July 8th and 9th- Hippodrome- Montreal!! (Part 8)

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U2Brother (Mark) is looking for 2GA's for tonight's show for two fans from Austria who got ripped off and are without tickets. Post here or on Facebook if you can help.

I have a spare Red Zone 2 ticket for sale. $325 (face value)

Call or text as I wont be checking computer for much longer

I have a spare Red Zone 2 ticket for sale. $325 (face value)

Call or text as I wont be checking computer for much longer


Just sent you a text. I have been searching all day. Hope it is still available. John
Just noticed my tickets are from the cancelled show marked July 3 2010, Toronto, They are still good right??? My heart is pounding wondering if I messed up somehow
I was 27th in line so i got a good front rail place between Edge and Bono. About the GA line thing, I thought the list for Saturday was to place those people after the people who were physically in line for the Saturday show, apparently it wasn't :D. Either way, after the first night with me soaking wet, sunburnt after staying days under the sun/line and having slept 3 hours over 2 days I just went home and had a good night's sleep until 10am next morning when I arrived at 11am in line and got a spot 2 people away from rail on the outer circle. I thought the second show was much better than the first on EVERYTHING from crowd to the band's performance. Had a blast these days. If you were there you may have seen me, check my photo on my profile and see if you recognize me and add me on FB.
I was 27th in line so i got a good front rail place between Edge and Bono. About the GA line thing, I thought the list for Saturday was to place those people after the people who were physically in line for the Saturday show, apparently it wasn't :D. Either way, after the first night with me soaking wet, sunburnt after staying days under the sun/line and having slept 3 hours over 2 days I just went home and had a good night's sleep until 10am next morning when I arrived at 11am in line and got a spot 2 people away from rail on the outer circle. I thought the second show was much better than the first on EVERYTHING from crowd to the band's performance. Had a blast these days. If you were there you may have seen me, check my photo on my profile and see if you recognize me and add me on FB.

You weren't too far from me. I was 94 and after the scanning nightmare, ended up right in front of Edge. We didn't line up for the second show. We still made the pit and it was nice to see more of the show.
I'm really proud of my city and what they've accomplished. Was it perfect? No. But they did as well as can be expected under trying circumstances, with 80,000 people at an untested venue.

And the shows themselves? Fantastic, and the atmosphere that the crowd created was a huge part of that.
I'm really proud of my city and what they've accomplished. Was it perfect? No. But they did as well as can be expected under trying circumstances, with 80,000 people at an untested venue.

And the shows themselves? Fantastic, and the atmosphere that the crowd created was a huge part of that.

Great, Great shows. I love Montreal. Fantastic shows. The people of Montreal have been nothing but, the nicest. I'm glad these were the shows I decided to travel too.
I'm really proud of my city and what they've accomplished. Was it perfect? No. But they did as well as can be expected under trying circumstances, with 80,000 people at an untested venue.

And the shows themselves? Fantastic, and the atmosphere that the crowd created was a huge part of that.

Nice to meet you again briefly.
You have a right to be proud. I will just go on and on about how wonderful the people were in Montreal. Nevermind the Evenko and security crap. The shows were great, and the people made it even better. I can't wait to get back there. We didn't see anything more than a few basics. Now, I'm confident I can get by with a little practicing of French. People were so accommodating. Just loved the city!

For the second night, the guy next to me and I finally warmed up to each and talked a bit. In broken English he told me how he loves U2 so much they make him cry. He listened at home growing up with his headphones on and tears would stream down his face. His father came in once and asked if he was okay. Very sweet. He had a great time. I count him as a "true" fan because he cheered loudly for Zooropa and Ultra Violet :)up:).

And, I got a Quebecois kiss from the woman we met the first night. :up::up::up:
I'm really proud of my city and what they've accomplished. Was it perfect? No. But they did as well as can be expected under trying circumstances, with 80,000 people at an untested venue.

And the shows themselves? Fantastic, and the atmosphere that the crowd created was a huge part of that.

:up: You have a right to be proud!!! I have been waiting to see U2 in Montreal since I was 13 years old. I have heard over and over again over the years that the shows in Montreal were awesome and to be able to finally experience it personally Friday night was a dream come true. Again, the concert and crowd was amazing!!!!!! It was awesome to be in a crowd that was so passionate for U2!!! And by the way...your city is probably the most friendliest!!! I definitely want to come back to visit more often!!!:hyper:
:up: You have a right to be proud!!! I have been waiting to see U2 in Montreal since I was 13 years old. I have heard over and over again over the years that the shows in Montreal were awesome and to be able to finally experience it personally Friday night was a dream come true. Again, the concert and crowd was amazing!!!!!! It was awesome to be in a crowd that was so passionate for U2!!! And by the way...your city is probably the most friendliest!!! I definitely want to come back to visit more often!!!:hyper:
Katie, what did your stepdaughter think of the show? Where did you guys end up? We stayed for the second show. My husband was accosted by a swarm of u2 fans who told him he should do it.
I would propose that if you want to get a good spot at a show that you turn up physically at a venue and - shock horror - stay put apart from bathroom and food breaks of less than an hour.

This bs about putting your name on a list before you are even physically at a venue and complaining when people who join it while you're away from the line don't like you strolling back with bellys full of a three course meal you ate in the comfort of a bar or restaurant somewhere for 4 hours - it is utterly ridiculous.

And no, I dont need to be more specific. It's happening and people know it.

If you want me to find out which Plebans are involved I could round up a few names for ya!

Go for it. Tell me which Plebans were in charge of setting up this system. Were you there? Is West Coast Brad a closet Pleban?
These shows - the first especially - confirmed that I will always - ALWAYS - be picking Montreal first and foremost as my go to city for a U2 show. Just an awesome time, and even the rain didn't ruin it imo. Well...ok...maybe not THAT much rain, but it was cool all the same. :D
I didn't mind the rain at all. After an awesome show, it was kinda funny really. Now if it had rained like that BEFORE the show, I'd be singing a different tune.
These shows - the first especially - confirmed that I will always - ALWAYS - be picking Montreal first and foremost as my go to city for a U2 show. Just an awesome time, and even the rain didn't ruin it imo. Well...ok...maybe not THAT much rain, but it was cool all the same. :D

I just admitted to Heather last night that I think I could live in Montreal. Between the people and the food and the spirit of the place, it's pretty awesome.
I didn't mind the rain at all. After an awesome show, it was kinda funny really. Now if it had rained like that BEFORE the show, I'd be singing a different tune.

No word of a lie - I felt Montreal 1 was magical, even after all the line BS, getting burnt to a crisp in the sun, barely eating, etc. I don't understand comments that it was just ok, I felt Bono was freakin on FIRE. The band was tight and energetic. The crowd, up the the very last row in the nosebleeds, was standing, dancing, singing, swaying...it was amazing. When the first droplets of rain started during MOS I actually said it to the people I was with "wow - it's actually going to summer shower on us, this is fucking amazing". We all had our hands up in the air and I just thought that was so special to feel it starting to come down, so refreshing.

And then the sky opened up...... :lol: I guess that was a be careful what you wish for moment! :wink:
No word of a lie - I felt Montreal 1 was magical, even after all the line BS, getting burnt to a crisp in the sun, barely eating, etc. I don't understand comments that it was just ok, I felt Bono was freakin on FIRE. The band was tight and energetic. The crowd, up the the very last row in the nosebleeds, was standing, dancing, singing, swaying...it was amazing. When the first droplets of rain started during MOS I actually said it to the people I was with "wow - it's actually going to summer shower on us, this is fucking amazing". We all had our hands up in the air and I just thought that was so special to feel it starting to come down, so refreshing.

And then the sky opened up...... :lol: I guess that was a be careful what you wish for moment! :wink:

When it started to rain a little, I said to my husband - that show was so beautiful that God wept.

Five minutes later I said, Okay...God just bawled.

I'm happy that the Lord didn't care for the second show. :lol:
When it started to rain a little, I said to my husband - that show was so beautiful that God wept.

Five minutes later I said, Okay...God just bawled.

I'm happy that the Lord didn't care for the second show. :lol:


We were wondering how much dustier and dirtier the Hippodrome would have been on Saturday if not for the douching. (Douching is French, right? :D )
No word of a lie - I felt Montreal 1 was magical, even after all the line BS, getting burnt to a crisp in the sun, barely eating, etc. I don't understand comments that it was just ok, I felt Bono was freakin on FIRE. The band was tight and energetic. The crowd, up the the very last row in the nosebleeds, was standing, dancing, singing, swaying...it was amazing. When the first droplets of rain started during MOS I actually said it to the people I was with "wow - it's actually going to summer shower on us, this is fucking amazing". We all had our hands up in the air and I just thought that was so special to feel it starting to come down, so refreshing.

And then the sky opened up...... :lol: I guess that was a be careful what you wish for moment! :wink:

I couldn't agree with you more! Montreal 1 was AMAZING. When Larry started hitting those drums during Even Better... I lost all memories of the horrible GA experience and the amateurs running security (Oh ofcourse people will stay behind a piece of rope:doh:)! I was blown away by the energy of the band and the crowd.

And there was something magical about the ending with the rain. It was a crazy ending to a crazy day! The first show will stay with me for a long time:up:

As for Montreal 2 I didn't think the crowd or the band was that into it. The first part of the show I enjoyed but from City Of Blinding Lights onwards I began to tune out. I did LOVE the Hallelujah snippet, but I felt like the band was going through the motions and in my opinion songs like One and With Or Without needed to be retired a loooong time ago!
Katie, what did your stepdaughter think of the show? Where did you guys end up? We stayed for the second show. My husband was accosted by a swarm of u2 fans who told him he should do it.

My stepdaughter ended up staying home to watch our 7 year old son for the weekend due to a family emergency. So unfortunately she could not experience U2 :sad:. We would have showed up at the pub but got into the city late so I was sad that I did not get to meet you...I needed all the help I could from the U2 fans because my hubby and I ended up soundboarding at the concert (center soundboard) and at the last minute, my husband decided to get out of the crowd and hang out by the concession stands. Needless to say, I missed my golden opportunity to get into the pit!!!:angry::banghead: Next time I am doing GA solo!!!

These shows - the first especially - confirmed that I will always - ALWAYS - be picking Montreal first and foremost as my go to city for a U2 show. Just an awesome time, and even the rain didn't ruin it imo. Well...ok...maybe not THAT much rain, but it was cool all the same. :D

No word of a lie - I felt Montreal 1 was magical, even after all the line BS, getting burnt to a crisp in the sun, barely eating, etc. I don't understand comments that it was just ok, I felt Bono was freakin on FIRE. The band was tight and energetic. The crowd, up the the very last row in the nosebleeds, was standing, dancing, singing, swaying...it was amazing. When the first droplets of rain started during MOS I actually said it to the people I was with "wow - it's actually going to summer shower on us, this is fucking amazing". We all had our hands up in the air and I just thought that was so special to feel it starting to come down, so refreshing.

And then the sky opened up...... :lol: I guess that was a be careful what you wish for moment! :wink:

:up: I agree with you 100%!!!!
There were a couple of moments at the end of the show that can only be described as biblical. (after MOS). First watching 80,000 funnel out to one exit in torrential rain as well as the lashing rain as they say in Ireland. The stuff of Heston movies.

I seriously feared for the claw when it started to pour. The lining was taking a beating.
It's after the concerts, obviously, but anyone who was charmed enough to want to come back some day and wants to learn more about Montreal should watch the fourth hour of tomorrow morning's Today Show on NBC. They'll be doing an extended segment from the city and looking at some of the more popular spots.
No word of a lie - I felt Montreal 1 was magical, even after all the line BS, getting burnt to a crisp in the sun, barely eating, etc. I don't understand comments that it was just ok, I felt Bono was freakin on FIRE. The band was tight and energetic. The crowd, up the the very last row in the nosebleeds, was standing, dancing, singing, swaying...it was amazing. When the first droplets of rain started during MOS I actually said it to the people I was with "wow - it's actually going to summer shower on us, this is fucking amazing". We all had our hands up in the air and I just thought that was so special to feel it starting to come down, so refreshing.

And then the sky opened up...... :lol: I guess that was a be careful what you wish for moment! :wink:

i appricate your comments on this one. out of curiosity what were ur thoughts on night 2?
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