band could feel it too. We still haven't stopped talking about it. Had a great time in Montreal
Most WTF moment of my weekend -- standing behind Gene Simmons in the airport security line.

That hair, oh my.

He asked the security guy if he had to take his shoes off, yes Gene, when it comes to airport security you are one of us. Them were some rockin ass boots tho! :rockon:
Most WTF moment of my weekend -- standing behind Gene Simmons in the airport security line.

That hair, oh my.

He asked the security guy if he had to take his shoes off, yes Gene, when it comes to airport security you are one of us. Them were some rockin ass boots tho! :rockon:


(His hair makes me glad I'm bald. It's that bad.)
Montreal 2..EPIC!!!!

Cathal summed it up quite perfectly!:up: We showed up at 4 and walked right into the pit. By the time Interpol started, we ended up being in a big group of people from Interference, which made the show even better! The setlist was amazing, and the boys were in top form. This show is my favourite show to date, but I am a relative newbie. It was the friends around me that made this one so special! :heart:
I was further back in the pit on Edge's side....so my pictures are a bit grainy.








- [/FONT]Someone proposed to their girlfriend (presumably) by hiring a plane to fly over the stadium with the proposal message. The crowd roared and then chanted “Oui! Oui! Oui!”[/QUOTE]

Actually, the crowd was cheering "GUY, GUY, GUY!", rather than "Oui."

Guy is the name of the aspiring groom-to-be and is the chant that Montreal Canadians fans yell out for their most famous Canadians' players whose first name is Guy, namely Guy Lafleur and Guy Carbonneau.
A bunch of my Montreal 2 best shots:



Right before he stopped and played in front of us (someone else can take pictures during that!)



Isn't that the girl I blew a kiss to in East Lansing?

thanks for the pictures, how does Larry look so fantastic all the time :love:
Edgefest- you could/should frame some of those. :up:

From the back I wasn't sure but I thought wtf I think amp is on the stage, Such a cool moment! How did that happen?

Out of Control was fantastic, if the people around me weren't fearing for their lives I would have been able to enjoy it more. Those stands do sway!!

Stars sealed it for me, even though no one around me had seemed to have ever heard it before. It was like they've been listening to us each night as we loudly sing it with or without Bono's help ;) Great show! I think company you keep weighs heavily into how much you get out of a show, and while mine was great, being in a crowd that goes nuts over the little things (aka Anaheim 2 for me) makes all the difference.
Stars sealed it for me, even though no one around me had seemed to have ever heard it before. It was like they've been listening to us each night as we loudly sing it with or without Bono's help ;) Great show! I think company you keep weighs heavily into how much you get out of a show, and while mine was great, being in a crowd that goes nuts over the little things (aka Anaheim 2 for me) makes all the difference.

Oh that reminds I have to upload my MOS video. I started recording it during WOWY so I got "Shine like stars..."


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